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Abandoning Gun Control for 2013


Jan 14, 2012
earth's crust
Mommas should talk to their kids, not politicians. Stop threatening or attacking people and you won't get shot at is the subject of their discussion.


Regular Member
Jun 11, 2013
On The Border in AZ
Mommas should talk to their kids, not politicians. Stop threatening or attacking people and you won't get shot at is the subject of their discussion.

Isn't it amusing that the same people that fight against abstinence only programs for sex are the ones that fight for abstinence only programs for guns?

The same people that tell you that "you can't stop kids from doing X, so we need to give them as much schooling as possible so they can make "informed" choices", do not seem to want informed choices when it comes to guns and fight any attempt to teach kids.

So we are back to the tolerance of banning everything that we don't like.


Regular Member
Nov 19, 2010
Orlando, Florida
Where We IS

Between egomaniac King Michael, who is driving the Senate Dems nuts by making the keeping of their majority harder (if not hopefully impossible), and the arming up and concealed carry application explosions, what is a politico to do?

They can not say I QUIT, WE CAN NOT DELIVER. All they can say is give us time. If Newtown could not do it, the gig is up, though people like Giffords will still be on the stage, their message carried by the main stream media - the same people who are pushing ending Stand Your Ground.

The fight is nowhere near over, but this surge is over.