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Antis say the darndest things :D


Regular Member
Dec 29, 2008
Post screenshots of antis saying funny things. Not just stupid things, but things that are really funny. Yes, funny is subjective, but the point is that we're trying to laugh here, not get mad here. We can be mad elsewhere. :)


  • one.jpg
    31.4 KB · Views: 245
  • two.jpg
    58.1 KB · Views: 264


Regular Member
Dec 29, 2008
I mean, come on... Part of the constitution is unconstitutional? XD hahaha

And next... A civil war between gun owners and everyone that doesn't own guns? REALLY? hahaha


Founder's Club Member
Nov 15, 2006
Fairfax Co., VA
She's in for a surprise. I do have military training. USMC, thank you very much. One-shot-one-kill doctrine, meaning don't spray-and-pray, or lay down suppressing fire--hit the danged enemy with the first shot and put him out of action (just means focus on actual marksmanship).

Of course, marksmanship training didn't speak to my baser instincts nearly as much as bayonet drill. She seems to have completely overlooked that part.

Some years ago I recognized an omission in all the yak about sending sons and daughters into harms way. Phffft. When a US Marine steps onto the battlefield, he's not stepping into harm's way. He is harm's way.

Its just a matter of attitude. And, I still have the ability to adopt that attitude. I can still find within myself the animal instinct to sink a bayonet into my enemy's chest, twist it with a guttural snarl, and withdraw it, totally disregarding the pain and surprise in his face--and his humanity--while I look to my next target. I don't like it. But, I can still find it. And use it if and when it becomes necessary.
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Baked on Grease

Regular Member
Jul 4, 2011
Sterling, Va.
Lol to that first pic... a huge uprising of anti's against gun owners... well, guess who's got the superior firepower lady! Man, they just don't think things through...


Founder's Club Member
Nov 15, 2006
Fairfax Co., VA
Lol to that first pic... a huge uprising of anti's against gun owners... well, guess who's got the superior firepower lady! Man, they just don't think things through...


Which leads right into FireArms Instructors comment about her making a good slave.

Not for me; got no use for slaves--gotta supervise them all the time; who would even want a slave? But, somebody, say an enslaver, would sure appreciate her...um...lack of thinking.

Rusty Young Man

Regular Member
Jun 19, 2013
Árida Zona
Let's see, who would win in the hypothetical "civil war" the anti was talking about: unarmed herd :)p) or an armed group. Kind of like asking whether an egg or a concrete sidewalk would be the first to break when the two meet at high speed, if you ask me.:lol:
Then again, we gun carriers are, as a whole, less inclined to do violence upon a non-aggressor.


Grab the popcorn for the Ghost Gun video clip:
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Regular Member
Apr 12, 2012
tax invaders?



Campaign Veteran
Apr 2, 2007
Southeast, Missouri, USA
And after that anti's envisioned civil war the US would be entirely populated by CC-only folks ... because you know, all us OC peeps would be killed first. :rolleyes:


Campaign Veteran
Jan 14, 2010
Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA
Post screenshots of antis saying funny things. Not just stupid things, but things that are really funny. Yes, funny is subjective, but the point is that we're trying to laugh here, not get mad here. We can be mad elsewhere. :)

Well... Apparently, Judi Green has never read the Constitution, ever, and Andre Angive never studied history.

So... Typical antis.

Rusty Young Man

Regular Member
Jun 19, 2013
Árida Zona
Rusty, I had forgotten how funny that was :D hahaha

Before that video came out, I would do (what I THOUGHT was) a pretty good impersonation of an anti going full-auto stupid; some of my posts on OCDO made sarcastic mention to "evil, black, high-caliber, large-power, puppy-kicking assault clip weapons". Then DeLeon comes along and completely blows my best impression out of the water.:lol:

Now, another funny video (I know, you asked for screenshots, I just figured the videos could be pretty entertaining as well).

First off, I'd like to mention that I didn't feel the "primal instincts" these guys are talking about the first time I ever fired a gun (bolt action, Mosin Nagant to be precise) at around the age of 9, or the first time I fired semi auto anything (which was about three years ago).

