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I just drew my weapon on a human

MSG Laigaie

Campaign Veteran
Jan 10, 2011
Philipsburg, Montana
I had some people over the house tonight and someone had lost an important envelope. About 2310 hrs I went out front to search the area.

I came out of my front door and saw a young man, mid twenties, 5'10", 185lbs, slight build. He was wearing a black doo rag, black shirt, black knee length shorts, and black shoes. I ignored him as this was, after all, a public road and crossed the street to start my search. I seemed to have surprised him and he asked if I had come out "for him". I replied no, and went about my business as he walked away. I found nothing so I moved to my back yard. Again finding nothing I moved back out front again.

It is now 2330. I walked down the street with a flash light, searching each side until I reached the end, about fifty meters. I started back to my house and then heard a voice taunting me from the dark. Something about looking for him, wanting a piece of him, some unintelligible things. I ignored it a move closer to home.
Now I hear shoes on gravel and I turn. He stops still in the dark, but taunting. I turned to home again. This is where I hear shoes running on tarmac.

I turned and yelled "Back off...I have a firearm and I will shoot you...Back Off!!He stopped and did a little dance as though he did not believe me. It was dark and the weapon is grey. He put his right hand in his pocket and then began to charge me. I drew my weapon and yelled again, "Stop, get your hands out of your pocket". He stopped ( at about twenty feet )and put his hands up and I yelled again, "Get your hands up and face away from me...do it now face away from me". He did as ordered and I yelled again, "Walk away..walk away ..keep your hands up and walk away". He did so and danced away. When he was on the next street I holstered my weapon and headed the last two hundred feet to my door. As I was walking I could hear him through the trees taunting me still.
I got to the house, ducked in and grabbed a phone an back out but he was gone. 911, and a vehicle area search came up with nada.

This is the first time I have drawn my weapon in a very, very long time. He was at twenty feet. I appear old, disabled, a textbook version of a victim. I am glad he decided to "pass on me" and move on. Your thoughts?
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Regular Member
Aug 5, 2012
Pierce County, Washington
This can't be true! Anyone who is anyone says that guns in the hands of anyone but the government means that they are a criminal and that the gun will only be used to hurt somebody. What you are saying is that YOU are not a criminal, YOU drew your weapon and did not hurt anybody at all ad actually used your gun to protect yourself from somebody who may have intended you harm? There's no way this can be true!


Good job sir. Good job in controlling yourself and only going to the extent that you needed to to stop a threat.

Firearms Iinstuctor

Regular Member
Jul 12, 2011
northern wis
A lot of self defense situations do not involve the firearm being fired.

Good tactics and verbal commands worked out.

It is better to stop the threat if one can by not shooting some one. Not always possible.


Regular Member
Apr 7, 2013
Wow, you need to rethink your reactions. Crazy person hands in pocket coming at you? You should have shot him or at minimum sought distance and cover.

I'd have shot him in the leg for sure.

OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation
Wow, you need to rethink your reactions. Crazy person hands in pocket coming at you? You should have shot him or at minimum sought distance and cover.

I'd have shot him in the leg for sure.
I would have shot the "whatever it was" out of his hand. The perp would have a wee booboo and hurt feelings at worst. :rolleyes:


Campaign Veteran
Jan 15, 2007
OP may want to consider trying to "disappear" his words.

You say you called 911 and they searched. But you fail to say if they filled out a report where you name was intered in the box marked "Victim".

Your companion of the evening probably watched you go into your home, so knows your address. From 20 feet(!!) they probably know what you look like.

stay safe.


Regular Member
May 25, 2010
Roy, WA
The only constructive criticism I have to offer is not to tell him to turn around. If he turned around then pulled a weapon, you'd be forced to shoot him in the back. That could look very bad for you. Better to tell him to back away slowly.

Glad to hear that firing your weapon was not necessary. Stay safe.
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MSG Laigaie

Campaign Veteran
Jan 10, 2011
Philipsburg, Montana
I had to get some sleep. Yes, I will get a copy of the report. Yes, he has probably been down my street before. My "voice command" is strong, if there had been something IN the hand, things may have been different.
I am headed to the VA and I will check back later.


Accomplished Advocate
Aug 17, 2006
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Good job, Sir! I hope he learned his lesson and never bothers you or anyone else again.

A guy who continues to come at someone when warned to stop, then stopping only twenty feet away, AND who continues to taunt their intended victim as he returns home (and I don't think I would have gone there) is going to need more edumacation, IMHO. I'm not suggesting the OP is going to attempt to give him that education, but he may be forced to.
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Regular Member
Jan 14, 2012
Greater Eastside Washington
It's sad that this happened.

Were you ready to use your weapon though?

How are you handling the emotional side of knowing that you might have had to take a life?


I hope that the creature who attacked you does not come back for revenge.

Also remember that a shot to the groin area should disable an assailant very well. They should not be able to flee after that.


Activist Member
Jul 2, 2010
Alexandria, VA at www.NoVA-MDSelfDefense.com
Wow, you need to rethink your reactions. Crazy person hands in pocket coming at you? You should have shot him or at minimum sought distance and cover.

I'd have shot him in the leg for sure.

I would have shot the "whatever it was" out of his hand. The perp would have a wee booboo and hurt feelings at worst. :rolleyes:

You'd be surprised how a bullet in the cellphone can disable some people.

Or so I'm told.

Seriously? You two would have risked a "wounding" shot or stopping the threat by shooting his cellphone or "whatever it was" in his hand? Are you really that accurate, especially in the dark?

I think the OP did exactly the right thing and as one other poster mentioned, threats are stopped many times without firing one's firearm. Kudos to you, MSG!
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Regular Member
Apr 7, 2013
Seriously? You two would have risked a "wounding" shot or stopping the threat by shooting his cellphone or "whatever it was" in his hand? Are you really that accurate, especially in the dark?

I think the OP did exactly the right thing and as one other poster mentioned, threats are stopped many times without firing one's firearm. Kudos to you, MSG!

OK, you got me. I would have -threatened- to shoot him in the leg. Happy?
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Jan 14, 2012
earth's crust
Some wimpy judge might say "why did you not leave upon the first encounter or call 911 at that time" or such other drivel.

I would recommend deleting your post ... this guy might be back and you do not want evidence showing that you are "trigger happy" (that's what they'll say)