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new member


New member
Feb 5, 2013
Hello All,

names Michael and new to forum.....i have opened carried a few times, mainly when i go hunting. i also have a CCW. I live here in RR and with the mood of the country and locally i want to get more involved. trying to find out about hearings up in Santa Fe and what i can do. Wrote all of our reps and senators except for heinrich (got the run around by his staff). I heard about a rally by sandia teaparty on the 8th in santa fe...anyone heard about it and what time they are meeting. can you OC or CCW on state property? anyone OC a rifle other than hunting?


Regular Member
Oct 6, 2008
, ,
Welcome to the forum.

I heard 10 am on Friday.

Yes, you can OC or CC on state property (the roundhouse) in this case. At the first rally there were many people open carrying handguns and long guns.

For a summary of the prohibited locations and other laws go over to handgunlaw.us and bring up the NM file.