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OC on motorcycle??


Regular Member
Mar 23, 2007
Woodbridge, Virginia, USA
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Kind of new to the OC thing. Still have yet to actually do it as i have no holster yet but am working on it... I was just wondering if there is anyone out there who OC's while out on their bikes.Maybe some rides are in order??


Regular Member
Feb 15, 2007
McLean, Virginia, USA
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i like this picture, its all over the forum. carrying something on your back with a sling is one way of open carrying.


Campaign Veteran
Jan 13, 2007
El Paso, TX (formerly Colorado Springs, CO)
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Well, I would OC on my MCif I could, but here in TX, I can't OC.Period.

I sometimes go to NM to visit family and with the warmer weather coming, do plan to take the bike up to Rio Rancho at least once in the next few months...could try it then.

Butmore often, I take the MC up to Las Cruces on some weekends (lots of other bikers from El Paso do, too)...didn't give any thought about OC-ing on those occasions though until now that you brought it up.

As long as one doesn't have to be a NM resident to OC, it should be okay for me to do as soon as I cross the state line.

-- John D.

P.S. Flowmaster...I wonder how many people were on their cell-phones calling the police after seeing that guy with the AK?


Regular Member
May 9, 2006
Berryville-ish, VA
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Rides in order? might be helpful if other's knew what part of the world you are located. I have OC'd while riding, no big deal. Make sure your holster has very good retention would be my only advice.


Regular Member
Mar 23, 2007
, ,
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re: the above bike pic

This would be illegal in Ohio, without a carry permit. Here, absent a permit, you have to transport a weapon in such a manner that the vehicle has to be exited so as to be able to load it. The action has to be open, or it has to be in a case, or in plain view, etc. Handgunsare supposed to be transported in the trunk or a locked case specifically - definitely no "arms reach" stuff. So, whereas this looks cool, take care as to what jurisdiction you try this in. I throw my stuff in the trunk for transport; I guess you would need some kind of lock box for the clips and ammoto open-carry a long gun on a bike in anything approaching this manner here.



Campaign Veteran
Jan 13, 2007
El Paso, TX (formerly Colorado Springs, CO)
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Lots of people apparently believe that getting a handgun safe -- and installing it between the two front seats of a car/SUV -- makes them prosecution-proof since the guns isdefinitely locked up but still, it's "within arm's reach" and THAT may make a difference in some states.And some models of safesopen very quickly which wouldn't help if someoverzealous cops, aDA or judge decided to prosecute/fine someone for the gun being "within arm's reach" despite being in the safe

Consequently, I plan to put my car safe in the SUV's cargo area, and there it's definitelynot "within arm's reach.

You sure do have to be careful...and50 states having differing gun transport laws doesn't help any. [Yes, I know about that federal law allowing transposrt interstate, but if you're traveling within a state, or have to stop/visit someonein a gun-unfriendly state, you have to deal with all sorts of different and usually conflicting gun laws]

As for the motorcycle guy with the AK, I don't know if you can do that in TX or NM.

-- John D.


Regular Member
Jun 17, 2006
Mechanicsville, Virginia, USA
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beradcee wrote:
Kind of new to the OC thing. Still have yet to actually do it as i have no holster yet but am working on it... I was just wondering if there is anyone out there who OC's while out on their bikes.Maybe some rides are in order??
I do (at least I use to). I use a CQC Serpa holster to keep the Glock secure.


Regular Member
Jun 17, 2006
Mechanicsville, Virginia, USA
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beradcee wrote:
I am actually looking at getting the CQC holster for my glock... How 'fail safe' is the release button?? ever had any problems with it??
I have never had an issue with the CQC. The release is adjustable for fine tuning and you have to press the release to get the gun out. I love it.


Founder's Club Member
Jun 15, 2006
Bryan, TX
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beradcee wrote:
Kind of new to the OC thing. Still have yet to actually do it as i have no holster yet but am working on it... I was just wondering if there is anyone out there who OC's while out on their bikes.Maybe some rides are in order??

We do. Did yesterday, to the meetup in Warrenton.

Of the eight people at the meetup, five of us arrived on bikes. That in itself was fun; two dressers and two sport bikes.

