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Legislative Agenda


Regular Member
Jan 12, 2010
Poulsbo, Kitsap County, Washington, USA
Attached is the Firearms Agenda for this next session of the legislature. Jo Waldron puts this out consistently and you can receive updates in email if you like.

If every one on the Washington board takes a few minutes to review and comment on a few of these bills it can make a huge impact on how the legislature votes.

Please take note of the "new bills", this is an exercise in vigilance.



Regular Member
Feb 25, 2007
N47º 12’ x W122º 10’
I sure see a lot of SUPPORT recommendations on that list for special exemptions to gun laws for police, retired police, and even private security guards.

Until police give their full-throated support to gun rights, I'll be damned if I'm going to support any measure that will exempt them from any laws.


Regular Member
May 21, 2006
Olympia, WA
What's up with all of the proposals to exempt various groups of "special" people from I-594? This would seem to undercut the SAF lawsuit to nullify I-594.

Right now the state doesn't seem to be enforcing I-594, probably because they would have to enforce it against the "special" groups. I would rather have a bad law in place that makes everyone suffer, rather than to start exempting the "special" people from it. I think the only hope of ever getting rid of this abomination relies on having unified opposition to it.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
What's up with all of the proposals to exempt various groups of "special" people from I-594? This would seem to undercut the SAF lawsuit to nullify I-594.

Right now the state doesn't seem to be enforcing I-594, probably because they would have to enforce it against the "special" groups. I would rather have a bad law in place that makes everyone suffer, rather than to start exempting the "special" people from it. I think the only hope of ever getting rid of this abomination relies on having unified opposition to it.

special = elitist

wonder if that was the wink and the nod everyone agreed to so the package would pass...



Regular Member
Jan 12, 2010
Poulsbo, Kitsap County, Washington, USA
Political Sparing

What's up with all of the proposals to exempt various groups of "special" people from I-594? This would seem to undercut the SAF lawsuit to nullify I-594.

Right now the state doesn't seem to be enforcing I-594, probably because they would have to enforce it against the "special" groups. I would rather have a bad law in place that makes everyone suffer, rather than to start exempting the "special" people from it. I think the only hope of ever getting rid of this abomination relies on having unified opposition to it.

Your analysis is correct regarding nullification of 594 bySAF lawsuit. The "special" people exemptions are primarily amendments introduced to the original legislation. Matt Shea introduced HB2164 to counter the "special" people exemption effectively exempting all other law abiding citizens from the provisions of 594.

The best shot I believe we have is a full repeal by vote of the people, achieved by HB 1886 referring a full repeal of 594 to the people for a vote.

We just have to lobby our legislators to bring it to the floor. There are only 60 days this session, it will take a massive effort on the part of citizens to bring it to a vote.

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Regular Member
Aug 10, 2012
Anyone know the Senate committee chairs and sub chairs who will be in charge of these bills? We need to make sure the bills die in committee in the Senate.

According to the website this is the committee makeup from last session but is it still accurate?
Senator Room Phone
Padden, Mike (R)
Chair 106 Irv Newhouse Building (360) 786-7606
O'Ban, Steve (R)
Vice Chair 102 Irv Newhouse Building (360) 786-7654
Pedersen, Jamie (D)
Ranking Minority Member 235 John A. Cherberg Building (360) 786-7628
Darneille, Jeannie (D) 227 John A. Cherberg Building (360) 786-7652
Frockt, David (D) 402 Legislative Building (360) 786-7690
Pearson, Kirk (R) 115D Irv Newhouse Building (360) 786-7676
Roach, Pam (R) 112 Irv Newhouse Building (360) 786-7660
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Regular Member
Feb 19, 2013
If you comment on the bills, it will be sent to your district representatives. It's a shame it's only limited to 1000 characters, though.

I wish I could send this, though, to illustrate the idiocy of anti-gunners' "logic":

Stop Drunk Driving Deaths!
This is my common sense, and reasonable, solution to reducing deaths from drunk driving. Deaths from drunk driving kill and destroy thousands of families each year, and are completely preventable. No longer can we stand by and allow our children to be put in harm’s way by a drunk driver.

Therefore, my proposed solution is reasonable, easy to implement, and keeps our children safe.

To begin with, we need to ban vodka. This drink is dangerously potent, at 80 proof, and is highly popular in bars and clubs because of its ability to be added to nearly any drink. Colorless, vodka can also be used to trick people, as alcoholics use vodka instead of water. You can see this at any number of public and kid-friendly sporting events. This is dangerous, as these drinkers will then drive home, endangering other drivers.

