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spreading the word

Gary S

Regular Member
Oct 16, 2012
Broken Arrow
My wife is a property manager for two senior living buildings in sapulpa. Friday she went to a OHA meeting and they had a tulsa sheriff there to talk about open carry, she told me he was extremely vague on the subject and that she had known more just from what i had shared with her.
Well Friday the 14th we are going to Kansas for the company Christmas/annual company meeting, and all the employees that are attending must give a presentation on what the main boss assigns. Well my wife must give a presentation on.... You guessed it, open carry, good thing ill be there i think ill be used for a visual.

Gary S

Regular Member
Oct 16, 2012
Broken Arrow
Wow i forgot about this thread. Just kidding, but surprised on no response as well.

It went ok, my wife did a great presentation on the matter, impressed me how informative she was.
There was one lady who announced she is terrified by guns but with her husband being ex Leo, she knows he has some guns " laying around the house, just not sure where. And very nervous about grand kids coming over." I talked to her and informed her that a responsible thing for him to do was to get a safe to keep them in if not on him, for her piece of mind and most important, safety of her and her grand kids. Really surprised a retired Leo would be so careless.
Also her boss for the regional area is extremely against open carry on there properties, and will see what can be done about it in the meantime. I also told him that its state law as said in presentation there for could not deny their residents there rights to protect them selves and there property. I also said as long as my wife works there and i stop by i will be armed whether i open carry or conceal carry would be determined by my wife or my self, not by someone who thinks "open carry is completely wrong, and does not really think any one should have to have a firearm." then i told him that his boss said policy was to abide each state law, period. Then told him that i planned to be a visual for my wifes presentation, but since its un approved by him, and the fact that the other lady was completely afraid by the thought of a gun, i will keep my fully loaded pistol and magazine covered by my jacket. When i asked him did he feel better that i concealed it for them, he looked at me funny. Then thanked him for hosting us, wished him a merry Christmas shook his hand and visited with the other guests.