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Washington Times - Poll: Most Americans comfortable with carry of holstered handguns


Site Co-Founder
May 13, 2006
Fairfax County, Virginia, USA


“Most Americans” - 52 percent - say that they would feel comfortable if they saw someone carrying a handgun in a holster in public. So says a new YouGov poll - which also reveals the nuances of public sentiment, and the large partisan divides. Here are the numbers:

52 percent overall say they would be comfortable if they saw someone with a handgun in a holster in public . . . 48 percent overall say the ‘average American’ can be trusted with a firearm.

. . .

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"This is what we have been saying all along," said Mike Stollenwerk, co-founder of OpenCarry.org, which styles itself as "a pro-gun Internet community focused on the right to openly carry properly holstered handguns in daily American life." "Open Carry is the Second Amendment," Stollenwerk added.


Regular Member
Jun 4, 2015
52% is still low for being the majority. I wish it were more, but half of Americans accepting the 2nd amendment isn't too bad...I guess :uhoh:


Regular Member
Mar 22, 2014
Seattle WA
I'm struggling to see this. Seattle is very liberal. The majority of people I talk to either think America should go the way of the UK or say a gun would make them nervous or scared. There isnt even any no gun signs in the downtown area or if there are they are very few and far between. I'm guessing because business wouldnt even think of a person doing something as 'crazy' as open carrying. Sadly i'm not in a position to test my theory but I will when I can. I expect to be thrown out of pretty much every place or have about a dozen police cars swarming around me

1245A Defender

Regular Member
Jul 7, 2009
north mason county, Washington, USA

Shopping in QFC in Belfair this afternoon,
An woman my age asked me if their were cheap or free places to practice shooting here in Washington?
I told her about just going out to the power line roads in our woods, they are Everwhere.
We talked about kinds of guns, and cleaning up our messes.
She likes her 38 revolver,,, She escaped from California!!! 2 years ago!!!!
I told her, I am glad she got OUT! She said, I am too!!!

MSG Laigaie

Campaign Veteran
Jan 10, 2011
Philipsburg, Montana
........ Seattle is very liberal. The majority of people I talk to either think America should go the way of the UK or say a gun would make them nervous or scared. There isnt even any no gun signs in the downtown area or if there are they are very few and far between. I'm guessing because business wouldnt even think of a person doing something as 'crazy' as open carrying. Sadly i'm not in a position to test my theory but I will when I can. I expect to be thrown out of pretty much every place or have about a dozen police cars swarming around me

Oh yes, seattle. This State would be perfect if King county would go away. The same bunch that does not think two bathrooms (M&F) are enough. The entire county is over run with hoplophobes and it must be difficult for a Legally Armed Citizen to live there comfortably.

Come to our neighborhood and OC is alive, doing well, and pretty much accepted. What a difference a few miles makes.


Regular Member
Jul 1, 2014
Tomahawk and Abbotsford, Wi.
My poll is about 1000:4 good to bad for OC be acceptable. Granted I did not go to Washington DC, or Chicago, but one of the 4 is a woman from Illinois standing in Wisconsin giving me hell for her seeing a gun. Another of the 4 was a guy from Philly protecting his kids from some crazy guy. Poll taken over a four year period of open carry, predominately no one notices, gives me a thumbs up, thanks for exercising your 2A Right, or tell me they have their CCL, or show me their gun by opening jacket or such. Once in a while I will get someone who asks if that is legal, if I'm LE, or if I get bothered much? Yes, no, and not very often.

Granted, a normal person who was terrified of seeing a gun would not generally approach the person with the gun and begin to berate them, but at least four people in this country will. So, I may have bumped into some no votes that just didn't register it with me.

Our current trend in politics seems to be to take a poll, and then make your position whatever the poll shows to be strongest. Another poll with different results in two years means a different position for said politician. Uhm............NO.
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Regular Member
Mar 22, 2014
Seattle WA
Oh yes, seattle. This State would be perfect if King county would go away. The same bunch that does not think two bathrooms (M&F) are enough. The entire county is over run with hoplophobes and it must be difficult for a Legally Armed Citizen to live there comfortably.

Come to our neighborhood and OC is alive, doing well, and pretty much accepted. What a difference a few miles makes.

Well if someone wants to arrange an open carry demo, i'd join in and copblock it. That is if my hardline posts haven't scared people :p While not exactly not topic this will give you an idea just how vocal I am. Incidentally my internet is going to be all over the place for awhile so responses will be hit and miss at very best. Probably once a week at the library


Regular Member
Jul 1, 2014
Tomahawk and Abbotsford, Wi.
Unfortunately that is supposed to be the difference between republicanism and the demos-crats. A republican should be elected for his excellent personal principles and should hold true to them regardless of the political winds. The demos pull out a finger and sniff it to see if they are up-wind or down.

I think the difference these days is about the thickness of the paper the poll was taken on.

An Internet poll you say? Even more accurate then.......

sudden valley gunner

Regular Member
Dec 13, 2008
Whatcom County
Unfortunately that is supposed to be the difference between republicanism and the demos-crats. A republican should be elected for his excellent personal principles and should hold true to them regardless of the political winds. The demos pull out a finger and sniff it to see if they are up-wind or down.

Seems to me the R's sniff the D's finger and then stand in their lee.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
I think the difference these days is about the thickness of the paper the poll was taken on.

An Internet poll you say? Even more accurate then.......

if it is called a 'poll' or a 'study' JQPublic immediately believes the results w/o looking at the specific number of ppl polled or in the study...they just flatly accept the poll's percentages or the study's conclusions.

the loss of critical thinking skills is amazing as is the acceptance of mediocrity across the board by our citizens and elected officials.


OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation
if it is called a 'poll' or a 'study' JQPublic immediately believes the results w/o looking at the specific number of ppl polled or in the study...they just flatly accept the poll's percentages or the study's conclusions.

the loss of critical thinking skills is amazing as is the acceptance of mediocrity across the board by our citizens and elected officials.

I focus on the premise of each question and the repeatedness of the question(s), thus worded differently, to garner the desired result, to support the beforehand postulated premise...the only poll that counts is that poll taken at the ballot box.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
... and correspondents.

I was very amused to recently stumble across the etymology of solipsism: From Latin solus (“alone”) +‎ ipse (“self”) +‎ -ism.
Self-absorption, an unawareness of the views or needs of others; self-centeredness; egoism

and i nightmare, am extremely pleased and amused this causes you such continued bemusement!

tis truly a shame mate, you are only fascinated with the etymology instead of seeking below the skin of the onion.



Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
I focus on the premise of each question and the repeatedness of the question(s), thus worded differently, to garner the desired result, to support the beforehand postulated premise...the only poll that counts is that poll taken at the ballot box.

i do believe daley's machine (and others of course) perfected rising the dead to assure their count was appropriately noted in the ballot box.



Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
I disagree. IIRC it was Stalin that taught correctly that votes in the ballot box matter less than what the vote counter reports, and history bears him out.

The only 'poll' that assuredly counts is the body count from application of the ammo box.

Counting coups: Elsewhere I note the report that the SEAL's are using fighting axes, the report surely to cause accusations of cruel and unusual warfare. I believe Saracen scalps are much more convenient to take than Infidel heads, and to carry around.

ears are even easier to carry...
