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First Day Carrying & Stopped By State Patrol !

Firearms Iinstuctor

Regular Member
Jul 12, 2011
northern wis
Most of the officers I worked with would give 10 mph , some times they stop for a warning under 10 then rarely issue a citation for under 10.

But every once in a while a person stopped for 9 over would beg for a citation

Some people just open their mouths up and ask for a citation instead of a warning.

That conversation would normally start with the F word or at least in the first 4 or 5 words

Like I wasn't F--King speeding or F--k you I wasn't speeding or you can't give me a F--King ticket

Among many other conversations that they would beg for a citation.
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Jan 14, 2012
earth's crust
Most of the officers I worked with would give 10 mph , some times they stop for a warning under 10 then rarely issue a citation for under 10.

But every once in a while a person stopped for 9 over would beg for a citation

Some people just open their mouths up and ask for a citation instead of a warning.

That conversation would normally start with the F word or at least in the first 4 or 5 words

Like I wasn't F--King speeding or F--k you I wasn't speeding or you can't give me a F--King ticket

Among many other conversations that they would beg for a citation.

Or upon on of the first questions of "where you coming from" and my answer "you're the detective Einstein, figure it out yourself!"

Or the old favorite "parting shot" that I learned from cops who got tickets where I was a passenger who say (after the ticketing cop says "we don't extend professional courtesy here") "Well I hope you get shot in the head today!"

Cops getting tickets are so fun to watch ... the do not act like they want to be treated.


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
Originally Posted by Firearms Iinstuctor --snipped--
Some people just open their mouths up and ask for a citation instead of a warning.................Among many other conversations that they would beg for a citation.

Sorta like on OCDO then ......:)
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