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Lake Ozark Police Chief


Regular Member
May 1, 2013
Lake Ozark, Mo
Lake Ozark not playing nice again. Lake Ozark Police Chief and I have talked three times on the phone since November> My original question was "What training are you providing to your officers now that Amendment 5 has become the law of the land."
At first the Chief was very cooperative and said he wanted to talk to the City Attorney before he made his policy public. So I called once in January and then again in February, both times the Chief explained he had not had time to get with the City Attorney and was very friendly.
I called again the first week of March and left a message, but this time I did not hear back from the Chief. So the second week of March, I called again and left a another message. Again no response, so the third week, I left a message that I am sure let the Chief I was not happy with his lack of response to my messages.
So it just happens last Monday my wife and I were in Taco Bell for lunch and the Chief and most of his officers were there as well. So I asked the Chief if I could have some of his time, well I soon as I identified myself as Bob Yelkin, the Chief immediately got "in my face" and proceeded to let me know that no one leaves him a message like mine and I will not be receiving a call back. I let him know that he was a public servant and that he will indeed tell me what I want to know. We both went our separate ways, by the way I was open carrying my 1911.

I post this with the hopes of achieving Constitutional Carry for Missouri. I have posted this on a forum on Facebook and someone mentioned this group. I have not posted here for quite sometime.


Founder's Club Member
Nov 15, 2006
Fairfax Co., VA
No one leaves him a message like yours? Hmmmm. I think he needs, besides anything else, a lesson in the First Amendment. (I've looked. No where, anywhere, does the Bill of Rights require rights be exercised politely.*)

Of course, he was dodging you all along. Shame on him. It shows his real attitude towards "the people."

*The one exception to politeness would be the First Amendment right to petition government for redress of grievances. By definition, a petition is polite, respectful.

OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation
... So I asked the Chief if I could have some of his time, well I soon as I identified myself as Bob Yelkin, the Chief immediately got "in my face" and proceeded to let me know that no one leaves him a message like mine and I will not be receiving a call back. I let him know that he was a public servant and that he will indeed tell me what I want to know. We both went our separate ways, by the way I was open carrying my 1911.

I post this with the hopes of achieving Constitutional Carry for Missouri. I have posted this on a forum on Facebook and someone mentioned this group. I have not posted here for quite sometime.
Got his "response" on tape? I wonder if the city fathers would listen to his response...if so would they then be "disappointed" in the Good Chief's public interactions with the electorate.


Regular Member
May 1, 2013
Lake Ozark, Mo
"Got his "response" on tape? I wonder if the city fathers would listen to his response...if so would they then be "disappointed" in the Good Chief's public interactions with the electorate."

I did get part of it, and he said I posted something on social media about him the second day he was on the job. It isn't going to end here.

OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation
"Got his "response" on tape? I wonder if the city fathers would listen to his response...if so would they then be "disappointed" in the Good Chief's public interactions with the electorate."

I did get part of it, and he said I posted something on social media about him the second day he was on the job. It isn't going to end here.
Well done. Please keep us informed as you deem appropriate.

+1 to you Sir.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
why approach this from a he said he responded mentality...

does the state have a public funds spent on training development provision which allows citizens to see specifically how their tax dollars are being spent? if so do a FOI request asking for all the training materials used by the department to train their officers. do not tell them what you are specifically seeking cuz it gives them an opportunity to 'fix' something.

to assure you are not picking on lake ozark, unfortunately it appears from your posts you are in fact centering your sights on them for whatever reason only known to you...you send FOIs out to all the nearby communities and across the state.

once this data is gathered you can approach the highest law enforcement entity in each county asking they enforce the provisions of states statutes as well as approach your elected officials asking for the laws to enforce their statutes.

btw, why are you picking on the poor chief, in front of his work force, in public, while eating lunch...your timing sucks and lucky you were not summarily dismissed with a curt word of go the h3ll away, i'm busy!

you status seems to be moving from a citizen with a cause to a citizen with an irrational pursuit who is bothering the chief, in public no less, to the point of stalking them. careful mate, sometimes when you think you have the tail, the snapper can still reach up and bite you...

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Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
--Mod edited quote--


so, scott, what pray tell, do you base this personal biased opinion upon?

btw, larueman you seem to communicate your thoughts so well with the little asterisks don't ya? yet so little of substance of meaning is communicated from them except showing your level of ... ya know not sure what your trying to say to the group about the subject.

but now though your actions you have become my MO savant hero and 'shown' me so much. thanks

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Regular Member
Sep 10, 2011
Didn't you say in the other social media you were filing FOIA to see what info they had?

Good move.

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA


Regular Member
May 1, 2013
Lake Ozark, Mo
My experience with facebook is it is not the place for getting knowledgeable feedback. It is a great place to read biased opinions lacking a bases in sage reality.

