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First negative OC comment.


Regular Member
Mar 24, 2011
Okanogan Highland
My first carry experience was in 1970 after I asked a guy that was OC (here in WA)...that is how people learn, get used to seeing citizens are armed, and then join you with their carry..like I did with the guy I asked back in 1970.

I also like that the guys that would do you harm, will leave you alone. actual negative comments? Never had one, but that might have something to do with where I live. (every delegate from our county to the WA Republican caucus last election, was pledged to Ron Paul.)


Regular Member
Jan 16, 2013
So are the negative reactions few and far between? I've only been carrying for a few days (literally!) I've been concealing but really like the idea of OC, but have just been kinda nervous about having it out there. Given the current political environment, have people made a fuss about openly armed civilians just going about their day? I would really love to hear about more of your interactions with the random people, to help me make a more informed decision about OC. I'm sure I'll eventually just not care about what people say...

I have open carried everyday and everywhere, since it became legal. I have only had a few negative comments, but lots of positive comments. The positive far out weigh the negative responses.


Regular Member
Nov 13, 2012
Ponca City, OK
Awesome! The more I read the more comfortable I feel about it! Honestly sounds like the guy was jealous of that 1911! I think that will be my next aquisition... Any recomendation for a reliable budget full size 1911?

Look at the Tisas M1911-A1 over at Buds Gun Shop's website. I paid just a touch over $400 for mine, and later one for my brother. I have faith enough to make it my EDC, and I have plenty of other choices.


Regular Member
Aug 7, 2007
Granite State of Mind
The guy making my key looked at my gun and got all snooty "I don't think anyone but police should be allowed to carry guns in here!"

"Well then, it's a good thing you're not making the policy decisions for a half trillion dollar business, isn't it? Say, how's that key coming?"


Regular Member
Jun 12, 2008
Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA
I was in the Coweta Walmart the other day and had a good encounter with one of the workers. He started by commenting on my OC and repeated some statistics that weren't true. He also readily said that he had not researched any of it. After I explained about the errors of his comments, he brightened up. Apparently all he knew was what he read or heard from the MSM. A little bit of factual data and he was ready to get on the OC bandwagon. I pointed him to this site and OKOCA. Left him with a grin on his face. I'll keep checking back with him to see how he progresses with his class.


Regular Member
Nov 13, 2012
Ponca City, OK
Here I am in WalMart again and a young man just walked up, motioned to my OC, and said "Thank you for carrying." That made up for the jerk yesterday!!

Elm Creek Smith

Regular Member
Mar 7, 2013
In the county.
The only vocalized negative comment I have received about OC happened outside the Owasso WalMart Neighborhood Market. I was pushing my cart of goodies out to my truck when a 40-ish woman stopped in front of me, pointed at my shiny little, nicklel-plated Smith & Wesson Model 37 in its black leather Speed Safety crossdraw holster, demanding, "Why are you carrying a gun?"

Well, I'm 60 and generally don't tolerate rude behavior very well, so I corrected her. "I'm not carrying a gun."

Her eyes narrowed as she almost snarled, "Yes, you are carrying a gun!"

"No, ma'am," says I, turning slightly to to my left, bringing my Smith & Wesson Model 13 in its black basketweave Bucheimer Concealer worn at about 3:30 into view. "I'm carrying two guns." While she spluttered, I pushed my cart around her and went about my business.

Yes, I could probably could have engaged her in a conversation about the SDA law, open carry, and the Constitution of the United States, as amended, but I had ice cream in cart. Other than that, all I've had are positive conversations with the occasional double take or stink eye thrown in by the uninitiated or unhappy populace.
