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Is there an APP for that?


Regular Member
Jan 12, 2010
Poulsbo, Kitsap County, Washington, USA
It occurred to me today there should be a smart phone application that details problems with legislation and citizen initiated initiatives.
The poorly worded law we are strapped with because of I-594 may have been avoided if more folks knew the gory details.

The new citizen initiative I-1491 has a lot of gore and ambiguity as well.

The voter pamphlet gives a pro and con statement for proposed legislation but does not do justice because of the rules associated with the statement writing process.

I am about to put my money where my mouth is, so to speak. I am willing to help fund the development of a smart phone application that details problems with these "do something" proposals.

Is there anyone here that can write or knows someone who can write an AP ? Is there someone else here who will volunteer some time to debunk and pick apart these "do something" proposals so the information can be put into an Ap?

I don't use a smart phone so I have no idea if this is pie in the sky, or if it is even a good delivery system for what I describe.

The idea here is simple and direct, give the information to the voters and let them decide. I think if more people knew about the pitfalls of I-594 it would have turned out different.



Campaign Veteran
Jul 31, 2011
My gut instinct says the only people that will welcome such information, will already get it another way or, even more likely, already be skeptical about it.

While I have a smart phone, it is most definitely smarter than I am, and I use very few apps compared to most.
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Regular Member
Feb 16, 2007
North of Seattle, Washington, USA
For that kind of research I prefer my PC. Smartphone apps are often difficult to read and many times don't show as much information as a PC based app does.

Smartphones are nice but the good old laptop (also mobile) won't go away anytime soon. I do find my Smartphone very useful in situations like this when I use it as a Wifi hotspot so I have connectivity when a free wifi signal isn't available.


Regular Member
Jul 7, 2015
Kahlotus, WA
Turns out there is an App for that.


Has anyone used this? Just curious how well it was known, or not.


The core idea behind the NRA-ILA App is to help 2nd Amendment Supporters become more aware of current & pending legislation. One of the tools offered allows you to contact your Congressperson's office directly in DC. There are also links there for videos posted by NRA as well as petitions & articles.


Regular Member
Jul 7, 2015
Kahlotus, WA
not sure i truely wish to provide the overseers of the NRA's app that much insight of my personal information...

just saying


Depending on how gungho you want to be, it's really not much different than becoming an NRA Member. The overseers of the app are the NRA.