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PA School stabbing... Will they blame knives?


Regular Member
Oct 24, 2013
United States
You forgot to mention Oklahoma City, the POS used a Ryder van and fertilizer with some gas, The bombing killed 168 people and injured more than 680 others to include three pregnant ladies and children as young as 3 years old.

Lets ban Ryder trucks...how is that?

I could be wrong, but I believe they banned large amounts of fertilizer though.

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Regular Member
Oct 24, 2013
United States
Sandy Hook, the POS used a firearm, slaughtered 20 kids, and 8 adults.

Franklin High, the POS used knife(s), stabbed 20 people, all are still alive.

Comparing a knife, and a handgun is, well, the comparison I offered indicates that firearms are significantly more dangerous than knives. This ought to be a boon for anti-gunner on both sides...it doesn't seem anyone is capitalizing on it though.

*looking around* Nothing new going on around here. A bunch of White, Heterosexual, OLD, Republican/Whig/tea party 2.0/Flat Earth Society/President Obama hate'n/neck deep in firearms/Alex Jones/*fingers are getting tired*/me me me-types basking in fear-mongerring BS.

Easy with the large paint brush ma'am.

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Regular Member
Feb 15, 2012
Davis County, Utah
I could be wrong, but I believe they banned large amounts of fertilizer though.

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< joke > Then why are Mom's Demand Something and MAIG around? </ joke >

Now on the honest side; I do believe that large amounts can be bought, as farmers require such to conduct business.


Regular Member
Dec 14, 2009
In My Coffee
< joke > Then why are Mom's Demand Something and MAIG around? </ joke >

Now on the honest side; I do believe that large amounts can be bought, as farmers require such to conduct business.

Timothy wasn't a farmer.

Apparently he was a Patsy for the Left-Wing Propaganda Machine that was seeking to ban horse sh*t.


Regular Member
Feb 15, 2012
Davis County, Utah
Timothy wasn't a farmer.

Apparently he was a Patsy for the Left-Wing Propaganda Machine that was seeking to ban horse sh*t.

I understand what Timothy wasn't. I responded to Primus and the supposition that purchase of large amounts of fertilizer were banned after that incident.


Regular Member
Dec 14, 2009
In My Coffee
I understand what Timothy wasn't. I responded to Primus and the supposition that purchase of large amounts of fertilizer were banned after that incident.

I'm happy to ready you have an Uncertain Belief about your statements. I suggest you work from something a bit more certain.

Take a nibble of this 2011 factoid:

...These commercial grade fertilizers are not regulated in most cases and there are no federal laws regulating their sale or purchase. While some states do choose to exercise their regulatory powers, laws can differ greatly from state to state, and some states do not have any regulation.
Even in states where regulations exist, almost anyone can buy commercial grade fertilizer. Some states require vendors of commercial grade fertilizer to register with the state, but this requirement does not limit whom they may sell to. Many of the regulations only require the purchaser to show a drivers license and have the information recorded and kept on file by the retailer at the time of purchase, but this information is only helpful after an attack has occurred as there is no required reporting of sales.... http://www.homelandsecuritynewswire.com/materials-fertilizer-bombs-not-regulated
Last edited:


Regular Member
Feb 15, 2012
Davis County, Utah
I'm happy to ready you have an Uncertain Belief about your statements. I suggest you work from something a bit more certain.

Take a nibble of this 2011 factoid:

Aside from not knowing what "happy to ready" means, your assertion of an uncertain belief, and though possibly unintended, your response smacked heavily of Snark, I thank you for bolstering the point that I was making to someone else.

Olive Branch: I do hope you and yours are well.


Jan 14, 2012
earth's crust
A good example of how to use jury nullification. I would not find him guilty, let him free....until all guns laws are abolished all will be let go.

How long until all gun laws are abolished? Not long at all I would think.


Regular Member
Jul 6, 2008
Mountain Home, Idaho, USA
By implication, in your response, you are acknowledging that a knife is less lethal than a handgun...are you sure you want to do that?

A handgun, for a Fact, is more efficient at killing. A handgun offers a greater efficiency of killing than a knife. Come on now, most people on here argue this point all the time...they ought to be able to carry a handgun for self-defense because it is a Better Tool for self-defense, as it compares to say, a knife.

A knife or a handgun can be just as deadly depending on the person using the device. Someone can shoot 1000 rounds and not hit anything but a 16 year old with two kitchen knifes can wound 21 people. Both are equal on killing power depending on who's hands they are in. I would also say a car is just as deadly in the wrong hands or are you going to argue I'm wrong in my assessment of that. Just ask the parents of the kid killed in Florida yesterday, but that was just an accident.

OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation
Gins are banned at school as are knives. Since we have zero fatalities knives are less than lethal devices and as such must be permitted to be carried in school.


Regular Member
Dec 14, 2009
In My Coffee
A knife or a handgun can be just as deadly depending on the person using the device. Someone can shoot 1000 rounds and not hit anything but a 16 year old with two kitchen knifes can wound 21 people. Both are equal on killing power depending on who's hands they are in. I would also say a car is just as deadly in the wrong hands or are you going to argue I'm wrong in my assessment of that. Just ask the parents of the kid killed in Florida yesterday, but that was just an accident.

You just acknowledged that a knife, and a handgun are not equally deadly. I agree with you.

The old "a car is just as deadly in the wrong hands," argument. Give me a freaking break, please...let's take this a bit further than: The RKBA is a Privilege, and not outlined in the Constitution as a Constitutional Right for Citizens...as with cars.

Cars are designed for getting Things from point A to point B. Knives are typically designed for some form of preparation, mainly food. Firearms are designed exclusively for Killing. You can cut a sandwich with a knife; drive to your local grocer to pick up eggs, in your car; but a firearm, it's use has everything to do with killing...or the training to kill.

Now I know someone is going to pull target shooting out their butt, and claim it is merely done in sport, that target shooting is benign. WRONG. There is nothing benign about training to use your firearm more effectively, since the inherent purpose of a firearm is to kill.

Next, someone is going to assert that Speech is just as deadly as a Firearm.

Who will They blame for this stabbing: Hopefully Republicans.


Regular Member
Dec 14, 2009
In My Coffee
Aside from not knowing what "happy to ready" means, your assertion of an uncertain belief, and though possibly unintended, your response smacked heavily of Snark, I thank you for bolstering the point that I was making to someone else.

Olive Branch: I do hope you and yours are well.

Thanks for setting me straight on my fingers going a bit crazy, and striking a Y before I hit Space.

You know precisely what I intended to write.

Thanks for the olive branch.


Regular Member
Oct 24, 2013
United States
A knife or a handgun can be just as deadly depending on the person using the device. Someone can shoot 1000 rounds and not hit anything but a 16 year old with two kitchen knifes can wound 21 people. Both are equal on killing power depending on who's hands they are in. I would also say a car is just as deadly in the wrong hands or are you going to argue I'm wrong in my assessment of that. Just ask the parents of the kid killed in Florida yesterday, but that was just an accident.

Ok but they are not equal. If you need to take a horrible marksman and a ninja to make the same.result.then obviously one is easier to kill with.

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sudden valley gunner

Regular Member
Dec 13, 2008
Whatcom County
:rolleyes: RKBA a privilege? Even the wording of the 2A clearly shows it is not.

Knives and guns and fists are all lethal tools, some work better than others. It is quite silly to blame the object for the crimes of an individual.