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Met the new NV NRA Rep.


Regular Member
Aug 1, 2012
Pointy end and slightly to the left
Was in Stockpile Defense gun store today and in comes a guy with a NRA hat and shirt on. Turns out he is our new NRA rep. Our last rep was over part of Commifornia and Southern Nevada with what appeared having strong Commifornia influence when it came to representing Nevada. The new rep lives in Fallon NV took care of northern Nevada and part of Commifornia recently he was moved to just over Nevada. My conversation with him was very positive he did appeared to be on a mission to build up new and better relations and better NRA support for Nevada.
I did tell him the last NRA rep Mike was for the most part anti open carry and many of the Nevada open carry bunch felt the NRA was alienating OCers and Nevada. He said he was aware of that and that was one of the issues he was hoping to help fix.
He is looking for community members and chairman for doing Nevada state NRA dinners/meetings. His name is Steve Wilson gave me his contact info for posting. 209-604-7006 swilson@nrahq.org. Here is a good opportunity for the ones that have the time and talent to get opencarry influence in a NRA state committee.


Regular Member
Apr 15, 2008
Las Vegas NV, ,
I am confused. Is this just the friends of the nra guy? Or is this the state rep? The last rep I met was a woman that was 2012. I know the mike was the friends rep and he was dick.


Jan 14, 2012
earth's crust
Always ask: do you support any reasonable gun control laws or proposed legislation?

Its a trick ? of course ... no gun laws are reasonable.


Regular Member
Dec 19, 2007
Fallon, Nevada, USA
I am confused. Is this just the friends of the nra guy? Or is this the state rep? The last rep I met was a woman that was 2012. I know the mike was the friends rep and he was dick.

Yes, there is some confusion here.

Steve Wilson is with FoNRA. FoNRA is primarily for fundraising; and they do grant money for range and training projects. But they are not involved in legislative/legal matters.

The NRA-ILA rep for Nevada is Dan Reid. Formerly, our rep was Carrie Herbertson (now deceased.) NRA-ILA is involved in legislative matters.
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Regular Member
Aug 1, 2012
Pointy end and slightly to the left
Yes, there is some confusion here.

Steve Wilson is with FoNRA. FoNRA is primarily for fundraising; and they do grant money for range and training projects. But they are not involved in legislative/legal matters.

The NRA-ILA rep for Nevada is Dan Reid. Formerly, our rep was Carrie Herbertson (now deceased.) NRA-ILA is involved in legislative matters.

Yes confused. Thanks for clarifying.