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law profs debate gun rights


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2010
Fairborn, Ohio, USA
Ya gotta love the irony in the line, "Restriction has to be at the core of this right." Does that bozo know what the word, right, means???

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk.


Running Wolf

Campaign Veteran
May 10, 2009
Corner of No and Where
Just for the record, Kilmer was the 2A supporter, Donohue was the anti:

John J. Donohue is an economist, lawyer, and member of the Stanford Law School faculty widely known for his criticism of John Lott’s book More Guns, Less Crime. Donald E. J. Kilmer is an attorney and an adjunct professor teaching Constitutional Law and Appellate Advocacy at Lincoln Law School of San Jose. Kilmer’s firm handles criminal gun cases and public interest constitutional litigation against government entities.

As for the statement ""Restriction has to be at the core of this right." Imagine if someone was to say that about 1A, and the likely reactions.