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Pulled out of my apartment at gun point by swat members


Regular Member
Apr 12, 2012
You guys are amazing. How does anyone here know the police didn't have cause? Maybe they didn't, but we don't know that, so stop acting like it's an established fact.

Ridiculous. They let him go. Which means there was nothing they could pin on him. The evidence available suggest the only reason they arrested him was for OCing.

BTW just as a side note I recommend a video camera at the door. I have two cameras at my front door and a mic which record 24/7 with a 2 TB HDD so the A/V is only recorded over every 3-4 months. I think if a team of cops showed up knocking on the door it probably would go unanswered.


Regular Member
May 9, 2010
Don't post anything and call an attorney.

Gogo is 100% right. Don't post anything and call an attorney. Call Lizanne Padula in Bellevue WA for a referal of a good attorney in your area. Get a voice recorder and record everything that was said and done by you and the police from the minute you left the apt to get the mail to the last minute the police left. Names, badge numbers, witnesses and their phone numbers. Don't post here. Don't file a complaint with the police or anyone else.. CALL AN ATTORNEY, CALL AN ATTORNEY. Don't tell other people about this. This is between you and your ATTORNEY ONLY. Here is Lizanne Padula's phone number. 425-336-1549. The only way a police dept. changes is after the city has to pay large sums of money for their police dept. screw ups. I am in the middle of suing the police dept. so I know what i'm talking about. Call Lizanne, hopefully she knows a good lawyer in Spokane. Private message me if you have questions.


Regular Member
Apr 20, 2009
South Whidbey, Washington, USA

(in before the lawyers, hah!)

No. Pronouncements that the police acted outside the law are unethical. We don't know that. [/COLOR]

In any given post on this forum I will gladly give benefit of the doubt to any forum member with an established membership & a few hundred posts over the third-hand word of the police. The OP has given me no reason to doubt him, so I'll believe what he says unless/until conflicting info comes to light. Especially when it seems acting unethically is the default state of most police forces these days....

Trigger Dr

Regular Member
Oct 3, 2007
Wa, ,
i know the cops personally- they said it didn't happen like that

RIGHT and you know they would N E V E R lie. Are you one of the SPD? Get the FOIA, file complaint via an attorney.
Maybe LAMMO can shed some light on this.
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