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Milw. Man Arrested Recklessly Endangering Safety/Negligent Handling

Firearms Iinstuctor

Regular Member
Jul 12, 2011
northern wis
941.20  Endangering safety by use of dangerous weapon.
(1) Whoever does any of the following is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor:
(a) Endangers another's safety by the negligent operation or handling of a dangerous weapon;

Negligent is only one part of the crime one has to meet all aspects of it to be in violation.




noun: handling; plural noun: handlings


the act of taking or holding something in the hands

Thus he was handling his coat with a gun in its pocket





the fact or condition of functioning or being active.

"the construction and operation of power stations"

synonyms: functioning, working, running, performance, action More

"the slide bars ensure smooth operation"

an active process; a discharge of a function.

So tell me how he was handling or how was he operating the gun.


Campaign Veteran
Jul 31, 2011
They'd better be careful what they charge them with. They might be expected to charge the cops with the same thing when they do it.

OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation
I'm sure a prosecutor will manufacture a exemption for a cop who drops his pistol in a Burlington Coat factory. If not, the local cop union will threaten a strike to keep the cop on the force.

Law abider

Regular Member
Aug 17, 2011
Ellsworth Wisconsin
I'm sure a prosecutor will manufacture a exemption for a cop who drops his pistol in a Burlington Coat factory. If not, the local cop union will threaten a strike to keep the cop on the force.

What happened to the cop who dropped his gun at the governor's mansion? Or was that some where else?

Firearms Iinstuctor

Regular Member
Jul 12, 2011
northern wis
Good luck with that defense counselor..:dude:

I know that the person charge was a horrible terrible person for not having his gun in a holster and that nothing like this could ever happen to any body on the board. because we all so perfect.

And if some thing like this did the good law abiding citizens here would just bend over and plea no contest take their punishment like a good citizen.

Instead of putting up a plausible defense.

Firearms Iinstuctor

Regular Member
Jul 12, 2011
northern wis
We would not run away like a thug. There are consequences for actions. We would likely plea it down and possibly get the charges dismissed, but it would not be on the grounds of what "handling" means....

On what grounds would you plea. If the same thing happen to you. Laws are written certain ways hopefully so one knows what actions well get you arrested. If they are open ended and one doesn't know how ones actions make you in violation then you can be arrested with out knowing how you violated the law.

Can you cite the law that says you have to hang around after an unintentional discharge.

Example you can not speed. but no speed was in the law. So no matter what speed you were doing you could be in violation.

But no you know if the limit is 55 you well not get a citation at 55 or less.

Can you cite the law that says you have to hang around after an unintentional discharge.

As the police might over react to this a man with a gun call shot being fired and you might end up on the wrong end of police pointing guns at you. Who could be trigger happy, one could very well get killed for a unintentional discharge. It could very well be smart to leave.

One would not want to be gun down like the Costco shopper.

I think the law is very clear you can not handle or operate a dangerous weapon in a reckless manner.

So if your not handling it or operating it you shouldn't be in violation.

Under your idea of the law if you were out jogging and for some strange reason because of the jogging movement you holster became unsnapped allowing your firearm to fall out and discharged you could be charged.

Even you were not operating nor handling it at the time. Things happen not all of them should result in criminal charges.
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Regular Member
May 18, 2007
Green Bay, Wisconsin, USA
Can you cite the law that says you have to hang around after an unintentional discharge.
He did not just "not hang around", he did not notify the police of the incident of which there was a near certainty caused property damage and may have caused personal injury. You certainly are a proponent of irresponsible behavior, aren't you?

Under your idea of the law if you were out jogging and for some strange reason because of the jogging movement you holster became unsnapped allowing your firearm to fall out and discharged you could be charged.
Yes. You appear to have at least a cursory understanding of the concept.

Firearms Iinstuctor

Regular Member
Jul 12, 2011
northern wis
Excuse me notifying the police is the last thing I would do. That is just inviting bad things to happen to you.

I am firm believer in do not talk to the police what part of the 5th don't you understand.

Do you really think the out come would have been different if he hung around could very well have turned out worse.