If your council meetings gives time to the public to speak, use that forum to address the problem.

Example - part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uymrcJSnLx8

Also part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mRR6qLX1kII

I have addressed the Lake Ozark Alderman four times in the last two years addressing issues surrounding their abuse of our 2nd Amendment rights, with little to no improved conditions. Any social internet site is merely a way for one person to tell another person how badly they are addressing any given issue.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
I have addressed the Lake Ozark Alderman four times in the last two years addressing issues surrounding their abuse of our 2nd Amendment rights, with little to no improved conditions. Any social internet site is merely a way for one person to tell another person how badly they are addressing any given issue.

it would seem, while not in attendance of any of your encounters w/the chief or the 'alderman' to see how your efforts were presented to these august individuals (one of whom cannot under any circumstances affect the change you seek), coupled with your statement '...little to no improved conditions.' it would seem your tactics might benefit from and need review to affect the change you wish to accomplish.

but memory serves me this is not the first time this has been discussed on this forum is it? So i am quite confused when you say in our initial post of this iteration of the subject: quote Lake Ozark not playing nice again. unquote. did they ever change the ordinance that was passed last June (http://www.kansascity.com/news/government-politics/article640420.html) and you are pushing against isolated instances of establishments not allowing firearms or are you still pushing against the original ordinance??

sorry but as mentioned, but by now you should have come to the conclusion your efforts have failed and need significant review, revamped, but as COL pointed out Facebook isn't the vehicle....

yes i know this lacks specifics on revamping your cause, but i do not agree w/what i can only presume was an emotionally charged personal attack(s) on those individuals who can't affect the change you wish to invoke in front of their subordinates in a public place...



Accomplished Advocate
Aug 17, 2006
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
As I have said over and over, nothing is going to change, in Lake Ozark or anywhere else in Missouri unless officials are put to the test.

If you want officials to recognize your privilege (statutory law), that's easy. If you want officials to recognize your RIGHTS (constitutional law), that's more involved.

Some people want to wait until someone challenges things in the courtroom, other people are willing to challenge things in public.

You can talk to council/officials until you're blue in the face, and the best you're gonna get is that your privileges will be acknowledged. Bank on it.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
As I have said over and over, nothing is going to change, in Lake Ozark or anywhere else in Missouri unless officials are put to the test.
If you want officials to recognize your privilege (statutory law), that's easy. If you want officials to recognize your RIGHTS (constitutional law), that's more involved.
Some people want to wait until someone challenges things in the courtroom, other people are willing to challenge things in public.
You can talk to council/officials until you're blue in the face, and the best you're gonna get is that your privileges will be acknowledged. Bank on it.

walk w/flyers? when



Regular Member
May 1, 2013
Lake Ozark, Mo
Solus, I am sure you have again told me that I am a moron and my brutal attack upon a public offiical was deplorable, but fortunately I cannot read them. If for some reason that is not the case I apologize.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
Solus, I am sure you have again told me that I am a moron and my brutal attack upon a public offiical was deplorable, but fortunately I cannot read them. If for some reason that is not the case I apologize.

and i am sooo truly disappointed i missed any and all conversations between the poster and the chief of police, aldermen, etc., and this individual poster wonders why, oh why, no forward progress has been made on firearm carry in LO.

BB62, almost positive i have discerned the root cause of the problem!!

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Accomplished Advocate
Aug 17, 2006
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
...BB62, almost positive i have discerned the root cause of the problem!!
I really don't know one way or the other. I can understand the man's frustration with the Chief, and I share his anger at a "public servant" who thinks of things backwards.

I believe a records request is in the offing, and, handled properly (I know it's well written because I supplied it ;)), it should provide him the answer to his original question.

Where things go from there, IF they go from there, will be illuminating.


Regular Member
May 1, 2013
Lake Ozark, Mo
I really don't know one way or the other. I can understand the man's frustration with the Chief, and I share his anger at a "public servant" who thinks of things backwards.

I believe a records request is in the offing, and, handled properly (I know it's well written because I supplied it ;)), it should provide him the answer to his original question.

Where things go from there, IF they go from there, will be illuminating.

Jeffry, I have no idea what the context of the post of solus you are responding to because I refuse to read any posts from the man. You and I do not always agree on everything to make sure Missouri is a Constitutional Carry state before the dust settles, but from what I have seen we both are active in doing something. It is the people like solus that burn my butt because they think they know all and have done little. And solus, if you post a list of things you have done publicly to bring Constitutional Carry to Missouri or anything other State I will be the first to say I am a butt.(P.S. address your post to BB62, otherwise I will not see it)

Jeffry, I am just a 66 year old guy that believes that all that has happened in my lifetime was not for knot, that there is enough true Americans left that will stand up for the Second Amendment that my 1 year grandson will be able to protect him and his family in a way with less restrictions than I do today.

By the way, that well written records request is in the hands that govern........