By removing this highly-potent alcohol from the shelves of bars and restaurants, we’ll make the roads safer for our children.

In addition to banning vodka, I propose that we eliminate large glasses from bars and other establishments that serve alcoholic beverages. Large volume glasses only allow drinkers to get drunk quickly. There is no need for 16oz, 22oz, or even 32oz glasses. If I can enjoy my wine in a 4oz pour, then 4oz is good enough for anyone.

The only people who should have access to these sizes of glasses should be food critics, as they require the beverages to last the entire course of the meal they are reviewing. Festivals, sporting events, bars, and private brewhouses have no need for such large glasses that only serve to make people drunk.

Clearly these two proposals can be accepted by any reasonable person with common sense. Please remember that drunk driving kills our children every year. It’s completely preventable, and easily done if these solutions are enacted.

Anti-gun people, this is how mentally incompetent your argument is.


Regular Member
Jan 12, 2010
Poulsbo, Kitsap County, Washington, USA
Commenting on Bills, Quick Video Tutorial

I was asked today how to comment on bills. Rather than attempt to write the process I did a quick screencast of my desktop and sent it off in email.

I put this up on dropbox, perhaps someone can find a better place to host it or create a better vid.

Start at http://leg.wa.gov/ and follow the video.




Regular Member
Mar 2, 2010
Seattle, Washington, USA
Anti-gun people, this is how mentally incompetent your argument is.

It's worse than that. Your argument would be a good analogy for banning concealed carry.

A good analogy to banning keeping and bearing arms would be to prohibit private ownership of motor vehicles. That would eliminate private citizens driving drunk, it would prevent poorly trained vehicle operators from operating vehicles, and it would have unfortunate effects on those confined to wheelchairs...but hey, sacrifices must be made, think of the children.


Jan 14, 2012
earth's crust
Anyone know the Senate committee chairs and sub chairs who will be in charge of these bills? We need to make sure the bills die in committee in the Senate.

According to the website this is the committee makeup from last session but is it still accurate?
Senator Room Phone
Padden, Mike (R)
Chair 106 Irv Newhouse Building (360) 786-7606
O'Ban, Steve (R)
Vice Chair 102 Irv Newhouse Building (360) 786-7654
Pedersen, Jamie (D)
Ranking Minority Member 235 John A. Cherberg Building (360) 786-7628
Darneille, Jeannie (D) 227 John A. Cherberg Building (360) 786-7652
Frockt, David (D) 402 Legislative Building (360) 786-7690
Pearson, Kirk (R) 115D Irv Newhouse Building (360) 786-7676
Roach, Pam (R) 112 Irv Newhouse Building (360) 786-7660

How about their home #'s ..


Regular Member
Nov 15, 2010
Seattle, WA; escaped from 18 years in TX
It's worse than that. Your argument would be a good analogy for banning concealed carry.

A good analogy to banning keeping and bearing arms would be to prohibit private ownership of motor vehicles. That would eliminate private citizens driving drunk, it would prevent poorly trained vehicle operators from operating vehicles, and it would have unfortunate effects on those confined to wheelchairs...but hey, sacrifices must be made, think of the children.

If you want to get a reaction that is terrifyingly close to agreement, scope your analogy down to SUVs. With loose statistics, they can be claimed to be involved in more non-suicide deaths than guns, they "hurt the environment", "no one needs them", and sportsmen could get licenses for restricted use. The people you're throwing the reductio ad absurdum at start to forget you're pro-liberty and think you're making a valid point, and respond with, "I mean, it's not a completely ridiculous idea..." before remembering that you're jerking their chain, and go off in a huff, quietly thinking it's not a bad idea.

Uh oh. Maybe I'll inadvertently have been responsible for the banning of SUVs in King County...

But in all seriousness, if we want to be effective, we're going to have to get better at misdirecting the activist zealotry toward something so absurd that the thick-skulled busybodies feel it personally. There are plenty of people on the East side of Lake Washington driving SUVs. Let's put some discomfort in their corner, hey? Point out that, if saving lives is really what these people are after, going after any but the biggest fish first is immoral. Then dig up insurance institute statistics that prove something I strongly suspect, that Prius drivers are the worst drivers in the state. How ****ing fun would a fight between the West side Prius hypocrites and the East side SUV helicopter parents be?