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Michigan Firearm and Self Defense News


Regular Member
Nov 5, 2013
Kalamazoo, MI
So, the news from April....

HB 4795 is going for committee vote Wed. Call the reps on THIS LIST and tell them THIS MUST PASS! This adds teeth to the preemption laws by providing penalties.

Also, SB's 0442 and 0611 (2015 on both) are still hung in legislative limbo. Still hoping they die there.

Jon Hoadley (D) held a forum at the Kalamazoo Public Library. Supposedly to promote his "common sense" gun laws, which we all know is Anti code for more control. Not much ever came of it, but his idiotic bills are still in a holding pattern in the legislature.

All this when permit applications in Kalamazoo are at their highest levels.

Child of OC parent has been bullied by the Kalamazoo Public Schools. All of the other students in her class have been transferred out. She finished out her class time alone. KPS allowed it to happen, if not openly encouraged it. Pathetic.

In other bully news, Grand Rapids/Kent County may be in trouble after the confrontation at the Michigan Womans Expo at DeVos Place. The Grand Rapids-Kent County Convention/Arena Authority (CAA) owns DeVos and is a publicly funded entity. Go figure. Here's hoping that MGO and MOC sue the pants off GR/KC.

On April 13th, a couple hundred gun owners descended on Lansing for a 2nd Amendment march. Key speaker for the day was CJ Grisham, President of Open Carry Texas. Was kinda cold at first, but warmed up nicely in the afternoon. Also Detroit weapons instructor Rick Ector told the rousing story of the Battle of Athens. If you don't know it, you should. The only dark cloud of the matter was that some asshat keyed the truck being used to pull the MGO trailer. Some people are just jackasses.

Of course, both MLive and my local news, WWMT News 3 either IGNORED or totally FAILED to garner the point of the march. Idiotic media is at it as usual. But somehow they decided to run the story about Alabama 11 yr old Chris Gaither. Wtf.

Got a news story I missed? Info on bills in the legislature? Hit me with a PM and it'll be in next months post.


Regular Member
Nov 5, 2013
Kalamazoo, MI
May happenings:

Ann Arbor Schools Close for Voting May 3rd. All because they were unsure how to enforce their no guns policy that is illegal under MI law.

Robert Wittenberg, D-Oak Park is seeking to punish those who fail a background check. Just how many people that go to a store fail a background check? I'm pretty sure that most people who are going to fail the BGC know it and already seek to get firearms by other means.

Teens stole a gun from a car and caused a lockdown. Yeah, I see that GFZ stuff working really well there. Also, we as gun owners need to stop and take a lesson about NOT LEAVING YOUR GUN IN YOUR CAR UNSECURED!!!

Kalamazoo County declines to recognize Gun Violence Day. Thats ok, the Bloomberg Mommies did their little march in the city. and of course Julie Mack spreads her supporting lies while pretending to be a journalist.

Flushing HS violates students rights and kicks him out of school for wearing an NRA shirt. He's the captain of the schools Skeet Shooting team.

No real movement on HB 4795, SB 442 or SB 611. Hopefully the first passes despite all the lies being flung around, and the other two fade away.


Regular Member
Nov 5, 2013
Kalamazoo, MI
Legislative News:

No action on SB's 611 or 442, or HB 5443. Looks like they're off to the useless bill graveyard. HB's 4795 and 5304 also seem to be on hold. We need those two to pass.

Legal Issues:

No movement on either the Clio or Ann Arbor school cases since 5/31/16 according to the courts website.

Possibility of another case in this incident. Funny thing, no where in the MI firearms laws does it state you have to inform or provide proof to THE SCHOOL. District policy in this case is totally moot, as they constitute a "local unit of government" and are therefore subject to 123.1102, Ann Arbor case be damned.

Self Defense:

Never underestimate the elderly. Just because they look old doesn't mean they won't drop you to the pavement if you threaten them.


Regular Member
Nov 5, 2013
Kalamazoo, MI
The Anti's continue their willfully ignorant, idiotic attacks on firearms. Led by the uber firearm hateful Julie Mack, MLive pounded out a few articles.

One concerned the apparent high number of suicides in the U.P.. Of course, they blame it on the gun, totally disregarding the fact that it's a TOOL not a living being whispering in peoples ears. A person can just as readily cut a wrist, get drunk and take pills or drive a car into a tree. Let me say it again, just in case some of the dolts who write this drivel didn't hear me: GUNS DO NOT CAUSE A PERSON TO BE SUICIDAL!

Another article covered a "die in" at the state capitol to raise awareness on the need to have hearings for "gun sense" legislation. The article states about 40 people showed up, though the pictures make it look like a much more paltry number. It certainly pales in comparison to the 2nd Amendment Rally held in the same spot several months ago where over a hundred people showed up even though it was frigid.

In better news, Donald Trump released a list of candidates he would like to see to fill the Supreme Court opening. [http://www.mlive.com/news/index.ssf...me_court_justice_1.html#incart_river_home]One of those on the list is Michigan Supreme Court Chief Justice Robert P. Young Jr.[/url] He joins two other Michigan names: Justice Joan Larsen (also of the MSC) and Judge Raymond Kethledge (currently sitting on the US 6th Circuit). He authored the majority opinion in the Wayne County v. Hathcock case that put a clamp on the use of eminent domain in Michigan, as well as the MSC advisory opinion on the requirement of photo identification before voting.


Regular Member
Nov 5, 2013
Kalamazoo, MI
Important news on the Legal front:

Michigan Court of Appeals has scheduled oral arguments in MOC/Herman v. Clio Area Schools, alongside the MGO/Wong v. Ann Arbor. To refresh, Clio was a win for carriers, upholding that school districts constitute local units of government and preserving the peoples rights to carry openly (as required by law) on and in school property. Ann Arbor was a conflicting decision, saying schools had special exception and could make their own rules regardless of state law. The arguments will be heard Tuesday, Dec. 13th in front of Kristen Kelly, Elizabeth Gleicher and Douglas Shapiro.

