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Open Carry segment from America Tonight, Al Jazeera America's flagship program


Regular Member
Aug 18, 2013
Saw them advertising at the movie theatre - about the new "American" Journalism source....guess this appeals to the liberals seeking 'objective' journalism.

I am waiting for them to do a story on videos of the human slaughter houses in Syria, where Christians and non-Takfiri muslims have been executed and butchered:


Also clip of the Keith Ellison - the muslim member of congress - saying Democrats should subvert the 2A with 'common sense' gun controls


Regular Member
Jul 29, 2007
Greene County
I down graded my sat channels so I would no longer get Al Jazeera....
After watching this I can firmly say, many folks that own guns have no clue as to the meaning of the 2nd amend, natural rights and the right to personal protection.

Rusty Young Man

Regular Member
Jun 19, 2013
Árida Zona
Nicely done Ed, even if the slant on their "objective" "journalism" (using YouTube FAIL videos, really?) was obvious.
Hopefully this gets some fence-sitter people thinking.

I down graded my sat channels so I would no longer get Al Jazeera....
After watching this I can firmly say, many folks that own guns have no clue as to the meaning of the 2nd amend, natural rights and the right to personal protection.

That may be due to the FUDDS and "sporting-purpose only" people out there. Hollywood doesn't help, either.


Founder's Club Member - Moderator
Mar 8, 2008
Loudoun County - Dulles Airport, Virginia, USA
I don't think it was that great..
- There is a part when I am walking into the restaurant that I ask my friend David "where is your hot wife?" and I tell him that I love him, but i love her more.. but it is during another background voice over of me talking about a dinner in Baltimore that I would refuse to go to.. and it is confusing.. even to me and I was there!
- He was going to try and make it be an "unbiased" view of Open Carry.. but of course I had no Idea he was gonna post a handful of stupid gun owner tricks.
- He could not believe and pushed at how could there be no requirement for training?!?!? I was careful.. He got Judy to emphasize it. Anyone can carrry, woith no background check or training.. yee Haw!!
- Both of Judy's students.. refuse to carry.. The former cop is now going to "run from a bad guy" and the other 100 pound short gal is not going to carry even thou she shot a good group (and was told it is supposed to do that).

and the reporter is posting this all over the place as if it is fair and wonderful and a remarkable representation.



Regular Member
Dec 23, 2008
Fairfax County, VA
I don't think it was that great..
- There is a part when I am walking into the restaurant that I ask my friend David "where is your hot wife?" and I tell him that I love him, but i love her more.. but it is during another background voice over of me talking about a dinner in Baltimore that I would refuse to go to.. and it is confusing.. even to me and I was there!
- He was going to try and make it be an "unbiased" view of Open Carry.. but of course I had no Idea he was gonna post a handful of stupid gun owner tricks.
- He could not believe and pushed at how could there be no requirement for training?!?!? I was careful.. He got Judy to emphasize it. Anyone can carrry, woith no background check or training.. yee Haw!!
- Both of Judy's students.. refuse to carry.. The former cop is now going to "run from a bad guy" and the other 100 pound short gal is not going to carry even thou she shot a good group (and was told it is supposed to do that).

and the reporter is posting this all over the place as if it is fair and wonderful and a remarkable representation.


In defense of my students:

  • Anyone who thinks they are ready to carry after a single First Steps class (and no previous firearms experience) is, in my opinion, wrong. At the beginning of class, she was nervous about even picking up the guns. She made huge progress.
  • As for the former cop's comment, he wasn't terribly happy about it, either. The point he was trying to make, though, is that for him, if escape or avoidance is possible, he'd rather do that than shoot. I have to say I agree with him on that one.

And he didn't "get Judy to emphasize" anything. I explained that a responsible gun owner will get training - more training than I offer, in fact. That part didn't make the cut.

When I was contacted by the producer, I was not given the impression that this was going to be an Open Carry piece. I thought this was a piece on responsible firearms ownership (including training, etc.), with OC being a part of that.

Edit: I believe I said that one could carry without training, but I did not mention lack of a background check in that statement (though it would technically be true).
Last edited:

peter nap

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 16, 2007
All Ed jokes aside, I thought you did a pretty good job Ed. You came across as a normal person who wears a gun the same as he wears a cell phone.
The problem is, open carry is dull. No shoot outs, no fast draws, no high orange alert, no license to kill.....just dull and news people don't like dull.

I've found it's always best to refuse such requests.

Now CC.....That's something to get the blood moving. Superior training, always ready for action and blessed by our government. It gives me the shivers just thinking about all the excitement I'm missing.:lol::lol:


Regular Member
Oct 29, 2011
Fairfax County, VA
I don't think it was that great..
- Both of Judy's students.. refuse to carry.. The former cop is now going to "run from a bad guy" and the other 100 pound short gal is not going to carry even thou she shot a good group (and was told it is supposed to do that).

and the reporter is posting this all over the place as if it is fair and wonderful and a remarkable representation.


I can't speak for anyone but me but I owned and practiced with my pistol for 6 months before I felt comfortable enough to carry open or concealed. Can we please not judge people for doing what they have every right to choose to do or not do? It's none of our business either way.

They are not refusing to carry. Unless I misunderstand the meaning of the word refuse, you can't refuse something you aren't required or asked to do. :banghead:

peter nap

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 16, 2007
Actions which they have no right to do.

I'm inclined to agree with her.

I'd tend to agree too marshaul....in a perfect world.
Unfortunately, shortly after Cain had a falling out with his brother the idea of a perfect world went to hell.

Beside that, I really doubt that any of those people are going to drink Jim Jones Kool Aid because Peter Nap unfairly judged them :lol:


Founder's Club Member - Moderator
Mar 8, 2008
Loudoun County - Dulles Airport, Virginia, USA
I've found it's always best to refuse such requests.

I certainly refuse more than I take.. I also have seen some that I refused on answered by guys like the cop or the girl in the photo.. new to guns, didn't know the laws, etc. And of course the media painted THAT gun owner as one of us.. the people that carry every day. So I sometimes try to do it so that mis-information is not put out that makes it look bad for all of us.. And I too had no idea that they were gonna include 10 dumbasses with guns from you tube..

Rusty Young Man

Regular Member
Jun 19, 2013
Árida Zona
I certainly refuse more than I take.. I also have seen some that I refused on answered by guys like the cop or the girl in the photo.. new to guns, didn't know the laws, etc. And of course the media painted THAT gun owner as one of us.. the people that carry every day. So I sometimes try to do it so that mis-information is not put out that makes it look bad for all of us.. And I too had no idea that they were gonna include 10 dumbasses with guns from you tube..

You did good. If anything, it speaks volumes that the "reporter" had to include the YouTube videos: it means you just weren't incompetent nor could be made to seem incompetent.:)
Also, you had no way of knowing it was going to be a hit piece disguised as "objective journalism" (two misnomers right there).