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Hanover Tomato Festival Sat. July 12th


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
Hanover Tomato Festival
Pole Green Park
8996 Pole Green Park Lane
Mechicsville, Va.


Please note that I will not be handing out GSL stickers.

I will however not complain if people choose to remove them from either my hand or the roll - that is their choice. I will offer no verbal inducement/enticement.

Skidmark & I will be there after breakfast - could use some help.
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Campaign Veteran
Jan 15, 2007
Well, that was a disappontment.

We found a nice shady spot near the tomato sales tent and sat there explaining to people, when they asked, that we could not give them a sticker but would not attempt to stop them from talking one or two or more from us. Some were a bit slow on the uptake at first, but when the guideline was explained to them they got right into the game and - very politely - snatched stickers from us.

Not quite left and right/hand over fist but enough that after a few hours there were stickers pretty much everywhere we looked.

The line for 'mater sammiches was reported to be long, and our edler statesman claimed he was beseiged with people taking stickers away from him while he waited to get his sammich. (He put Miracle Whip on it - serves him right!)

We had several groups of Hanover deputies stand near us and watch what was going on, but sadly the person on the other end of their cell phone calls could not help them figure out how to do anything about us.

We had a visit from one of the festival muckety-mucks, who on hearing us say we were not handing anything out/away but merely not objecting if someone took some of our property got a sad sort of look and said something to the effcet of "Oh, like last year." The two deputies who came with her and told us she had something to say to us looked like they knew better than to laugh but wanted to anyhow.

Not a lot of folks OCing and not a lot of folks saying they were CCing either. But we had many good conversations about the cops being second responders and how having a gun with you (as opposed to being at home in the safe/sock drawer) really did improve the chances of not becoming a chalk outline. We'll just have to wait and see if anybody changes their thoughts on carrying in case they need it, as opposed to only when they know they will need it.

stay safe.


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
Was a good day at [strike]OK Corral[/strike] Hanover Tomato Festival. Never have so few (Skid, PVC, Dennis and I) been ignored by so many (Hanover deputies and HTF staff). Only 1 staff member challenged us regarding the GSL stickers. After explaining that we did not offer/give them to people, but rather they came up to us without any solicitation on our part and of their own accord took them from us.

OK, I get it she said - You're not giving them, they are taking them. Guess your good to go. :banana:

Estimate that we came back with about 1500 less stickers than what we had when we arrived. Would have been greater if we had been able to offer, promote, encourage people as I believe we should be able to do.

All in all, it was a good day for both the 1st and 2nd Amendments.....there were no problems with OCing, none, nada, zip. Got a few thumbs up and smiles from a couple of deputies - a vast majority though just plainly ignored us, looked in another direction as they walked passed.
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Campaign Veteran
Jan 15, 2007
The sacrifices I make for the cause.

After a full afternoon in the great outdoors (even if most of it was in the shade) I have lost my pale glow-in-the-dark complexion and no longer put vampires into fits of envy. Spent most of yesterday wondering why I felt so wiped out and weak until I realized my body was fighting against havinng een cooked. (It barely rises to the level of first-degree redness, but when you go from "THIS" to "THIS" it's a big deal.

If anybody finds some sympathy laying around they can bring it to me at the next OC Breakfast.

stay safe.
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Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
The sacrifices I make for the cause.

After a full afternoon in the great outdoors (even if most of it was in the shade) I have lost my pale glow-in-the-dark complexion and no longer put vampires into fits of envy. Spent most of yesterday wondering why I felt so wiped out and weak until I realized my body was fighting against havinng een cooked. (It barely rises to the level of first-degree redness, but when you go from "THIS" to "THIS" it's a big deal.

If anybody finds some sympathy laying around they can bring it to me at the next OC Breakfast.

stay safe.
Doesn't "glow-in-the-dark" require actually going out after dark? Momma always said to be home before the street lights came on.

The idea is to take on the coloration of the Festival center piece :p Look at it as getting the benefits of vitamin D - great for the heart.


Regular Member
Dec 21, 2010
Dave should have looked us up and added a GSL sticker to his shirt - that would have made a statement.

He was at the last Fredericksburg Gun Show... I seem to recall seeing an article with a picture of him wearing a GSL sticker there. I'll try to find it later today... (that 'work' thing gets in the way!).


Regular Member
Dec 21, 2010
He was at the last Fredericksburg Gun Show... I seem to recall seeing an article with a picture of him wearing a GSL sticker there. I'll try to find it later today... (that 'work' thing gets in the way!).

I have looked for the pic, but either I am mistaken, or I can't seem to find it. :(