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Detained at Sonny's BBQ


Regular Member
Mar 12, 2009
Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA
This evening I was detained by BRPD for exercising my rights as protected by the Second Amendment to the US Constitution and Article 1 Section 11 of the Louisiana state constitution.

I was picking up dinner at Sonny's (on Florida Blvd) when an officer approached and asked what I was doing. (obviously picking up dinner with my credit card in hand speaking to the cashier at the window). I was detained, disarmed and searched. I was asked to sit with my hands on my head while back-up was in route(4 other officer soon arrived). I asked why I was being detained and the aggitated officer responded in the affirmative that it was due to my legal carry of a firearm. When I pushed the issue he threatened me with arrest for 'disturbing the peace'. I asked who's piece I had disturbed and he asked if I was lawyer. Of course I'm not. Again I asked who's piece I had disturbed and how OC could be considered disturbing the piece. He did not respond. This is when other officer's arrived.

All responding officers were aware that it was legal, yet they all said that it was their job to stop me and "check me out." After they ran my driver's license, which I gave up freely as I had just pulled in my truck, the officer seemed especially perturbed when he found that I had a CHP. I was told that it was my responsibility to inform the officer that I have a permit even if it was only for CC. I was threatened with them calling LSP to revoke my CHP. Each time they were met with, "how would that change the fact that I was and will continue to OC?" I was accosted for being "one of those guys." The original officer asked for my phone number. Which I again gave freely, I know that's not what I'm supposed to do. I followed with asking why they needed my number. Agian this aggitated the officer and his was reponse was for the report.

Each officer asked why I was openly carrying my firearm. They were all met with, "for my personal defense." The original officer took my firearm, magazine and ejected round to my truck and locked it.

After 15-20minutes, I was free to leave. I finally paid for and recieved my dinner. One last officer pulled up and asked to speak with me. Asked here my ID was. To which I responded, "back in my pocket." He didn't seem to like that answer though it was the truth. He again informed me that I should CC because I have a license. I told him, "I will take that into consideration." He asked me what my problem was and to spit out what was on my mind. I told him it was legal to OC and that I was a little agitated for being treated like a criminal. He said he was all about owning firearms and that he was a member of the NRA. He again recommended that I CC and let me on my way.

I thought I was fully prepared for such an encounter. I was so aggrevated with the crowd of officers that I was shaking. I don't think it was nervous shaking. I think it was more adrenaline.

On the plus side, my wife who has never liked that I carry, OC or CC, was angry that I was detained and disarmed. She never hinted to the fact that it was my fault for OC. I think this proves that we can normalize OC. She even commented that I should buy another gun. So I went from angry with BRPD to happy my wife is finally coming around to our side.


Regular Member
Aug 29, 2010
This evening I was detained by BRPD for exercising my rights as protected by the Second Amendment to the US Constitution and Article 1 Section 11 of the Louisiana state constitution.

I was picking up dinner at Sonny's (on Florida Blvd) when an officer approached and asked what I was doing. (obviously picking up dinner with my credit card in hand speaking to the cashier at the window). I was detained, disarmed and searched. I was asked to sit with my hands on my head while back-up was in route(4 other officer soon arrived). I asked why I was being detained and the aggitated officer responded in the affirmative that it was due to my legal carry of a firearm. When I pushed the issue he threatened me with arrest for 'disturbing the peace'. I asked who's piece I had disturbed and he asked if I was lawyer. Of course I'm not. Again I asked who's piece I had disturbed and how OC could be considered disturbing the piece. He did not respond. This is when other officer's arrived.

All responding officers were aware that it was legal, yet they all said that it was their job to stop me and "check me out." After they ran my driver's license, which I gave up freely as I had just pulled in my truck, the officer seemed especially perturbed when he found that I had a CHP. I was told that it was my responsibility to inform the officer that I have a permit even if it was only for CC. I was threatened with them calling LSP to revoke my CHP. Each time they were met with, "how would that change the fact that I was and will continue to OC?" I was accosted for being "one of those guys." The original officer asked for my phone number. Which I again gave freely, I know that's not what I'm supposed to do. I followed with asking why they needed my number. Agian this aggitated the officer and his was reponse was for the report.

Each officer asked why I was openly carrying my firearm. They were all met with, "for my personal defense." The original officer took my firearm, magazine and ejected round to my truck and locked it.

After 15-20minutes, I was free to leave. I finally paid for and recieved my dinner. One last officer pulled up and asked to speak with me. Asked here my ID was. To which I responded, "back in my pocket." He didn't seem to like that answer though it was the truth. He again informed me that I should CC because I have a license. I told him, "I will take that into consideration." He asked me what my problem was and to spit out what was on my mind. I told him it was legal to OC and that I was a little agitated for being treated like a criminal. He said he was all about owning firearms and that he was a member of the NRA. He again recommended that I CC and let me on my way.

I thought I was fully prepared for such an encounter. I was so aggrevated with the crowd of officers that I was shaking. I don't think it was nervous shaking. I think it was more adrenaline.

On the plus side, my wife who has never liked that I carry, OC or CC, was angry that I was detained and disarmed. She never hinted to the fact that it was my fault for OC. I think this proves that we can normalize OC. She even commented that I should buy another gun. So I went from angry with BRPD to happy my wife is finally coming around to our side.

I hope you had your recorder going, and I hope you follow up with a lawsuit for the adult version of kidnapping since they detained you for what they admitted was lawful activity.


Regular Member
Mar 30, 2012
Powhatan, Va
I think I would be speaking to lawyer. That was so far out of line and completely harrasment! Did you get names and badge numbers? I very much hope you did?


