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Asked to leave Friday's

Mr Birdman

Regular Member
Jun 2, 2013
United States
Went out for my birthday today and we went to TGI Friday's . Shortly after we sat down the manager came over and lied to me and said that children were noticing and were upset about my firearm. I asked her if they were going to attack. She asked me if I could take it out of my holster and place it on the other side of me in the booth on the seat so no one could see it. I refused and she asked me it I could take it out side and put it in my car. I said I could not do that. Some one could steal it. She left and our waitress came back and took our order. A little while later she came back. She asked me if I were law enforcement. I told her no. She said I could not carry in Friday's. I asked it I could see the official written policy. She said she could not find it. I then asked her then how does she know that there is a policy? She said that I could put it in my car and I politely declined. I told her we would leave and go to Texas Roadhouse. (across the street) Had a nice dinner. Walked back across the street, because I left my car in their parking lot. I covered up and went back inside and gave the manager a copy of my receipt showing how much I spent at Texas Road house. I came home and sent a e-mail to the corporate office .
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Mr Birdman

Regular Member
Jun 2, 2013
United States
upper management

Just got of the phone with the assistant district manager. He told me that the liquor control board of Pa does not allow open carry in restaurants that serve alcohol. :eek: Any one ever heard of such a rule or regulation?


Regular Member
Nov 5, 2013
Kalamazoo, MI
I have to be at a wedding outside of Eire in January, so this perked my interest and I didn't find anything in the PA Statutes that prevents it. I called the PA.LCB, they transferred me to PA State Police in Harrisburg because the polar bears apparently handle the enforcement and complaints side of things. They, in turn, gave me the number for the Westmoreland office. The person I needed to talk to was out to lunch, and I'm now waiting on a call back.

Westmoreland Office 412-548-2050

Edit: Just got a call back from one Eric Swartzwelder, and was told that it is NOT an LCB law/statute/policy. I would call the corporate offices and let them know what is up, and tell them to get their stories straight.
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Campaign Veteran
Jul 31, 2011
...She asked me if I could take it out of my holster and place it on the other side of me in the booth on the seat so no one could see it...

Her first option was to handle a loaded firearm outside of its holster.

She deserves to lose any customer service job she has for that one.

When will they learn THEY are the dangerous ones?
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Mr Birdman

Regular Member
Jun 2, 2013
United States

Just got a response from the home office.

Hi Michael,

Thank you for emailing TGI Fridays.

We apologize for the inconvenience. We want to be sure that we can provide not only a fun environment, but a safe one as well. It is a corporate policy that we do not allow firearms of any caliber into our stores unless carried by a police officer on duty, for the protection of our many valued guests. I appreciate your feedback and hope you’ll understand our position on this issue.

Thank you for your interest in TGI Fridays!


Pearly M.
Guest Relations Support

Brian D.

Regular Member
Jul 27, 2007
Cincy area, Ohio, USA
Well, that's an interesting response. I can only speak for locally here in SW Ohio and nearby northern Ky., but do not recall seeing Friday's posted with such signs. Then again, haven't been to one in a spell.

If I am correct though, how could customers know of such a policy without the signs? Are we supposed to look through corporate policies of every regional/national chain any time we decide to dine out? (Rhetorical question.)

Around here the BW3 franchises are posted, and brother I mean prominently. Good for them, it's their decision, but at least they aren't hiding the policy under a rock.


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
Just got a response from the home office.

Hi Michael,

Thank you for emailing TGI Fridays.

We apologize for the inconvenience. We want to be sure that we can provide not only a fun environment, but a safe one as well. It is a corporate policy that we do not allow firearms of any caliber into our stores unless carried by a police officer on duty, for the protection of our many valued guests. I appreciate your feedback and hope you’ll understand our position on this issue.

Thank you for your interest in TGI Fridays!


Pearly M.
Guest Relations Support
Instead they provide a victim rich, fish in a barrel environment.......great policy (sarcism)

Mr. Birdman you might try going futher up the food chain - you might be the one to get the rule changed.


Campaign Veteran
Jul 31, 2011
They might want to compare cops' accident and marksmanship rates to civilians and rethink that policy.

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Well, that's an interesting response. I can only speak for locally here in SW Ohio and nearby northern Ky., but do not recall seeing Friday's posted with such signs. Then again, haven't been to one in a spell.

If I am correct though, how could customers know of such a policy without the signs? Are we supposed to look through corporate policies of every regional/national chain any time we decide to dine out? (Rhetorical question.)

Around here the BW3 franchises are posted, and brother I mean prominently. Good for them, it's their decision, but at least they aren't hiding the policy under a rock.
Oh, they are posted. You have to go into the lobby. The lobby is about 12' high and the NO GUNS sign is posted about 8' high amongst other decorative signs.

Brian D.

Regular Member
Jul 27, 2007
Cincy area, Ohio, USA
Color of law, I did some research and indeed found per the OFCC Do Not Participate While Armed list that TGI Fridays is on there several times here in Ohio. Oops, call me Color of Embarrassment. No, please don't my friend, gimme a mulligan sir. That moniker might people think I'm affiliated with the Corps of Engineers. Another government enemy of 2A advocates.

Mr Birdman

Regular Member
Jun 2, 2013
United States

Well, that's an interesting response. I can only speak for locally here in SW Ohio and nearby northern Ky., but do not recall seeing Friday's posted with such signs. Then again, haven't been to one in a spell.

If I am correct though, how could customers know of such a policy without the signs? Are we supposed to look through corporate policies of every regional/national chain any time we decide to dine out? (Rhetorical question.)

Around here the BW3 franchises are posted, and brother I mean prominently. Good for them, it's their decision, but at least they aren't hiding the policy under a rock.

I never saw a sign and I never mentioned that fact. If I mentioned that then they may put up a sign. I would rather lots of people go there and file a complaint may be they will get the message.

Mr Birdman

Regular Member
Jun 2, 2013
United States
food chain

Instead they provide a victim rich, fish in a barrel environment.......great policy (sarcism)

Mr. Birdman you might try going futher up the food chain - you might be the one to get the rule changed.

I got a phone call from the regional manager. He was very nice and very understanding. He said he did not make the policy he just has to abide by it, and is looking forward towards retirement.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
as previously mentioned, fridays has been off limits for years...

also as previously mentioned, you can push the rock further up the organizational chain...

not sure which way you are trying to direct the thread...



Founder's Club Member
Nov 15, 2006
Fairfax Co., VA
Just got a response from the home office.

Hi Michael,

Thank you for emailing TGI Fridays.

We apologize for the inconvenience. We want to be sure that we can provide not only a fun environment, but a safe one as well. It is a corporate policy that we do not allow firearms of any caliber into our stores unless carried by a police officer on duty, for the protection of our many valued guests. I appreciate your feedback and hope you’ll understand our position on this issue.

Thank you for your interest in TGI Fridays!


Pearly M.
Guest Relations Support

"Hi Michael"?
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