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Tulsa Homeowner Hogties Attempted Burglar


Regular Member
Jul 29, 2009
Ohio, USA

TULSA, Oklahoma -

A burglary suspect got quite the surprise Wednesday morning. Police say Robert Cole tried to break into a home, but ended up hogtied in the front yard.

The picture is making its way around the Internet. Police say Cole was bum-rushed and hogtied by the homeowner, after he tried to break in to the house in the 2600 block of East 54th Street North.

"He's like a superhero," said Denay Houston.

She said she is awfully proud of her husband and how this would-be burglar ended up.

"I got adrenaline running through me like nobody's business right now, and being nine months pregnant doesn't help any," Houston said.

It all started when the Houstons heard the glass break outside their daughter's bedroom around 6 o'clock Wednesday morning.

"That folding chair was in her bedroom, shattered glass all over the place, and I said, 'A raccoon didn't do that.' And he was just like, 'Oh God,'" Houston said.

They heard rustling inside the garage and Houston's husband went to the front door.

"And then he waited for him to come out and then he bum-rushed him," she said.

He did more than just bum-rush him--her husband tied Robert Cole's hands and feet behind his back; hogtied him.

"I was like, 'That's my man!' I was really proud of him," Houston said.

As soon as Cole was tied up, Houston said her husband turned to her and said he had to leave, had to go work. That's why we couldn't talk to him today.

So, he called police and let his wife watch over his catch.


Jun 20, 2008
Pleasant Grove, Utah, USA
That is ONE way to deal with an unlawful intruder. As well as confidence in one's ROPE WORK. No information in the report but I wonder if the Mrs. was armed while she waited for the police to PICK UP THE GARBAGE!


Campaign Veteran
Jan 15, 2007
This is a good way to go from being a victim of a crime to the perpetrator of a crime.

Depending on a very close reading of state and federal law, this could be a heroic act or kidnapping http://www.oklahomacriminallaw.com/kidnapping.htm , false inprisonment http://www.morelaw.com/oklahoma/law/false_imprisonment.asp , aggravated battery, or even impersonating a police officer.

I know that if I caught somebody turning their life around by breaking in and robbing my place I would be sorely tempted to hogtie them so they would be available for the cops to pick up after I called them. And I'm pretty sure I would call them right away - after I had a snack, read a few chapters in the latest book, took some pictures, posted about it on-line, and had called folks to come and see what I had in my livingroom.

But, alas, I do know that there is a better than even chance that if I do any of that I'd end up being the one hauled off to jail.

stay safe.


New member
Jun 7, 2010
, ,
maybe...... he had a 3" 1911 inside a "decent" holster, that nobody noticed.. How about that? maybe a New Agent?

Either way. Respect, for this Man.
Last edited:


Jan 14, 2012
earth's crust
This is a good way to go from being a victim of a crime to the perpetrator of a crime.

Depending on a very close reading of state and federal law, this could be a heroic act or kidnapping http://www.oklahomacriminallaw.com/kidnapping.htm , false inprisonment http://www.morelaw.com/oklahoma/law/false_imprisonment.asp , aggravated battery, or even impersonating a police officer.

I know that if I caught somebody turning their life around by breaking in and robbing my place I would be sorely tempted to hogtie them so they would be available for the cops to pick up after I called them. And I'm pretty sure I would call them right away - after I had a snack, read a few chapters in the latest book, took some pictures, posted about it on-line, and had called folks to come and see what I had in my livingroom.

But, alas, I do know that there is a better than even chance that if I do any of that I'd end up being the one hauled off to jail.

stay safe.

sounds like a citizen's arrest...a bad one is not kidnapping or any other criminal charge but a civil issue only.


Regular Member
Jan 1, 2011
st louis
I can't say I would of been so nice to someone breaking into my home. This guy should be grateful the robber didn't get a leg up on him.