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The day I decided to get armed. A very near miss story.


Regular Member
Sep 29, 2008
Lawrence, Michigan, United States
I posted because did not pay attention to the date, and I will stay current from now on. CC=Conceal Carry. Anytime you can walk, drive away from a threat, its a very good thing,and I have many times. Concealed carry is just that, concealed, people cant see it. Open carry is just that, open. It can be seen. This can do one of three things, deter the situation, get your gun taken from you and used against you, or just get you shot when the criminal sees your gun on you if you walk in on a robbery or something to that nature. Concealed carry is said to be concealed, as it is named, and you surprize the criminal when you have to draw your weapon and stop the threat. :banana:

Please cite one instance where a person OCing got shot because of there OCed gun. And no the guy that had his gun grabbed and then chased the thief does not count. I almost always have a CCed bug when I OC thus if you grab for the primary and somehow manage to defeat my SA and level 3 Safariland holster you have just invited me to shoot you repeatedly with my BUG.

Sent from my AOSP on geeb_att_us using Tapatalk 2


Regular Member
Aug 9, 2013
God almighty, I have never ever seen a bunch of grown *** men get their panties in a wad about open carry. Listen, I am all for open carry, concealed carry, the second amendment, our gun rights. If someone wants to carry open, more power to them, I fully support it. It scares me personally to do it, but I support it, anything with carrying, open or concealed I support. Carry on.

Just making conversation, didnt mean to get everyone mad.

Moderators, if im not welcome on here, ban me. But im all for gun rights just like all of you. And as far as the dancing banana , ****** ********. I wasnt making fun of open carry or carrying or using a gun in any way. :banghead::question::uhoh::confused:
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Regular Member
Aug 9, 2013
I never ever said CC was better then OC. Never, because I do not think that. Its a personal choice,a nd I support both, but do just one unless im hunting, or at the range. I never said I was trying to convince or persuade any of you to CC over OC. Over reaction.


Regular Member
Aug 9, 2013
Imo, one has a moral duty to treat others with kindness and respect. Although some people certainly test my adherence to that principle. And granted given sufficent buttmunchery on the other's part, you can't fault too heavily the average job who gives in and devolves to their level of flipping somebody off or whatnot.

However, I strongly agree that WHEN CARRYING one has a much stronger duty to not only refrain from being a jerk towards others, but a duty to avoid confrontation if at all possible. If you can walk away, even if in the legal right not to, just wallking away from somebody who is trying to instigate is clearly the only policy when CCing or OCing.

Ime, most OCers/CCWers to a very large extent ARE exercising restraint when carrying. They are an incredibly responsible and low crime demographic I might add

Thank you for the kind words, and understanding Palo. I think you get me. OC and CC are both good.


Regular Member
Aug 9, 2013
Dudeman1 welcome to the forum.

Have to wonder why you start off with 4 posts to threads that are over 2 years old - that is severe necro posting and will not earn bonus points. Please stay more current.

Also stessing that you CC only is intended to convey what message? I'd rather prevent negative encounters w/BG than "surprise him.

The dancing banana is off the post. Sorry if it offended you.


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
God almighty, I have never ever seen a bunch of grown *** men get their panties in a wad about open carry. Listen, I am all for open carry, concealed carry, the second amendment, our gun rights. If someone wants to carry open, more power to them, I fully support it. It scares me personally to do it, but I support it, anything with carrying, open or concealed I support. Carry on.

Just making conversation, didnt mean to get everyone mad.

Moderators, if im not welcome on here, ban me. But im all for gun rights just like all of you. And as far as the dancing banana goes, lighten up man, ****** ********. I wasnt making fun of open carry or carrying or using a gun in any way. :banghead::question::uhoh::confused:
No one was rude or disrespectful too you, but don't expect that erroneous information will go unanswered.

You didn't make anyone mad, you are welcome here - hope you stay and keep an open mind. Saying that you are scared of OC is OK too - its not for everybody. You might try to attend a local meet n' greet and gain some insight as to what OC is really like.

As far as lighting up on use of lethal force - that's not liable to happen any time soon - waay to serious a subject. where there are no winners.

You will note that some verbiage was edited in you prior/quoted post. We are a widely read public forum and do not speak in a manner that grandmothers, children, ministers, etc. might find offensive.

