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Experts agree: emergency protective order (EPO) just a piece of paper


Regular Member
Nov 5, 2007
Richmond, Virginia, USA
Seems the experts are slowly catching up to us and agree with the reality we have known all along.

Deaths highlight myriad challenges of protective orders
Kimberly Meador, 47, was shot dead the morning of Sept. 6 in her home on Crabapple Lane.

George Scott Torode, who a witness told police broke into the house and started firing, was found dead later that day in an apparent suicide.

He wasn’t supposed to have any contact with her, according to the emergency protective order (EPO) a magistrate had issued to Meador just three days earlier.

But a piece of paper from the magistrate, like the EPO in the Torode case, can’t stop someone set on making contact — especially if they are violent and possibly suicidal, according to domestic violence experts.

In the Bedford County case, Torode, 52, had been served the written emergency protective order, but he chose to ignore it; he also broke the law by carrying a firearm as a convicted felon, said Wes Nance, Bedford County’s acting Commonwealth’s Attorney.

In this case, like many others, a protective order did nothing to deter criminal intent, Nance said.

“Protective orders are still a very important and effective tool to help keep citizens safe. They’re never going to fully eliminate the threat,” Nance said. “The fact is the legislation of many criminal acts hasn’t done away with the crimes themselves.

Lynchburg Commonwealth’s Attorney Michael Doucette agreed.

“The important thing to remember about protective orders is that they are not a panacea; they are one more tool available to law enforcement to try and end the cycle of domestic violence that plagues so many victims,” he said in an email.

“It is already illegal to punch or strangle your wife or girlfriend. It goes without saying that it is already illegal to kill your wife or girlfriend,” Doucette said. “Adding another law such as the protective-order law will not stop that abuser who is determined to cause further physical harm.

Notice that the none of the experts interviewed advised women like Meador to have and carry their own protection with them. The whole system infantilizes women and encourages them to be entirely dependent on others for their security.

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
In the Bedford County case, Torode, 52, had been served the written emergency protective order, but he chose to ignore it; he also broke the law by carrying a firearm as a convicted felon, said Wes Nance, Bedford County’s acting Commonwealth’s Attorney.

In this case, like many others, a protective order did nothing to deter criminal intent, Nance said.

“Protective orders are still a very important and effective tool to help keep citizens safe. They’re never going to fully eliminate the threat,” Nance said. “The fact is the legislation of many criminal acts hasn’t done away with the crimes themselves.
Nance is living in a fantasy world and wants woman to buy the fantasy.


Regular Member
Mar 3, 2013
We need the resident fact folks ( stat people) on this topic. Out of the million epo's or restraining orders issued each year, in my opinion the percentages are very low
that a horrible incident like the one detailed by the op occurs. The murderer in this example possibly would have killed the victim with or without having a restraining order attached to his name. It is simply an isolated incident. Also do we know for certain if the victim was or was not the owner of a gun?


color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
We need the resident fact folks ( stat people) on this topic. Out of the million epo's or restraining orders issued each year, in my opinion the percentages are very low
that a horrible incident like the one detailed by the op occurs. The murderer in this example possibly would have killed the victim with or without having a restraining order attached to his name. It is simply an isolated incident. Also do we know for certain if the victim was or was not the owner of a gun?

Disagree. The police are not trained in the law at all. Many guys are arrested by police over a complaint of violation that did not even come close to being violated. Many woman use it as a tool of revenge. And I mean many. When woman are caught lying through their teeth they are not punished.

The system is rigged against men, period......

Firearms Iinstuctor

Regular Member
Jul 12, 2011
northern wis
Disagree. The police are not trained in the law at all. Many guys are arrested by police over a complaint of violation that did not even come close to being violated. Many woman use it as a tool of revenge. And I mean many. When woman are caught lying through their teeth they are not punished.

The system is rigged against men, period......

he chose to ignore it; he also broke the law by carrying a firearm as a convicted felon, said Wes Nance, Bedford County’s acting Commonwealth’s Attorney.

And what do the police have to do with this story


Regular Member
Mar 3, 2013
Disagree. The police are not trained in the law at all. Many guys are arrested by police over a complaint of violation that did not even come close to being violated. Many woman use it as a tool of revenge. And I mean many. When woman are caught lying through their teeth they are not punished.

The system is rigged against men, period......

I detect a bite of a misogynist in your post.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
I detect a bite of a misogynist in your post.

'fraid your perception is might be skewed CCJ from what appears accurate commentary from someone who is perhaps working in the DV arena and seeing the one sided injustices done a daily basis. it is disheartening to see and have to work around and no way to change it either.

CCJ, last time you had a major disagreement with your partner...which one in the discussion uses tears to win?



Regular Member
Mar 3, 2013
'fraid your perception is might be skewed CCJ from what appears accurate commentary from someone who is perhaps working in the DV arena and seeing the one sided injustices done a daily basis. it is disheartening to see and have to work around and no way to change it either.

CCJ, last time you had a major disagreement with your partner...which one in the discussion uses tears to win?


While not my partner by no means but I would assume word-salad (nightmare) cries plenty after losing disagreements with me and others here on OCDO...

I hear what you are saying, some RO are clearly bogus.. However we all know the courts systems are corrupt.


color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Originally Posted by color of law
Disagree. The police are not trained in the law at all. Many guys are arrested by police over a complaint of violation that did not even come close to being violated. Many woman use it as a tool of revenge. And I mean many. When woman are caught lying through their teeth they are not punished.

The system is rigged against men, period......
I detect a bite of a misogynist in your post.
Most would take your statement as an insult, but that would be a rule violation.
Been happily married to the same woman for over 41 years. Have one child who happens to be female and who, on a bad day, would out shoot you. Of course I'm biased towards my daughter's ability.

By the way, my statement is based on my many years of court observations and experience.

Legislatures pass these slanted statutes with good intentions, but the road to hell is paved with those good intentions.

Oh, your apology is accepted......


Regular Member
Mar 3, 2013
Most would take your statement as an insult, but that would be a rule violation.
Been happily married to the same woman for over 41 years. Have one child who happens to be female and who, on a bad day, would out shoot you. Of course I'm biased towards my daughter's ability.

By the way, my statement is based on my many years of court observations and experience.

Legislatures pass these slanted statutes with good intentions, but the road to hell is paved with those good intentions.

Oh, your apology is accepted......

Hi Color
Congratulations on your many years of marital bliss, my post was in no way suggesting that you hate the oppose sex however your post did infer that possibility, just as you infer that your Daughter could out shoot me without having any knowledge of my marksmanship with a hand gun or any other weapon. All conjecture aside, yes, woman appear to have the court in their corning concerning matters of DV, however how many men actually file DV complaints? Don't blame the players in the DV game, simply blame the game..

This issue seems to be another serious problem that even the best and brightest legal minds cannot fix. Should a man or woman have evil malice in their heart/mind towards another person, no court, no restraining order shall impede their intentions.

Your kind acceptance of my apology is appreciated.. Please be advised, no ill will was intended.
