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Advice for OC at the McCarran


Regular Member
Feb 15, 2014
I do believe open is the only legal way in Nevada. Don't go thru the security checkpoint or you'll be in a world of hurt!

Open carry at the airport is the only legal way to go. You can't conceal at the airport, even with a CCW permit. Of course, this does not apply to the security area as JoeSparky mentioned. TSA will turn you into a national news story.

A permittee shall not carry a concealed firearm while the permittee is on the premises of a public building that is located on the property of a public airport.
NRS 202.3673.2

Some helpful NV OC info: http://www.nvopencarryinfocard.com/


Campaign Veteran
Jul 31, 2011
The non-sterile areas of the airport (non-TSA "security") are legal for open carry. No signage is required to ban concealed carry because it is automatically against the law in public buildings on the grounds of a public airport.

I'm almost never at the airport, but have OC'ed at baggage claim to meet a friend, with zero issues.


Regular Member
Mar 29, 2014
Las Vegas, Nevada
Thanks for all the good advice. Picked up my mom at the international terminal with no issues although I got alot of looks from the passengers coming off of Korean Air. No issues with the Metro officer also that was roaming around. My brothers were also impressed that no issues happened:D My mom was laughing because she said she was the only passenger with armed security. She said it made her feel like a movie star!:D

Steve Larson

Regular Member
Mar 5, 2012
Edmonton, Alberta
When I fly into Vegas, the first thing I do after getting my luggage is to find the bathroom, and go into a stall and load/holster my pistol (OC of course). The reason for the stall is so im not scaring the crap out of people in the bathroom, plus, I believe it could be called "brandishing"?

I have never had a problem walking through the airport (non secure areas) while OC. A couple questions, and more than a few glances, but no problems.


Campaign Veteran
Jul 31, 2011
...The reason for the stall is so im not scaring the crap out of people in the bathroom, plus, I believe it could be called "brandishing"? ...

It's not brandishing, which is doing so with a threatening purpose, but I still agree that the handling should be done very, very discretely, especially since you need to be extremely careful and methodical while holstering a loaded weapon off the range.