We are all asked to be self-moderating on OCDO, so a formal introduction to a Moderator should not be necessary. Nevertheless I will say again "Welcome to OCDO".


Campaign Veteran
Jan 15, 2007
God almighty, I have never ever seen a bunch of grown *** men get their panties in a wad about open carry. Listen, I am all for open carry, concealed carry, the second amendment, our gun rights. If someone wants to carry open, more power to them, I fully support it. It scares me personally to do it, but I support it, anything with carrying, open or concealed I support. Carry on.

Just making conversation, didnt mean to get everyone mad.

Moderators, if im not welcome on here, ban me. But im all for gun rights just like all of you. And as far as the dancing banana , ****** ********. I wasnt making fun of open carry or carrying or using a gun in any way. :banghead::question::uhoh::confused:

I've always wanted to say this. Thanks for the opportunity.

IBTL! (In before the lock for those thast do not want to bother looking it up.)

Normally I'd add my "Welcome to OCDO" to everybidy else's, but it seems you are intentionally making it hard to extend that greeting. You are the FNG here but start off in a forum dedicated to promoting the lawful OPEN CARRY of holstered handguns by putting down the notion of open carrying and by making statements about the use of lethal force in circumstances where it has not been reasonably established that the "standard" of imminent threat of death or serious bodily injury has been established.

I openly and freely admit to being suspicious, often to the point of bordering on paranoia. Your choice of threads to respond to as your first contacts with us (yes, this is more than a mere forum - it is a social association of sorts) being threads that were left sleeping does make the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. Had you, being interested in the topic, responded by both introducing yourself and suggesting a notion that did not seem to have been covered in the original discussion, I might not be as suspicious.

We do not require anybody to submit a resume or curriculuum vitae - unless they are holding themself out as a subject-matter expert - but it always helps to both introduce yourself and to "get the flavor of" the forum and some of the posters before jumping in telling us how and why we are all wrong.

The moderators and administrators have a great deal of patienc, as they hold the belief that folks can learn and change behavior. But you have managed to be put on short notice a lot quicker than many other newbies who have not been involved very long in the open carry "movement". FYI - the members of the forum who are not moderators or administrators seem to have less patience than those "in charge". Which, I suppose, is why we are not in charge.

stay safe.


Regular Member
Feb 12, 2012
Thank you for the kind words, and understanding Palo. I think you get me. OC and CC are both good.

Glad we can agree on such an important topic, one that ultimately can have life or death consequences.


Firearms Iinstuctor

Regular Member
Jul 12, 2011
northern wis
I suggest you evaluate realistically.

"Less than 2 seconds", while seated (seatbelt on) in a vehicle, weapon concealed under fabric on your person, is simply not a reality.

Was the firearm in a glovebox or other external area?

Even then, less than 2 seconds is not a reality.

Two seconds while seated a vehicle is very realistic with the right carry position and holster.

Yes if one is not paying attention and has their firearm at the 4 o'clock with their seat belt holding their shirt or jacket down over their firearm. It could be very well slow your draw down a lot.

Left handed people have a lot harder time to driver side threats then right handed people.

I offer a firearms in and around vehicle training course that could and can help you understand the realities of use of your personal defensive weapons around your vehicle.

Here's a link o one of my clients experience with the training.



Campaign Veteran
Aug 13, 2007
Fairfax County, Virginia
I will admit to speculating on the mental capabilities of... the occasional traffic engineer.

There is a stoplight in Daly City, CA which I swear was programmed as a joke. Not a funny joke, mind you, but...

The light is one of those were two neighborhoods on either side come out onto a larger artery. The light is a "smart" light, such that during the day the light cycles only when folks actually need to get out of their neighborhood.

So far, so good. Come late night, however (there's a 24-hour burger joint nearby, which is how I became so familiar with this), things take a turn for the surreal. Keep in mind, this artery is pretty deserted at night. Traffic is so light that you could get away with making all the lights flashing yellow – and indeed most of them become so this late.

Anyway, the sensor for this light is tuned to see your approach, and it will actively turn the light red upon your arrival. It does so early enough that you'd have to be speeding (beyond recklessly) to make it through, but late enough that, unless you're creeping at well under the speed limit, you will have to come to a complete stop before it changes back to green. The cross light never turns green during all this – once your light hits full red it cycles back to green.

