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Carrying on tribal lands


Jul 3, 2008
, Connecticut, USA
imported post

I'm not talking about open carrying, just carrying at all. I can't, for the life of me, find anything on the CT website about carrying on tribal lands (i.e. the casinos and surrounding areas). I know they're almost considered their own little states within a state so does the permit still apply? And even if carry on thetribal lands is legal, is carry into the casino legal? I don't see why it wouldn't be, but with the way casino security is, who knows. I'd prefer to be armed when I'm walking around with hundreds of dollars in cash.


Regular Member
Nov 3, 2007
Branford, Connecticut, USA
imported post

I remember reading somewhere that you can do it, but they want you to contact state police about it beforehand. Not sure if this is the law, or just another "recommendation" where they try to make laws that aren't laws by recommendations.


State Researcher
Dec 3, 2007
, Vermont, USA
imported post

You MUST contact the individual reservation about carrying on their land. They can and do have different firearms laws than the state(s) they are in. Very few will allow you to carry in their land.