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Las Vegas carry?


New member
Oct 20, 2006
, Wyoming, USA
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I live in Wyoming. I plan on driving down to Vegas and staying for aweek with my family and will be carrying my sidearm. I open carry in Wyoming but also have a CCW.I cancarry concealed in Utah (reciprocity) but not in Nevada. We will be visiting the strip and staying in one of the major casino hotels.

My questions are, when crossing into Nevada do I have to lock up my handgun in the trunk? I would think this would follow "peacable journey laws" as I am only visiting. Is open carry of handguns allowed in Nevada and on the Vegas strip for non-residents?

I do carry folder knives and if not a gun,can I carry one of my folder knives as long as it it partially exposed by normal clip knife carry or can it be sheathed and onmy belt?

I have read where the laws are different in North Las Vegas. What part of the strip if any is in North Las Vegas? I have also heard something about a blue card for open carry. Would this apply to me if just visiting?

I have sent an e-mail to the Las Vegas Police Dept. asking more questions than the ones I've posted here and have not got any answers back...yet.

I have looked at laws and statutes but they are vague and don't really tell you exactly yes or no for out of staters on open carry, only concealed carry. I would think open carry would apply the same for me as a Nevada resident as does Wyoming with non-residents.

I need to make sure I'm completely within the law and still able to carry some form of weapon for personal protection while there. I would hate to tell my wife I want to cancel the trip because I cannot carry some form of protection.

I know I'm asking a lot but any help would be appreciated.


New member
Oct 25, 2006
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Hey there. New to the forum here. Can't help you about the pistol, but what I can tell you is that I went to Vegas a couple weeks ago and wore my leatherman in a leather sheath the whole time (except while hitting the Playboy Club, quite swanky by the way). I even asked the front desk at our hotel/casino (the Palms) about their rules re: knives and even the manager had no clue and said do what you want. They suggested I contact the police if I was concerned.I didn't bother.

In a nutshell, I wore it all week in plain view, bars included,and not a word was said.

The only "no guns" sign I saw was at the (damn, forget the name of it) - Vegas' version of the space needle; they had the sign as well as a metal detector. I put the knife in the little tote and sent it around the outside of the detector, collected it on the other side and put it back on. No probs.

Have fun in Vegas.


Regular Member
Oct 25, 2006
Pahrump, Nevada, USA
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By way of saying hello and first post I can tell you that OC is LEGAL in NV (Vegas) and as long as it is "In plain sight" visible, (ie. on Dash or seat) you can carry loaded in your car. This said, expect a LOT of attention in some places, (casino's, banks, etc.) some LEO's will be scared/on a power tripand treat your driving by with your .45 on the dash as a reason for a felony stop.. but most might simply encourage you to lock it up.

"Blue card" is for residents of clark county (or visitors over 24 hours). Nevada residents in any other county do not have to complete this step unless they want to spend time explaining to Metro officers that they don't LIVE in vegas they are just here with the gun at the moment... simple stop at any Metro location to REGISTER your piece and you can legally carry it (OPEN ONLY not concealed... need a NV CCW permit to carry hidden) anywhere you Damn please; cept Gov't Bldgs, Schools, or other wise prohibited by signage places (same old stuff there) Only time you get in REAL trouble is if you pull the piece without just cause.. sensible stuff.

As to North Las Vegas and BC, they DO NOT have peaceable transit allowances so if you venture north of say LV Blvd & Washington ave.'s you are getting close to "better keep it locked in the trunk". (not much on the "strip" north of there save for the Palomino club worth touring anyhow, IMNSHO)

I am a Native Vegas Boy and have been OC'ing off and on for around 20 years and I HAVE been hassled, "encouraged" to lock it up and certainly asked to leave some establishments... But I have also carried into several banks, stores, restaraunts, etc. with no more than a feeling that the Security Guard or clerk was watching me just a lil closer cause it was something outside the usual boring routine...Bottom line: as long as I am being a model citizen there is nothing ANY cop in Vegas can do if I prefer to keep my firearm on my hip...

If private business wants you and your gun to leave, do so nicely and spend your tourist bucks elsewhere.. Other than that have fun!



Regular Member
Aug 12, 2006
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I would like to clarify that you can legally keep a fully loaded concealed pistol in your car in Nevada. The gun must be off your person. LVMPD even goes so far as to recommend the gun remain concealed in the vehicle (to avoid theft).

Also, as others have said avoid North Las Vegas without having your pistol locked in the truck. North Las Vegas has blue colored street signs. You should also keep your pistol locked in the trunk if you visit Boulder City, or cross Hoover Dam.

To help prove that you're a good guy it is probably advisable to visit any metro station while in Clark County and register your pistol. There is a police station in Mesquite, Nevada right off the first I-15 freeway exit into Nevada. The current metro policy is to allow non-residents (who have been in town less than 24 hours) to have an unregistered pistol. However, I really think it goes a long way in metro's eyes if you register the pistol.

You can open carry in Nevada with the exception of North Las Vegas and Boulder City. However, it would not be advised to open carry in bigger casinos, or on the strip. Another nice thing to know is a gun in a gun case (that is obviously a gun case to a LEO) is not considered concealed.

As far as knives you can carry a typical folder with the clip exposed out your pocket. As long as any part of the knife is visible it is not considered concealed. I have also been told that as long as any part of your gun is visible it is not considered concealed... So "inside waste band holsters" are still considered open carry.

Also its good to know that "No Guns" signs do not have any force of the law in Nevada. You can be charged with trespassing if you refuse to leave after you have been asked.

Take my advise at your own risk. I'm not a lawyer.