Is he responsible for any damage is action caused yes but that's is very likely a civil matter and not a criminal one.

I very much for charging the right crime or not charging a crime if it does not apply.

Not oh no a gun was fired a crime must have been committed that a lot here seem to support.

OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation
His first problem, the perps, is that he thinks a Derringer, is a good SD tool. Second, the Derringer is one of the least safe pistols because it is designed the way it is designed.

Me, I would have called the cops, on myself, and begged for mercy, on hands and knees if that is what it took. I think that if the cops got a call from the fella who dropped his Derringer while shopping the cops would hopefully understand and plead for leniency on my behalf to the manager of the store. If I offered to pay for the damages, I would hope for a citation, with a stiff fine, a stern talking too (with wagging finger ala Mommy style) by the cops, and be thankful that is all that I received, and felt lucky to get off that easy.

But, I am a honest fellow and not prone to walk away from my mistakes, especially the honest ones.


Regular Member
May 18, 2007
Green Bay, Wisconsin, USA
Is he responsible for any damage is action caused yes but that's is very likely a civil matter and not a criminal one.
Then why did he not immediately talk to the store clerks and arrange to pay for damages instead of running away like a common criminal? He hid until he saw the security camera footage. No integrity was exhibited regarding this incident.

Firearms Iinstuctor

Regular Member
Jul 12, 2011
northern wis
instead of running away like a common criminal? He hid until he saw the security camera footage. No integrity was exhibited regarding this incident.

Does not make for a chargeable offense.

That unlike driving away from a vehicle crash that is spell out in the law as one shall not do.

So he left the scene ,so he doesn't have integrity tell me what crime those are.

I am saying the guy was not a jerk or stupid or careless.

But those factors are not a element of the crime he is charged with.
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OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation
He took off his coat and handed it to the woman. So, did he drop the firearm? Or, is he taking the fall for the woman who was holding the coat with the firearm in a pocket. If he would have been proactive it could have turned out far differently, or not, based on the cops that would have responded to the store.

Firearms Iinstuctor

Regular Member
Jul 12, 2011
northern wis
Me, I would have called the cops, on myself, and begged for mercy, on hands and knees if that is what it took. I think that if the cops got a call from the fella who dropped his Derringer while shopping the cops would hopefully understand and plead for leniency on my behalf to the manager of the store. If I offered to pay for the damages, I would hope for a citation, with a stiff fine, a stern talking too (with wagging finger ala Mommy style) by the cops, and be thankful that is all that I received, and felt lucky to get off that easy.

But, I am a honest fellow and not prone to walk away from my mistakes, especially the honest ones.

And then if you still would have been arrested and thrown in jail and your rights to own a gun taken away from you until you could prove that you were innocent. That you were really not handling or operating your had gun that it just fell out of your pocket.

Your hoping the officer would just understand, what happen and not throw your stupid, forgetful I didn't mean it self in jail. Good luck in the area that this happen in.

My my I am sure your more then willing to leave your recorder at home and hope every officer that might stop you would be so understanding and forgive full.


Regular Member
Sep 13, 2013
popple butte
Excuse me notifying the police is the last thing I would do. That is just inviting bad things to happen to you.

I am firm believer in do not talk to the police what part of the 5th don't you understand.

Do you really think the out come would have been different if he hung around could very well have turned out worse.

Is he responsible for any damage is action caused yes but that's is very likely a civil matter and not a criminal one.

I very much for charging the right crime or not charging a crime if it does not apply.

Not oh no a gun was fired a crime must have been committed that a lot here seem to support.

If you actually have a Wisconsin certificate to instruct classes on firearm safety and teach the above philosphy the Wisconsin DOJ should take a closer look.

OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation
And then if you still would have been arrested and thrown in jail and your rights to own a gun taken away from you until you could prove that you were innocent. That you were really not handling or operating your had gun that it just fell out of your pocket.

Your hoping the officer would just understand, what happen and not throw your stupid, forgetful I didn't mean it self in jail. Good luck in the area that this happen in.

My my I am sure your more then willing to leave your recorder at home and hope every officer that might stop you would be so understanding and forgive full.
You don't like honest folks.....got it.