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Patrick Henry Mall closed early 12/27 due to fighting


Nov 21, 2008
Yorktown, Virginia, USA
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Nov 21, 2008
Yorktown, Virginia, USA
Since Dick's went anti-2A, I have no reason to patronize Pat Henry Mall....those crickets chirping are my hard earned dollars being spent elsewhere!
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

I give them as little money as possible. I do go to stores (OC-ing) and enter/exit through the store specific entrances rather than the mall entrances. I like Chipotle so I do the same with their entrance.

Given the chance I will pay the extra .01 tax at Peninsula Town Center and OC everywhere.

At least this fight will convince my daughter (more) to keep her knife with her at all times. She humors me more than takes it because she thinks she will need it. :)


Campaign Veteran
Jan 15, 2007
I give them as little money as possible. I do go to stores (OC-ing) and enter/exit through the store specific entrances rather than the mall entrances. I like Chipotle so I do the same with their entrance.

Given the chance I will pay the extra .01 tax at Peninsula Town Center and OC everywhere.

At least this fight will convince my daughter (more) to keep her knife with her at all times. She humors me more than takes it because she thinks she will need it. :)

Having a knife is good - for some situations. Not so good for most, though.

Buy her some decent OC spray. Just keep in mind that the Scoville Heat Unit (SHU) number is not the only indicator of a good spray: 2 Million SHU @ 10% is much more effective than 10 Million SHU at 1%.

stay safe.



http://www.cqbsupply.com/hot.html - great chart helps understand the subject

http://ocsprayreviews.blogspot.com/2012/01/pepper-spray-basics.html - first in a sereies for the technically inclined

http://www.udap.com/Bearspecifications.htm - bear spray factoids

http://www.udap.com/Bearspecifications.htm - you want FAQs? We got FAQs plus their answers


Nov 21, 2008
Yorktown, Virginia, USA
Having a knife is good - for some situations. Not so good for most, though.

Buy her some decent OC spray. Just keep in mind that the Scoville Heat Unit (SHU) number is not the only indicator of a good spray: 2 Million SHU @ 10% is much more effective than 10 Million SHU at 1%.


Thanks, I just ordered some keychain Fox pepper sprays for the family. :)

The nice thing about the knife is that it is slim and fits in her back pocket. Now that my oldest is driving now a keychain attachment will be nice.

Unfortuately both knife and pepper spray are banned in schools so she will have to "disarm" when headed that way.

ETA: My thinking was that the knife would be good for close quarters if she got shoved into or attacked in a dressing room like the woman in Norther Virginia. If she had time (and distance) to deploy the knife before an attack, it would add some deterrant affect reducing the probability that the attacker would continue.
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