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I voted, did you?


Regular Member
Oct 25, 2011
Eastpointe Michigan
I don't think I have to say how important this election is, if you have not voted yet, get your butt out there and do it!

And, I didn't even get a second look:IMG_1013.jpg

The vest was concealed though. ;)


Regular Member
Aug 10, 2010
SW Michigan
Yes, I most certainly did! And it cannot be considered a vote for Hillary in ANY way!
And of course I did not hide my holster and Springfield from anyone. No comments whatsoever.
Largest turnout I have ever seen at this polling site in the 42 years that I have been voting there!!
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Regular Member
Nov 5, 2013
Kalamazoo, MI
Hell yes. Carried my trusty sidearm into Kalamazoo's 13th (St. Joe Catholic Church) and filled out my ballot. No questions, no comments, no dirty looks even.


Regular Member
Mar 18, 2010
Roseville, Michigan, USA
Yes, I did. Went to my polling place -- in a school -- where I had to disarm prior to entering but where I wore my empty holster.

why did you have to disarm? no cpl?

OC'd while voting, no issues other than a silly no weapons per school policy sign I laughed at
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Regular Member
Jun 20, 2009
SE, Michigan, USA

Voter 765, Precinct 19, City of Farmington Hills, County of Oakland, State of Michigan, United States of America. I had no waiting in line at 2:48 PM.

Interesting Note: While in the ballot station, a poll worker lady said "Sir, You have a gun, you cannot have a gun in a school." I presented her with Michigan State Police Legal Update 86. She called the City Clerk who promptly told her that as long as I have a Concealed Pistol License and am carrying openly, then I am good to go. Since she called me "Sir" and was nice enough to hear my explanation of the law after voting, I have decided not to report her to the legal authorities.


Regular Member
Jul 1, 2014
Tomahawk and Abbotsford, Wi.
I voted absentee ballot yesterday, once I found out I would be gone overnight Tuesday. I'm about 60 miles north of St. Louis with an am delivery to the western edge on I-170. Normally, I would have driven in and slept onsite, but I think I'll be safer out in the farming country. I see some rioting or "exuberant" celebrations depending on who wins. Company has a no firearms policy, which I honor, but I must admit I thought about it. After I'm empty in the morning I have to head into Schaeffers Distribution on Barton st. Which is along the river about a mile south of the Arch, so I won't feel real good about it until I'm back over the river with E. St. Louis behind me.

I open carried into my polling place, which is City Hall as well where I OC when I pay my water bill, as well as other business. So, no big deal as they know if they see me I am armed. I suspect I might have gotten a look or two if I was there during voting hours, but most of the people in this small town probably have seen me around walking my dog while armed.
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Yes I OC'd while voting this morning. Quite a bit of a turnout for 9:30am. My sidearm was noticed and there was no muss, no fuss, no big deal. Exactly as it should be.

Have Gun - Will Carry

Regular Member
Oct 29, 2010
Kenosha County, Wisconsin
Yes, I did. Went to my polling place -- in a school -- where I had to disarm prior to entering but where I wore my empty holster.

why did you have to disarm? no cpl?

Because he lives in Virginia, and their laws are different from Michigan's... Most of us do not live in a state where one has the luxury of carrying into a school, like you do. In 45-48 states*, you'd be arrested for doing so!

* The only states I'm aware of are Michigan and Utah, but there might be one or two others - I'm at work now, so don't have time to look it up.


Regular Member
Jul 1, 2014
Tomahawk and Abbotsford, Wi.
Because he lives in Virginia, and their laws are different from Michigan's... Most of us do not live in a state where one has the luxury of carrying into a school, like you do. In 45-48 states*, you'd be arrested for doing so!

* The only states I'm aware of are Michigan and Utah, but there might be one or two others - I'm at work now, so don't have time to look it up.

My wife is a school District Administrator in Wisconsin, and I can't carry in the school! Our polling place was at City Hall, so not an issue. I can't even drive on school property unless encased and unloaded, legally. I've offered to provide security services for $1.00 a year, but she's not having any part of it. I have to be a little careful if I'm out and about and she wants me to bring her something. Across the road from the school is a park with no dogs, and no guns on school property, so I often walk down the street between. No issues so far. I have a safe bolted down in the back seat of my truck, would normally park on street or go back home first. Don't want to mess up her cash cow!
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New member
May 27, 2014
Polling places for me have been police departments, government centers, or churches. Pretty much hosed on carrying at all.

"I miss America"


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
My wife is a school District Administrator in Wisconsin, and I can't carry in the school! Our polling place was at City Hall, so not an issue. I can't even drive on school property unless encased and unloaded, legally. I've offered to provide security services for $1.00 a year, but she's not having any part of it. I have to be a little careful if I'm out and about and she wants me to bring her something. Across the road from the school is a park with no dogs, and no guns on school property, so I often walk down the street between. No issues so far. I have a safe bolted down in the back seat of my truck, would normally park on street or go back home first. Don't want to mess up her cash cow!

shared of course, so you both can live the American dream, in the lap of luxury, after you receive your gold watches...i'm envious :cool:



Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
It appears that my vote counted.

can't tell if mine counted yet...NC governor race in limbo....49% each and 2% for an independent...incumbent says he is forcing the election process to follow 'established' protocols and we won't know for another 10+ days...sigh!!



Founder's Club Member
Nov 15, 2006
Fairfax Co., VA
Did I Vote?

I voted; did you?


There is no person on earth I hate so much that I would actually vote to inflict government on them.

With that said, I cannot vilify the person who votes defensively. For example, someone who voted for Trump in order to prevent Hitlery. While I disagree with such defensive logic, I do understand it.

The people who would rule us depend on our agreement. The neocons and liberals hold us in contempt--yet they depend on our productivity. They need our agreement.

So, some time ago, I decided, "no!" I am done with your lies. I am done with your bizarre and irrational assertions that I indirectly consented to be governed by you. I am done with you: pretending to inflict yourself on fellow human beings while claiming to represent me--implying that I authorized you to inflict your disastrous regulations, economic policies, and laws on the decent fellow human beings with who I share this continent.

So, no. I didn't vote.

This next part is a pre-emptive comment--pre-emptive against those few who might say, "then you have no right to complain." You see, that comment has come up a few times before. So, I write now to undermine it before it occurs.

"Oh, really? Since I didn't vote, I have no right to complain? You think so? You haven't read the last clause of the First Amendment in a while, have you?"

The last clause of the First Amendment guarantees our pre-existing right to petition for redress of grievance. What is a grievance? A complaint.

I've looked over the Bill of Rights repeatedly for various reasons across the years. Of this I am very sure: there is no requirement to vote in order to enjoy any of the rights.

Moreover, women did not obtain the right to vote until the 1920's. A good fifty percent of the population "did not have a right to complain" according to the argument that if one does not vote, then he cannot complain. Same for the African-Americans who counted as only 3/5 of a person. Go ahead. If you still hold that I have no right to complain because I didn't vote, I dare you to imply that the slaves had no right to complain.

I have every right to treated as an equal. And, to complain when not treated as such.

I hold that there is no human being on earth enough better than me to rule me without my express individual consent. I certainly will not do it to others--by voting.

Who is enough better than you?
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OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation
There is no requirement for a citizen to vote to be qualified to seek a redress of wrongs perpetrated at the hands of the state. I vote to lend that one vote that may very well reduce/remove a state burden from my shoulders.

MO will have permitless CC 1 Jan 2017. Now, on to removing the prior restraints on where I may carry OC/CC. E-mails to my newly re-elected state/local reps on RSMo 571.030 prior restraints have been sent.