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KU Kernel publishes OpenCarry.org letter to editor


Site Co-Founder
May 13, 2006
Fairfax County, Virginia, USA
imported post


Weapons-free campuses disregard students' rights

The Kernel Editorial Board shoots blanks by writing that "UK is currently a deadly-weapons-free campus" in the Oct. 26 editorial "For safety's sake, campus gun ban should remain." UK's mere administrative gun ban lacks both campus-access screening and any criminal penalty for violation, rending the rule simply a feel-good effort to pretend that UK is a "deadly-weapons-free campus."

Like most states, it is not a crime for adult students or members of the general public to carry guns on state college campuses, either openly or, for those with permits, concealed. It's time for Kentucky and all other states to follow Utah's lead and clarify state law to preclude state colleges from administratively disciplining students for merely carrying guns legally.

Mike Stollenwerk
Co-founder of OpenCarry.org