Maybe I'm just not "masculine" enough to lose control like the anti-gunners.:lol:

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Firearms Iinstuctor

Regular Member
Jul 12, 2011
northern wis
What bunch of metrosexual wimps and they sure were not shooting full power 500S@W loads.

They went to make a political statement not to learn about guns.

I seen these types come thru our police academy's
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Regular Member
Dec 29, 2008
Before that video came out, I would do (what I THOUGHT was) a pretty good impersonation of an anti going full-auto stupid; some of my posts on OCDO made sarcastic mention to "evil, black, high-caliber, large-power, puppy-kicking assault clip weapons". Then DeLeon comes along and completely blows my best impression out of the water.:lol:

Now, another funny video (I know, you asked for screenshots, I just figured the videos could be pretty entertaining as well).

First off, I'd like to mention that I didn't feel the "primal instincts" these guys are talking about the first time I ever fired a gun (bolt action, Mosin Nagant to be precise) at around the age of 9, or the first time I fired semi auto anything (which was about three years ago).

Maybe I'm just not "masculine" enough to lose control like the anti-gunners.:lol:


Oh, videos are cool, too, for sure!

I can only imagine that their reaction is a result of a certain immaturity. Yes, absolutely, shooting can be fun, and a rush, probably especially for first time shooters, but to liken a firearm to a toy, or imply that the fact it's fun precludes any other legitimate use, I think is very immature. There are plenty of activities and tools which can be fun to do or use, but are quite dangerous and require a certain maturity to participate in or use. I think if they conclude that they aren't mature enough or responsible enough to own or possess firearms, then perhaps they should be free to choose not to. For them to conclude that, because they aren't mature or responsible enough, they should be able to prohibit others from owning or possessing firearms, is quite illogical. Their notion that a firearm could potentially make them feel like more of a man is also a pretty significant immaturity and misunderstanding. What makes a man a man? It certainly isn't the possession of a firearm. That goes without saying. Perhaps it'd be more accurate to say that a man is someone that would stand firm in their principle and resolve, rather than attempt to impose unjustified prohibitions on others out of fear of a loss of control.


Regular Member
Mar 21, 2015
Sparks, NV
I don't consider myself "more of a man" when I carry my sidearm. It takes maturity to decide to use it ONLY as a tool in a certain set of circumstances. If someone lacks the maturity to make that decision, for my safety and other's, please refrain from owning a weapon.


Campaign Veteran
Apr 2, 2007
Southeast, Missouri, USA
Oh, videos are cool, too, for sure!

I can only imagine that their reaction is a result of a certain immaturity. Yes, absolutely, shooting can be fun, and a rush, probably especially for first time shooters, but to liken a firearm to a toy, or imply that the fact it's fun precludes any other legitimate use, I think is very immature. There are plenty of activities and tools which can be fun to do or use, but are quite dangerous and require a certain maturity to participate in or use. I think if they conclude that they aren't mature enough or responsible enough to own or possess firearms, then perhaps they should be free to choose not to. For them to conclude that, because they aren't mature or responsible enough, they should be able to prohibit others from owning or possessing firearms, is quite illogical. Their notion that a firearm could potentially make them feel like more of a man is also a pretty significant immaturity and misunderstanding. What makes a man a man? It certainly isn't the possession of a firearm. That goes without saying. Perhaps it'd be more accurate to say that a man is someone that would stand firm in their principle and resolve, rather than attempt to impose unjustified prohibitions on others out of fear of a loss of control.

We've seen this attitude lurking beneath a lot of anti's histrionics. They assume that because they are incapable of controlling themselves that everyone else is so burdened. I actually, and unfortunately, had a recent real life discussion along those lines.


Campaign Veteran
Aug 13, 2007
Fairfax County, Virginia
Personally, I find the idea of civil war frightening. But some would find the idea of the incredibly one-sided civil war proposed attractive (hint: they all have guns).

It's always a good idea to think before you open your trap.