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Vacationing in Tennessee. Need Gun Law information.


Regular Member
Aug 26, 2009
, Kentucky, USA
We'll be travelling to Tennessee for a short vacation in October. Two couples, my best friend and I are looking to carry. I have my CCDW conceal carry license, my best friend does not have his yet.

I've done a little reading and I notice Tenn. requires permits to carry for those living in the state but I'm writing to ask what the laws are for those vacationing there? I usually carry in a semi-concealed carry IWB holster. My friend usually carries in an OWB Serpa style holster.

Looking for knowledgeable gun law individuals to help us stay within to law. From my understanding, I shouldn't have any issues in carrying but my best friend who doesn't have his concealed carry license might.

Also, what is the state laws for restaurants if they derive more than 51% of their sales from food? Anything further that we should be aware of?


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
Neurobladesyou having a Kentucky permit appear to be good to go - reciprocity between the two states.

Your friend, on the other hand, may be left out in the cold. It seems that OC is only allowed with a valid permit. I will let others clarify that for you and explain any caveats.


Regular Member
Oct 29, 2010
Dandridge, TN
A permit is required to carry in TN, you are good, your friend is not. Loaded car carry is OK too, permit or not, just keep it in the car. OC is fairly accepted here too but if asked by an officer for your permit you must show it. I wish I could cite but I don't know how to post with links. Signs have the force of law here too, if a place is posted, no carry into it. Restaurants that serve alcohol is fine as long as its not posted and you don't drink and its wise to just stay out of the bar area.
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Regular Member
Feb 28, 2011
Carrying handguns in the state of TN is illegal. Having a HCP/CCP/PP/CCW/whatever you call it is a defense against the charge. I'm probably mangling the legal terms, but that's the gist of it. Basically, you're guilty until proven innocent. Hence, if a cop sees you carrying (open or not) he has all the RAS to stop you and ask for your permit.

HCP/Permit required for carry, open or concealed. Any state's permit is accepted.

No permit, no carry; at least legally.

TN.gov site on handgun laws: http://tn.gov/safety/article/handguntca

Good luck and have fun!


Regular Member
Aug 18, 2013
Passing thru TN to/from TX to VA I OCd w Texas CHL. Never been a problem, no police asked for permit w me OC in Knoxville Bojangles.