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Could Magpul come to Washington?


Campaign Veteran
Oct 25, 2009
Federal Way, Washington, USA
Legislation introduced to entice Magpul and other companies to come to Washington...

http://apps.leg.wa.gov/documents/billdocs/2013-14/Pdf/Bills/House Bills/2020.pdf
1 AN ACT Relating to expanding economic development and creating jobs
2 by increasing the availability of ammunition and firearm parts and
3 accessories in Washington state; amending RCW 7.72.030; adding new
4 sections to chapter 82.04 RCW; adding a new section to chapter 84.36
5 RCW; adding a new section to chapter 19.02 RCW; adding a new section to
6 chapter 23B.01 RCW; adding a new section to chapter 25.15 RCW; adding
7 a new section to chapter 43.330 RCW; adding a new chapter to Title 19
8 RCW; creating a new section; and declaring an emergency.


Regular Member
May 25, 2010
Roy, WA
On armed American radio they said they were already talking about Texas but I don't believe anything is final. Arizona is also actively seeking gun manufacturers.


Regular Member
Feb 16, 2007
North of Seattle, Washington, USA
Not as bad as you think here, we actually have really decent gun laws.

I'll concede that WA has pretty good gun laws when compared to other States.

But if you're a business their tax structure absolutely SUCKS!

Having owned a small business previously, and now being involved in a family business, I can say that Magpul or any other gun/ammo manufacturer will need to prepare themselves for a new "Partner". The State will nail them for fees, taxes, more fees, and even more taxes. You will not only get to collect the sales tax and do all the reporting but you'll do it free of charge for the State.

They also extract a B&O tax which is assessed whether you make a dime of profit or not.

The only way WA attracts new businesses, other than those who start their own because they can't find a job, is to have the State offer them a tax break. You have to be the size of Boeing to have that happen.


Campaign Veteran
Oct 25, 2009
Federal Way, Washington, USA
I'll concede that WA has pretty good gun laws when compared to other States.

But if you're a business their tax structure absolutely SUCKS!

Having owned a small business previously, and now being involved in a family business, I can say that Magpul or any other gun/ammo manufacturer will need to prepare themselves for a new "Partner". The State will nail them for fees, taxes, more fees, and even more taxes. You will not only get to collect the sales tax and do all the reporting but you'll do it free of charge for the State.

They also extract a B&O tax which is assessed whether you make a dime of profit or not.

The only way WA attracts new businesses, other than those who start their own because they can't find a job, is to have the State offer them a tax break. You have to be the size of Boeing to have that happen.

And if you read the proposed bill they would be exempt....


Regular Member
Nov 28, 2007
, ,
Which would make the Bill immoral.


The WA tax structure, and it's uneven application, is a moral farce.

It kills small business. And giving huge tax breaks to large companies means the rest of us have to just pay more, and more, and more. Boeing management LEFT. Microsoft moved entire departments out of state. Only an idiot, or someone with limited options, would start a company in WA (or move on here)


Regular Member
Mar 24, 2011
Okanogan Highland
The first state that realizes that business does not pay taxes (no matter the law) will be one that grows the most. If a business cannot pass the tax on to the consumer, it will not stay in business. Business collects tax for the government, but it does not "pay" (come out of it's profits) taxes...if it did, it would go out of business.

"Business" taxes are back-door taxes. They tax the populace through the price on the products they purchase, rather than directly.

sudden valley gunner

Regular Member
Dec 13, 2008
Whatcom County
Is it the governments job to be moral?

Or, is it the governments job to be ethical and transparent?

The ethics of the state is forged by the morals of the individual citizens. You can't divorce the two IMHO.

Unethical is immoral. Special favors granted is just wrong a huge symptom of crony capitalism that is in place......fascism.


Regular Member
Aug 7, 2012
S. Kitsap, Washington state
Yea so what??? There's a few exceptions for now lure em in now, tax 'em later.

The rest of your laws are little better than Kommiefornia, I would never consider living there.

really? cite which laws we have that are "little better then commiefornia" you mean that we have superb constitutional protections in the areas of free speech and search and seizure?

Magpul should come to WA, especially in the port district in Seattle, there is move-in ready industrial facilities and an abundance of skilled workers, their recruitment budget wouldn't have to be high, step into the local union hall and there will be all the skilled workers they need ready to work.

sure the B&O tax is a pain, but that will probably be gone in the next few legislative sessions anyway....


Regular Member
Nov 28, 2007
, ,
really? cite which laws we have that are "little better then commiefornia" you mean that we have superb constitutional protections in the areas of free speech and search and seizure?

Magpul should come to WA, especially in the port district in Seattle, there is move-in ready industrial facilities and an abundance of skilled workers, their recruitment budget wouldn't have to be high, step into the local union hall and there will be all the skilled workers they need ready to work.

sure the B&O tax is a pain, but that will probably be gone in the next few legislative sessions anyway....

Illegal in WA: SBR, Destructive Devices, Machine gun transfers.


Regular Member
May 30, 2010
Bremerton, Washington
WA: state level preemption that doesn't have a hole the size of Denver City and County. No one has been cited for and plead out for a GFSZ violation in WA. Our State legislature has not passed magazine size limits or the beginnings of an Assault "weapons" ban. Police don't have the authority to DUI checkpoints.


Regular Member
Mar 22, 2012
The High Plains of Wyoming
really? cite which laws we have that are "little better then commiefornia" you mean that we have superb constitutional protections in the areas of free speech and search and seizure?

Magpul should come to WA, especially in the port district in Seattle, there is move-in ready industrial facilities and an abundance of skilled workers, their recruitment budget wouldn't have to be high, step into the local union hall and there will be all the skilled workers they need ready to work.

sure the B&O tax is a pain, but that will probably be gone in the next few legislative sessions anyway....

You guys keep electing Patty Murray to the US Senate, I don't need to say any more than that.


Regular Member
Mar 22, 2012
The High Plains of Wyoming
really? cite which laws we have that are "little better then commiefornia" you mean that we have superb constitutional protections in the areas of free speech and search and seizure?

Magpul should come to WA, especially in the port district in Seattle, there is move-in ready industrial facilities and an abundance of skilled workers, their recruitment budget wouldn't have to be high, step into the local union hall and there will be all the skilled workers they need ready to work.

sure the B&O tax is a pain, but that will probably be gone in the next few legislative sessions anyway....

Yea 'cause all those businesses moved the hejj out!