Other Legal news:

New bills introduced by Reps Wittenberg (D-Oak Park) Townsend (D- Royal Oak) Chang (D-Det) and Hoadley (D-Kalamazoo) are seeking to undermine firearm owners rights bit by bit.
A draft version of the bill defines "assault weapon" as a semiautomatic pistol or semiautomatic or pump-action rifle capable of accepting a detachable magazine, that has at least one feature including a pistol grip behind the trigger on a rifle, a shoulder stock on a pistol, a barrel shroud, a muzzle break or compensator, or a protruding grip not held by the trigger hand.

The definition also includes a pistol capable of accepting a detachable magazine in a location outside of the pistol grip, a semiautomatic pistol or "center-fire rifle" with a fixed magazine that can carry more than 10 rounds of ammunition, and a shotgun with a revolving cylinder.

The bill would also make it illegal to posses at the same time a semiautomatic or pump-action rifle, or a semiautomatic pistol capable of accepting a detachable magazine, and a magazine capable of use with that firearm that contains more than 10 ammo rounds.

Other bills in the package introduced Oct. 19 would:

• Require the reporting of stolen or lost ammunition, in a bill sponsored by Rep. Stephanie Chang, D-Detroit.

• Require the provision of ballistic identification to police before certain sales of handguns, in legislation sponsored by Rep. Townsend.

• Prohibit and increase penalties for brandishing of an imitation firearm, sponsored by Rep. Wittenberg.

• Prohibit and provide penalties for altering a firearm or an imitation firearm, sponsored by Rep. Wittenberg.

• Prohibit and provide penalties for purchasing or attempting to purchase a firearm with the intent to furnish it to a minor or another individual prohibited from having a firearm, in legislation sponsored by Rep. Jon Hoadley, D-Kalamazoo.

However, according to Senator Ken Horn, R-Frankenmuth, those bills will be dead on arrival.

Also in legal news, several Michigan communities plan to uphold the law and allow people to open carry at their polling places on election day. Thats good news, even though the ever gun hating Julie Mack tried to paint it in a negative light. Typical.

Harbor Beach tabled their discussion on changing parts of the employee handbook that prevent city employed crossing guard Casey Armitage from carrying on the job, leaving the status quo intact and Casey without her sidearm during work time.


Regular Member
Oct 15, 2012
Secret Bunker
Good luck, you're going to need it.

MI, good people, bad politicians & worse judges (aka Rosie Aqualina) and her like.


Until MI has a very strong pro rights group (not rag tag confederations of often infighting groups with empty pockets) things won't change for the better. MI is a sad example of what happens when everyone looks to someone else to fight their battles (NRA etc...).

I miss the people but glad to be in a state with a very strong pro rights group (AzCDL) with 14,000+ members and growing, that fights tooth and nail to not only keep our rights but to expand them. I'm proud to be a lifetime member :cool:


I hope one day all left in MI can experience the freedoms we enjoy daily here in AZ. God bless and help you all. :)
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Regular Member
Nov 5, 2013
Kalamazoo, MI


May 1, 2016
The kid in Detroit was just a misunderstood teenager looking for some work to make a couple bucks to buy school clothes.*


*Greatly intended sarcasm in that. Did Cooley Law School. A bit familiar with Michigan.


Regular Member
Nov 5, 2013
Kalamazoo, MI
Dec. 2016 was a big month for OC in Michigan, maybe not in quantity of stories, but certainly in quality of the issues concerned.

As most of us know, the Clio and Ann Arbor school carry cases were argued in front of Court of Appeals Judges Kirsten Kelly, Elizabeth Gleicher and Douglas Shapiro on the 13th. After only three days, these activist, idiot libtards completely threw away both the law and common sense when they decided, 3-0, that schools are:
“not formed, organized or operated” by cities, townships or counties and have “very broad powers of self-governance.”
There is nothing that I can type here to show my outrage and disbelief at the sheer stupidity and overt disregard of the law that led these sub moronic nothings in black robes to this decision. Thankfully, both MGO and MOC are pledged to take this to the Michigan Supreme Court. Just a matter of when.


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
"...not formed, organized or operated” by cities, townships or counties.....," who then?


Regular Member
Nov 5, 2013
Kalamazoo, MI
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Regular Member
Nov 5, 2013
Kalamazoo, MI
And if that wasn't enough, we have the podunk little town of Harbor Beach, MI charging outrageous fees for and/or ignoring an FOIA request. $250 dollar fee for an ESTIMATED five hours work by two city employees.

Complaint filed by MOC HERE


Regular Member
Nov 5, 2013
Kalamazoo, MI
Black Guns Matter Group in GR on Sat.

“You can’t legislate the problems away. The problems are not the firearms. The problem is ignorance, the problem is lack of respect for firearms. The problem is lack of education, lack of training.” - Maj Toure, Black Guns Matter

He's bringing his message and education session to LifeQuest Ministries in Grand Rapids Saturday from 3:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

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Regular Member
Nov 5, 2013
Kalamazoo, MI

The ex-boyfriend began beating her up. Soon after, another customer came into the store and witnessed the assault.

The customer tried to intervene, Le was told, and the other man then began to assault the customer. Le said the customer separated himself from the attacker and pulled out a gun.

Le said the customer warned the other person to stop.

"He didn't listen," Le said.

Holland Police early Friday said the 29-year-old attacker was shot twice by the 43-year-old customer. The customer had a legal handgun and also had a valid Concealed Pistol License, according to Holland Police.


There, Solus. Happy now?
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