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Arsenal The Strike One

Rusty Young Man

Regular Member
Jun 19, 2013
Árida Zona
If what the claims made in the videos (and by the company representatives) are accurate, that should be one inherently TIGHT action. It's like sliderails[SUP]2[/SUP]

I'm not a mechanical engineer by any means, so I can't say much about the function and all, but I'm a little wary of the whole trigger safety they adopted for the Striker One. Anyone care to weigh in on how reliable the system may be as opposed to probability of it jamming when you try a less-than-perfect trigger pull (as occurs in SD scenarios)?


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
If what the claims made in the videos (and by the company representatives) are accurate, that should be one inherently TIGHT action. It's like sliderails[SUP]2[/SUP]

I'm not a mechanical engineer by any means, so I can't say much about the function and all, but I'm a little wary of the whole trigger safety they adopted for the Striker One. Anyone care to weigh in on how reliable the system may be as opposed to probability of it jamming when you try a less-than-perfect trigger pull (as occurs in SD scenarios)?
Ultimately, what will decide its fate, is the public's acceptance = love it, hate it, or just another gun.

Factors on that short list will include:
How it looks - I'm not particularly impressed.
Reliability - it must go bang every time, not most of the time.
How it feels - ergonomics.
Price, variants, and options.

Felt recoil reduction if dramatic will be a big plus.
I'm not a big fan of the trigger design.

Have they built a better mousetrap - time will tell.

Firearms Iinstuctor

Regular Member
Jul 12, 2011
northern wis
Ultimately, what will decide its fate, is the public's acceptance = love it, hate it, or just another gun.

Factors on that short list will include:
How it looks - I'm not particularly impressed.
Reliability - it must go bang every time, not most of the time.
How it feels - ergonomics.
Price, variants, and options.

Felt recoil reduction if dramatic will be a big plus.
I'm not a big fan of the trigger design.

Have they built a better mousetrap - time will tell.

Yes time well tell I don't buy guns from new start up companies Their failure rate is to high.

I know some one has to but it well not be me.

Rusty Young Man

Regular Member
Jun 19, 2013
Árida Zona
Ultimately, what will decide its fate, is the public's acceptance = love it, hate it, or just another gun.

Factors on that short list will include:
How it looks - I'm not particularly impressed.
Reliability - it must go bang every time, not most of the time.
How it feels - ergonomics.
Price, variants, and options.

Felt recoil reduction if dramatic will be a big plus.
I'm not a big fan of the trigger design.

Have they built a better mousetrap - time will tell.

Here's my thoughts:
Don't mean to sound gun-ist, but all Glocktastic polymer-framed guns kinda look the same to me:p.
I would like for this pistol to be subjected to the test used for the CZ SP-01. THAT should be a reliable :)D) indicator of how dependable this gun is.
I am not a fan of the grip angle on this gun (I call it Glocktastic), Glocks, XDs, etc. They just feel "off".
Let's hope they keep the price under $700 and eventually chamber one for .45 ACP die-hards:lol: (I kid, though I may be one?).

Either way, I'll admit to itching for a chance to fire one, even if I'm not willing to buy one (nor have the funds to do so). What gets me is how low that chamber axis is. From what little physics I know, that would be a huge plus in terms of reducing perceived recoil and barrel rise (something to do with fulcrums and their location relative to the force being applied). And if they have an aluminum-framed one, which should be a little heavier, recoil should be even less in that variant.
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Regular Member
Jul 31, 2011
North Carolina
Ultimately, what will decide its fate, is the public's acceptance = love it, hate it, or just another gun.

Factors on that short list will include:
How it looks - I'm not particularly impressed.
Reliability - it must go bang every time, not most of the time.
How it feels - ergonomics.
Price, variants, and options.

Felt recoil reduction if dramatic will be a big plus.
I'm not a big fan of the trigger design.

Have they built a better mousetrap - time will tell.


Reliability, price, and how it feels will determine if it is a winner. How fast it cycles is not a factor for most people. My well worn Star is not pretty, but both my wife and I love it. Shame they are no longer manufactured. I would like to see a gun actually manufactured for women. Single stack, slim frame, single action for short fingers. Hey I just described the Star.


Regular Member
May 30, 2012
Alaska (ex-Colorado)
What's the target market? Is it the competitive shooting world? Seems like it would fit it really well in a USPSA/IPSC market. If that's the case, looks mean nothing. The only thing that matters is will it make the competitor a faster shooter. Lower recoil axis means faster follow up shots. Faster cycling means it ready quicker. Last, is it reliable? If it can make it through a course of fire without malfunction, it's fine.

IF this thing does all that, it will be a big hit on the competitive circles.


Regular Member
Oct 15, 2012
Secret Bunker
They are just trying to show that even cross-eyed people can shoot straight with this new wonder pistol. I like it (minus skewed sights)... I wouldn't buy one until they had been on the market for at least a year though...just in case.