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FL to reach 1 million carry permits in the next few weeks!!!!


Regular Member
Oct 5, 2008
Punta Gorda, Florida, USA
Ouch! Run over by a carload of trolls and I never saw it coming!!

Serves me right. I was so busy at the range that it went right over my head!!

Must be the senility starting to kick in, eh?

Oh yeah, here's a picture of me going after the last batch of guys who "trolled" me and thought they got away with it. (hehehe)




Regular Member
Jun 29, 2008
SE of DiSOrDEr, ,
Ouch! Run over by a carload of trolls and I never saw it coming!!

Serves me right. I was so busy at the range that it went right over my head!!

Must be the senility starting to kick in, eh?

Oh yeah, here's a picture of me going after the last batch of guys who "trolled" me and thought they got away with it. (hehehe)



Where do you guys do IDPA down there, AD? Going to visit my folks in Ft. Myers soon. Would love to drop in on a match.


Regular Member
Oct 5, 2008
Punta Gorda, Florida, USA
Where do you guys do IDPA down there, AD? Going to visit my folks in Ft. Myers soon. Would love to drop in on a match.
You're in luck. We do a weekly IDPA shoot at 6pm on every Monday night of the year and the 2nd Saturday of the month at 9am.

The shoot is at the Hansen Range just up the road off US41 coming out of Fort Myers.

The Monday night session is 4 stages while the Saturday one is 8 full stages.

If it's your first time at our range, plan on showing up at 5:30pm or so for a quick range briefing.

Bring $10, a box of ammo, eyes and ears and your carry gun!!

I'm there every Monday except the last two weeks in August due to my annual trek to Sturgis.

Would love to have you show up. I'll take enough videos to make Spielberg look like a piker!!

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Regular Member
Oct 11, 2008
You're in luck. We do a weekly IDPA shoot at 6pm on every Monday night of the year and the 2nd Saturday of the month at 9am.

The shoot is at the Hansen Range just up the road off US41 coming out of Fort Myers.

The Monday night session is 4 stages while the Saturday one is 8 full stages.

If it's your first time at our range, plan on showing up at 5:30pm or so for a quick range briefing.

Bring $10, a box of ammo, eyes and ears and your carry gun!!

I'm there every Monday except the last two weeks in August due to my annual trek to Sturgis.

Would love to have you show up. I'll take enough videos to make Spielberg look like a piker!!


i don't know what that means but i want to come too. what do you do there? go through a course and shoot things? please don't troll me


Campaign Veteran
Jul 31, 2011
So back to the OP, that's over $100M in the state coffers from law-abiding firearm-carrying permittees around the nation. Any other group finance the state that well?

Is it known how many are Florida residents v non-residents?


Regular Member
Oct 5, 2008
Punta Gorda, Florida, USA
i don't know what that means but i want to come too. what do you do there? go through a course and shoot things? please don't troll me

Well, this is kind of off topic here but to answer both questions, here's a sample of what we (I) do. You'll be welcome to shoot as long as you're safe.

What most people find out is that shooting year after year at a "square range" doesn't reall help in improving your thinking and shooting plans!!

Anyway, the reason this video is worth watching is because on a swinging target, I scored a six (not good) but I did manage to shoot it "in the nads", as was relayed to me by the scorer.

Come on out and do some "running and gunning" instead of just standing on the firing line and throwning lead downrange.

If I knew how to embed a YouTube video, I'd do it here but this link will have to suffice for now.




Regular Member
Jun 29, 2008
SE of DiSOrDEr, ,
You're in luck. We do a weekly IDPA shoot at 6pm on every Monday night of the year and the 2nd Saturday of the month at 9am.

The shoot is at the Hansen Range just up the road off US41 coming out of Fort Myers.

The Monday night session is 4 stages while the Saturday one is 8 full stages.

If it's your first time at our range, plan on showing up at 5:30pm or so for a quick range briefing.

Bring $10, a box of ammo, eyes and ears and your carry gun!!

I'm there every Monday except the last two weeks in August due to my annual trek to Sturgis.

Would love to have you show up. I'll take enough videos to make Spielberg look like a piker!!


