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Vancouver Rifle & PistolC lub needs donation


Regular Member
May 6, 2007
2519 E Fourth Plain Blvd, Vancouver Washington, US
Vancouver Rifle & Pistol Club needs donation

Vancouver Rifle & Pistol is a 12 lane indoor shooting range in Vancouver. Currently, they only allow lead ammo (no jacketed rounds, partial or full) but recognizing the necessity to upgrade for modern handguns, there's a project under way to upgrade the impact area to allow for FMJ and modern ammo. It's still short some money for completion.

I am donating the amount necessary for one lane upgrade through my business, but many hands make light work. If you can scrape it up, please drop a couple bucks in the pot and pass it around to your friends if you can.

The following link will describe the project in more detail and you can donate there:


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