Mind you, if they wanted to turn it into a stop sign at night, they could have just made the light flashing red. But no, that wasn't clever enough for some asshat engineer. Better to play games with drivers by presenting them with a solid, unchanging green light they can see for almost a mile back, only to change it to red at the last minute.

I'm 100% certain whoever made that decision should be forced into a new career with no further compensation.


Jul 11, 2008
Yuma, Arizona, USA
It might not be intentional, just screwed up.

There is a stoplight in Daly City, CA which I swear was programmed as a joke. Not a funny joke, mind you, but...

The light is one of those were two neighborhoods on either side come out onto a larger artery. The light is a "smart" light, such that during the day the light cycles only when folks actually need to get out of their neighborhood.

So far, so good. Come late night, however (there's a 24-hour burger joint nearby, which is how I became so familiar with this), things take a turn for the surreal. Keep in mind, this artery is pretty deserted at night. Traffic is so light that you could get away with making all the lights flashing yellow – and indeed most of them become so this late.

Anyway, the sensor for this light is tuned to see your approach, and it will actively turn the light red upon your arrival. It does so early enough that you'd have to be speeding (beyond recklessly) to make it through, but late enough that, unless you're creeping at well under the speed limit, you will have to come to a complete stop before it changes back to green. The cross light never turns green during all this – once your light hits full red it cycles back to green.

Mind you, if they wanted to turn it into a stop sign at night, they could have just made the light flashing red. But no, that wasn't clever enough for some asshat engineer. Better to play games with drivers by presenting them with a solid, unchanging green light they can see for almost a mile back, only to change it to red at the last minute.

I'm 100% certain whoever made that decision should be forced into a new career with no further compensation.

Lots of things in life do not work well simplyl becasue of ignorance, stupidity, randomness or some combination of all three.


Regular Member
Mar 22, 2012
The High Plains of Wyoming
I live in the Charleston area of WV. I am a young male in my early 20s who sometimes likes to walk the trails at one of my local parks. This story takes place in Coonskin park down by Yeager airport here in town. The park in question is a posted "no firearms" zone (it dosnt have any real legal backing that I can see however). One day I was about to hit my favorite route when a middle aged male pulled in the lot where I was parked. This guy was the only living soul I saw in the park that day and he decided to come and talk to me. This alone struck me as odd. Upon parking, he came straight over and began a conversation with me. I realized after the first couple of sentences that he didnt really have any reason to talk to me. He wasnt asking for directions or anything like I thought maybe he would. The conversation instead turned creepy at an alarming rate. This guy began asking questions about if I lived in the area and if I came to the park often or if I worked in the area. When I returned these questions I recieved a slow and what I expect was a false answer. So, at this point my "major crap o meter" that momma raised me with began to hit the "run now" mark. But this wasnt the end of the situation.... I noticed that this gentleman never took his eyes off me. Not once did he look away from my face or give any hint that he was a normal guy making a normal meeting. I then noticed that he seemed to have a bad case of crotch rot. This dude began digging, and I mean DIGGING at the crotch of his pants in full view of me. This went way beyond the occasional underwear malfunction! Creepy enough for ya? Now, at this time I was not armed. I had a small pocket knife but otherwise I was all alone (not even a cell phone). In order to escape to my car I would have had to go thru this guy and turn my back to him or I would have made a break for it when he began playing with Mr. Jonhson! I eventually made a casual retreat back to my ride by pretending to be interested in a random fallen log. He followed my every step.... Upon reaching my car I checked my watch and announced I needed to go. He looked very sad at this new turn of events but decided to stand his ground and let me leave. He didnt move until I had pulled completely out of the lot and then just as I came to the main road I noticed that he had followed me out. This guy rode my bumper over half way back to my home before turning and going his own way. Looking for a little fuzzy man love maybe? Or maybe he wanted some drugs. I dont care to find out. This was the day I decided to start carrying. I have been a firearm geek most of my life, but until that day I had never carried for defense. Since then I enrolled in a CCW class and have been armed whenever possible. I call this a near miss. All it would have taken was one well placed punch and I could have had a very bad experience at the hands of a nutjob. Thank God I made it out unharmed.

So, what are your stories? Anybody find themselves in a simailar situation?