Excellent! Will get in touch before I come down. IDPA up here (Jax) has gotten to be so burdensome (over 100 shooters/match), I don't enjoy going anymore.

Say hello to my friend Pashence Cannon when you're in Sturgis. She'll be Bartending at One-Eyed Jacks...can't miss her:


State Researcher
Feb 20, 2007
Invisible Mode
The CWL is a slap in the face to the 2nd Amendment of our constitution and all those who died or served to protect it. Rather than convince people that they have the right to keep and bear arms, the CWL reaching 1 mil has shown that we have literally convinced 1 million people in Florida that the 2nd Amendment is null and void - and they accepted it... fml

Wouldn't CWL come under the concept of "reasonable regulation" as described in the Heller case?


Campaign Veteran
Dec 21, 2009
Wouldn't CWL come under the concept of "reasonable regulation" as described in the Heller case?

I don't know? Would Thomas 'DJ T JEFFS' Jefferson throat punch every supreme court justice if he was alive today?


Regular Member
Jan 6, 2011
Adulay, plz, for the love of..just ignore the children. They tend to get mixed up as to whether they are in their Nintendo forums, or the gun forums, with the adults, and end up behaving accordingly.
The more attention you give them, the more they get to giggling like school girls, and are encouraged to keep doing it..

Now, back to the OP.
It would be interesting to see how many of the "1 million" are pro-OC as opposed to being limited to CC,no?


Campaign Veteran
Dec 21, 2009
Adulay, plz, for the love of..just ignore the children. They tend to get mixed up as to whether they are in their Nintendo forums, or the gun forums, with the adults, and end up behaving accordingly.
The more attention you give them, the more they get to giggling like school girls, and are encouraged to keep doing it..

you sound mad j4l... almost as if you were born without a sense of humor.
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Founder's Club Member
Nov 15, 2006
Fairfax Co., VA
hmmm, some might say it helps gun control. Think about it, the government has now convinced almost 1 million people in florida that they need their permission to bear arms, that they do not have such a right. This should be a bad thing, not a good thing. Almost 1 million Floridians are seeking permission to carry from their government!!! I would rather read a headline that reported something like, "over 1 million Floridians have discarded their CWL and are carrying based off their rights which are protected by the 2nd Amendment," or "poll shows that most Floridians that carry do not have a CWL."

The CWL is a slap in the face to the 2nd Amendment of our constitution and all those who died or served to protect it. Rather than convince people that they have the right to keep and bear arms, the CWL reaching 1 mil has shown that we have literally convinced 1 million people in Florida that the 2nd Amendment is null and void - and they accepted it... fml

While true on one level, something else occurs to me.

Think of all those people who feel special because they have (wow!) a permission slip to carry a gun!

Now, imagine the political fallout if some politician wanted to take away their specialness.

Heh, heh, heh. I wonder if the anti-gunners who demanded permits realized how badly they shot themselves in the foot.


Regular Member
Feb 5, 2007
Marion County, FL
While true on one level, something else occurs to me.

Think of all those people who feel special because they have (wow!) a permission slip to carry a gun!

Now, imagine the political fallout if some politician wanted to take away their specialness.

Heh, heh, heh. I wonder if the anti-gunners who demanded permits realized how badly they shot themselves in the foot.

That's a good point. And after awhile, when most of their friends and relatives get one, they realize it's not such a special status; it's ordinary. Then the suggestion that permits shouldn't be required would meet with little resistance from the average card holder.


Regular Member
Oct 11, 2008
Wouldn't CWL come under the concept of "reasonable regulation" as described in the Heller case?

Can you carry a gun normally in Florida without a CWFL? No? Then it's not a regulation, but a prohibition.


Campaign Veteran
Dec 21, 2009
Can you carry a gun normally in Florida without a CWFL? No? Then it's not a regulation, but a prohibition.

exactly. whenever I hear someone talking about the "gunshine state" or how they're so glad to be in FL because of our lax gun laws I just shake my head and remove myself from the conversation, because of this ^. people don't see it that way, they're totally cool with the permit. I SAY WE MAKE CRIMINALS APPLY FOR PERMITS!