Regular Member
Aug 7, 2007
Granite State of Mind
Did you re-arm between the first group leaving, and the last officer arriving? I would have, just wasn't sure if he was there in response to the previous activity, or on his own because you were OCing again.


Regular Member
Apr 12, 2012
Too may of these travesties go on unchecked.

PLEASE PLEASE take the effort to file complaints, or a law suit or whatever can be done.


Regular Member
Mar 12, 2009
Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA
I did not have my recorder on nor was I able to remember badge numbers. And yes I looked at every one of them. I will be requesting a copy of the report. We will see how far I have to take it.

georg jetson

Regular Member
Sep 14, 2009
Slidell, Louisiana
I did not have my recorder on nor was I able to remember badge numbers. And yes I looked at every one of them. I will be requesting a copy of the report. We will see how far I have to take it.

Thanks for sharing the story here. As far as "We will see how far I have to take it", we must pursue our means of justice as citizens. This means a lawsuit must be filed or the criminals with uniforms will continue to badger and intimidate.

Let us know if you need help finding an attorney.


Regular Member
Mar 12, 2009
Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA
Thanks for sharing the story here. As far as "We will see how far I have to take it", we must pursue our means of justice as citizens. This means a lawsuit must be filed or the criminals with uniforms will continue to badger and intimidate.

Let us know if you need help finding an attorney.

Do you know one? I know plenty of attorney's but none who would take a civil rights case.


Regular Member
Mar 22, 2012
The High Plains of Wyoming
Along with a copy of ALL reports & radio traffic get ALL dash cam videos from ALL Stasi involved. You need to get the paper work (FOIA) filed ASAP before anything can go "missing".


Regular Member
May 24, 2009
Chandler, AZ
Do you know one? I know plenty of attorney's but none who would take a civil rights case.

I can personally recommend John Monroe. john.monroe1@earthlink.net

He has won MANY lawsuits, including one for me against the city of Madison as well as several others in the state of WI.

He is based out of GA.

edited to fix state. My bad!
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papa bear

Regular Member
Jul 25, 2010
mayberry, nc
no disrespect for you you were accosted and manhandled for legal carry by the SS. so i can understand your adrenaline surge. strike this up also as an education to you when this happens again (and it will)

MSG Laigaie

Campaign Veteran
Jan 10, 2011
Philipsburg, Montana
I have a question. Did the Officer(s) involved, at any time, draw a weapon? If so, was it at "low ready" or did they actually point the weapon at your person??

I had a similar situation here in Washington State where officer Allen Bass drew a weapon and repeatedly pointed it at my stomach. Officer Allen Bass also knew that OC was a legal form of carry, but he obviously attempted to intimidate me thru color of law. Please Please Please follow thru on prosecuting these people. You were not shot this time, the next Citizen may not be as lucky.


Regular Member
Mar 12, 2009
Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA
At no time did anyone draw a weapon. Nor did they "unsnap" or ready themselves. I am currently waiting on a call from #2 or #3 in BRPD command, whom I know personally. A report was filed by the original officer and I am anxious to read it. Will update with more info after my conversation.

OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation
He said, they said without a recording.

Good luck to you on gathering any 'evidence' of their illegal conduct.

keep us posted one way or the other.


Regular Member
Mar 12, 2009
Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA
So far it appears BRPD high command is siding, surprisingly, with me. I will be meeting with higher-ups, hopefully next week.

They have agreed to meet me at Sonny's in order for me to reenact the events, followed by lunch and a discussion of how all parties did and should have react. Time and date not buttoned down yet. Waiting on scheduling conflicts.

They will search for the audio/video of the event as the report is lacking in detail. I have not read it yet. I plan to read it after my reenactment, because I don't want the report to impede my judgement or memory of the event.

I have informed them that I would like a copy of the audio as to confirm that I handled the situation as I feel I did.

Before y'all scream about not filing paperwork and getting a lawyer involved to cover my arse, the "higher-ups" are close friends of the family. I have no reason to suspect they will cover this up. They have already agreed the officers were in the wrong if the events played out the way I told them.


Regular Member
Mar 22, 2012
The High Plains of Wyoming
they will search for the audio/video of the event as the report is lacking in detail . I have not read it yet. I plan to read it after my reenactment, because i don't want the report to impede my judgement or memory of the event.

well gooooly: Surprise surprise surprise!!!!!!!

OK; higher ups admit officers did wrong; I'd still sue the individual officers under 42 USC 1983 & 1985; I'd make it a personal mission to destroy the rest of their lives (if anyone doubts that, I did it to a former employer and still think fondly of the deed).
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Regular Member
Oct 24, 2008
Louisiana, USA
no disrespect for you you were accosted and manhandled for legal carry by the SS. so i can understand your adrenaline surge. strike this up also as an education to you when this happens again (and it will)
I agree, they were just letting you know what you will have to look forward to in the future as an open carry advocate, the fact that you even had a concealed carry permit and they did not back off shows that they had an agenda.


Regular Member
Mar 12, 2009
Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA
Had lunch with BRPD. It appears that an investigation has been started.

I found out that there is a witness who has come forward to verify the temperament of the officers and verified my story to a degree.

I have yet to see the report, however I have heard what was in it. Some of his points were stretched imagination while others were completely fabricated.

From a reliable source I have found out that the audio and video does not exist.

I will keep you posted as this proceeds.

Again, at this point I am offering BRPD the chance to rectify the situation so this does not happen again. However next time I will not be so cordial.

BRPD has been informed that should there be a next time, I will file all necessary paperwork for a lawsuit and IA investigation.

I hope this saves you guys some heart ache and headaches.