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Stopped by NPD Asst. Chief for OC. ALERT!


Regular Member
Jun 4, 2008
caldwell, Idaho, USA
imported post

My curiosity is if you were OCing, why did you even show him your maine permit?
your drivers license or your ID card is your OPEN CARRY PERMIT......

i cant stress enough to gun owners that they give up way too much information.
i would have showed my open carry permit (Drivers license).
then answered a few of his questions then asked if i could be on my way.
just remember that keeping your mouth shut is not the same as being deceptive or even less then truthful.


Regular Member
Dec 13, 2007
Eagle, Idaho, USA
imported post

Hiredgun30 wrote:
My curiosity is if you were OCing, why did you even show him your maine permit?
your drivers license or your ID card is your OPEN CARRY PERMIT.....
That may be true in other states, but in Idaho you aren't even required to show your license or ID card. You can OC without ID; the burden of proof is on THEM to prove your not old enough, the guns not legally owned, etc.


Regular Member
Jun 4, 2008
caldwell, Idaho, USA
imported post

my point was that showing a idaho drivers license or ID card would have been a better alternative, a maine permit has nothing to do with OCing in idaho.
ONLY that it is a form of Out of state identification.