One of our members merchandises motorcycle gear and accessories. Perhaps we should have him market innovative carry methods?? I know my Honda Rebel limited me - on my person, because there was no where else on the bike to put it <grin>. My Gold Wing is a different story.


Regular Member
Nov 22, 2006
Show Me State
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I live im Missouri,and carry my P99 S&W in a Blackhawk drop down tactical holster when I ride my bike,a 2000 Buell,or whenI carry open.You can carry openly ,in most of Missouri,but I try to check out the cities where I am going to be riding ,or traveling,to see if there is a city ordinance prohibiting it.I have had a few stares and questions,especially when riding to a dealership,and going in to buy parts or help with a group ride.Most just assume Im law enforcement of some type or another,when asked I just say," Im not law enforcement,Im another"and may elaborate why I carry openly.The most important thing I have tried to do is,look and act professional,be polite,smile,hold my head up high,and act normal or as normal as I can be!I dont let it bother me that people may stare,or question it,I beleive most of them are just uminformed of what it is thay can or cannot do.


Regular Member
Jul 19, 2006
Farmington, New Mexico, USA
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I sometimes go to NM to visit family and with the warmer weather coming, do plan to take the bike up to Rio Rancho at least once in the next few months...could try it then.

Butmore often, I take the MC up to Las Cruces on some weekends (lots of other bikers from El Paso do, too)...didn't give any thought about OC-ing on those occasions though until now that you brought it up.

As long as one doesn't have to be a NM resident to OC, it should be okay for me to do as soon as I cross the state line.
You are perfectly OK to OC on your bike in NM whether you are a resident or not. Fact is, you can carry concealed on your bike if you want, whether or not you have a permit, resident or not. The onlt thing you have to watch out for are National monuments and parks and Indian reservations.

Your private means of conveyance is considered an extension of your home and there are ZERO restrictions on how you carry whether it is car, truck, motorcycle, bicycle, lawnmoweror horse.


Campaign Veteran
Jan 13, 2007
El Paso, TX (formerly Colorado Springs, CO)
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Yes, the average American is ignorant about an incredible number of things...OC-ing is only one of them. Even lots of gun owners are pretty ignorant.


Thanks for the info. But whenI get OFF and away from my bike, I'd better carry OC...since I do not have a NM CC permit.

No problem though...OC is fine with me. In fact, it is preferred.

-- John D.


Regular Member
Jul 19, 2006
Farmington, New Mexico, USA
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Yes, that is legal for sure although our attorney general has never defined what is loaded or unloaded. It's pretty much up the arresting officer. If he's a knowledgeable gunowner, he'll recognize that a semi-auto is unloaded if the chamber is empty whether or not the magazine is in the gun.

Utah has defined unloaded for handguns to mean that the gun has an empty chamber and it takes 2 mechanical movements to get a loaded cartridge in the firing position.


Campaign Veteran
Jan 13, 2007
El Paso, TX (formerly Colorado Springs, CO)
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Great...thanks for the small details. I thought the magazine in would be a problem.

After my car is paid off (5 years?!), I look forward to leaving West Texas (i.e., Mexico), probably even the state and live elsewhere. NM is one state on my list...the Los Alamos/White Rock area...except I sure would be even FARTHER away from surf fishing -- Texas Gulf Coast -- then! It's expensive enough to go there from where I am now with gas prices as they are (1600 miles minimum @ $3+ a gallon).

Anyway, I'd be looking atGold Star Open Carry States (NM, VA) to live in so I could just OC...may not ever get a CHL (for several reasons).

I expect TX --mainly through the efforts of the TCDL -- tomake OC legal within that time...Galveston would be nice surf-fishing wise and life on the water there, but I'm sure sooner or later serious hurricanes will visit. And of course, I wouldneed to get a fishing boat/boat slip/storage place...more serious monthly payments!

Decisions, decisions...:D


-- John D.


Regular Member
Apr 30, 2007
Whatcom County
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Desertscout wrote
Utah has defined unloaded for handguns to mean that the gun has an empty chamber and it takes 2 mechanical movements to get a loaded cartridge in the firing position.

So does that mean one mechanical movement is slide back and one is slide forward?