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"One stop shop" for SCOTUS RTKBA cases


Founder's Club Member
Nov 15, 2006
Fairfax Co., VA
imported post

Comp-tech wrote:
Ran across this site and thought some might find it useful.....enjoy!


Good find!

The are more cases, too. There are now some 96 cases. For a comprehensive review of the first 92 see Supreme Court Gun Cases. One source is http://www.gunlaws.com.

The web link is free, though. The book is about $25 plus shipping.

Edited to add:

I see that my sales pitch is a little misleading.

Its not a comprehensive review of each and every one of the first 92 cases. Its a comprehensive listing in that it presents 92 cases. Some cases are excerpted down to only a page or two, while others are presented entirely.


Founder's Club Member
Nov 15, 2006
Fairfax Co., VA
imported post

Comp-tech wrote:
Thanks Citizen....I definately need to pick up a copy!

You're welcome.

I see that my sales pitch is a little misleading.

Its not a comprehensive review of each and every one of the first 92 cases. Its a comprehensive listing in that it presents 92 cases. Some cases areexcerpted down to only a page or two, while others are presented entirely.