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Private sales


Regular Member
Nov 13, 2011
Madison, WI
Are private gun sales legal in ca? I am here on vacation and may be buying a used pistol. Didn't know if they are required to be transferred through an ffl.



Regular Member
Aug 7, 2012
S. Kitsap, Washington state
Are private gun sales legal in ca? I am here on vacation and may be buying a used pistol. Didn't know if they are required to be transferred through an ffl.


Handguns may not be sold to an out of state customer without an FFL transfer in the customers state. this is contained in the gun control act 18 USC 922

In order to legally buy it, at least at the federal level, you'd have to meet the seller, decide to buy it, and then the seller would have to ship it to an FFL in YOUR state where it may be transferred to you. At least that's how I believe it works, if I am wrong it's likely a more knowledgable member will correct me.

in addition california may have additional laws regarding that. that I know nothing about and after reading one chapter of the California Penal Code I've decided it would be easier to stay out of california entirely...


Regular Member
Jul 15, 2008
Prescott, AZ
Are private gun sales legal in ca? I am here on vacation and may be buying a used pistol. Didn't know if they are required to be transferred through an ffl.


As already mentioned, per federal law all interstate transfers of handguns must be processed through an FFL in the recipients state of residents.