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Travel thru Nevada, what do I need to know?


Regular Member
Apr 20, 2009
South Whidbey, Washington, USA
Hi all. My wife & I will be driving from phoenix to Seattle tomorrow (friday), and we're thinking of going tru Nevada (wife wants to see Vegas). I'm trying to look up the relevant laws but I'm finding it very confusing. I know our WA cpl's are not valid there, and supposedly Nevada is a gold star state, but not in north Vegas? Some funny business about "displaying" at rest stops? And how best for my wife to transport her sidearm, as she hates open carry (glove box? Console? Unloaded in inaccessible lock box?)? I'm finding alot of conflicting info & "still being researched, any help much appreciated.

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Regular Member
Mar 21, 2012
United States
I can't speak to North Las Vegas' regs but in the rest of Nevada you can open carry on your person and in the car. You can also conceal a loaded handgun in your car in any place except upon your body.


Campaign Veteran
Jul 31, 2011
...supposedly Nevada is a gold star state, but not in north Vegas? Some funny business about "displaying" at rest stops? And how best for my wife to transport her sidearm, as she hates open carry (glove box? Console? Unloaded in inaccessible lock box?)?..

You can open carry here, even in North Las Vegas. NLV is traditionally the least friendly to it, but I know of no recent hassles of normal-looking clean-cut people, not to say they should be detaining the grunge crowd either. The NLV Police may be defunct by the time you get here anyway; the city is completely bankrupt.

I know of no cases of the "displaying" of a firearm at a rest stop. It's a weird state law that made the books that has no definition.

Other than not being concealed on your person, there are no restrictions on having a handgun in the vehicle. It can be anywhere, hidden or not, and fully loaded. Rifles and shotguns the same, except they cannot have a round in the chamber. Seat belts and car seats do not count as concealing garments if you are openly carrying.

Let me know when you will be here. I'm extremely busy, but there is always a chance I'll be free for a drink or something.


Regular Member
Oct 31, 2011
Honestly, there is no reason to stop in North Las Vegas. if you're traveling to Seattle.

Most of the entertainment in is in Las Vegas.

Do you plan on overnighting in LV or just driving by? If overnighting, you will want to think about securing your firearms as most casinos do not like open carry.



Regular Member
Jun 12, 2008
La Paz county, Arizona.
welcome to NV.

The NRS specifically mentions the glove compartment so that is the most logical place if you're not OC.

Do make sure to OC outside of the vehicle if car, there is no legal way to carry concealed outside of a vehicle without a ccw.

that being said, outside of Reno/Vegas area - everyone minds there own biz.


Regular Member
Apr 20, 2009
South Whidbey, Washington, USA
Hey thanks for the info guys. We ended up not doing the Vegas thing due to the big pile o stuff in the back of the truck, but we're planning on doing the drive again in a couple years and making Vegas a must see. Does nv do non resident permits?

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New member
Aug 9, 2011
Maricopa, AZ
We travel back and forth from PHX to Vegas several times a year, including this weekend to my parents house in NLV and never had an issue with open carry at all. As for any permits, you can be in Las Vegas Clark County up to 60 days and not need a permit.
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Campaign Veteran
Jul 31, 2011
We travel back and forth from PHX to Vegas several times a year, including this weekend to my parents house in NLV and never had an issue with open carry at all. As for any permits, you can be in Las Vegas Clark County up to 60 days and not need a permit.

I'm not sure what you are answering because this is false.

The only "permit" needed in this state is to carry firearms concealed on one's person. Non-resident permits are handled the same as resident permits. The mandatory training class must take place in the state.

Registration of handguns is only for residents of Clark County. Visitors can be here indefinitely without registering their handguns, until something happens that makes them residents.


Regular Member
Aug 25, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
We travel back and forth from PHX to Vegas several times a year, including this weekend to my parents house in NLV and never had an issue with open carry at all. As for any permits, you can be in Las Vegas Clark County up to 60 days and not need a permit.

Pretty sure you mean you can be in Las Vegas up to 60 days without needing to REGISTER a handgun. If you conceal without a permit, it's a felony

Yes I do believe NV does non resident concealed carry weapons (ccw) permits. NV doesn't recognize as many out of state permits as it once did.

In accordance with NRS 202.3689 (effective October 1, 2007) the State of Nevada will recognize the following States' CCW permit holders:

Alaska,Arizona*,Arkansas,Kansas,Kentucky*,Louisiana,Michigan,Missouri,Nebraska,New Mexico,North Carolina,Ohio,Tennessee,Rhode Island,South Carolina - Effective July 1, 2012,West Virginia

*Effective July 1, 2011


New member
Aug 9, 2011
Maricopa, AZ
Yea this is what I meant but it didn't come out that way

"Pretty sure you mean you can be in Las Vegas up to 60 days without needing to REGISTER a handgun"