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Anyone hear of Project FALCON?


State Researcher
Apr 10, 2007
, Alabama, USA
imported post

Project FALCON...Federal And Local Cops Organized Nationally

This is no joke... http://www.usmarshals.gov/falcon/index.html

Excerpt below from http://www.concordbridge.net/NSPD-51.htm ...also see http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article17190.htm

[align=justify]OPERATION FALCON: Practice Makes Perfect[/align] [align=justify][/align] [align=justify] But how would all those potential incompatibles, certainly tens of thousands and likely far more, find their way to an appropriate detention center? After all, the Bush administration has managed to prosecute only a handful of businesses for hiring illegal aliens who number in the millions. Its clearly a matter of priorities. So, despite such distractions as hurricane Katrina, the Justice Department has been conducting mass arrest exercises code named Operation Falcon
, (Federal and Local Cops Organized Nationally), whereby thousands of law enforcement officers from federal, state, county and local agencies arrested some 10,000 individuals within seven days, working from lists provided by the U.S. Marshall’s Service, all coordinated to commence across the country simultaneously. Since practice makes perfect, four mass arrest exercises have been conduced: Two national (Falcon I April 4-10, 2005 arresting 10,340; Falcon II April 17-23, 2006 arresting 9,037); and one “eastern half of the country” (Falcon III October 22-28, 2006 arresting 10,733).[/align] [align=justify][/align] [align=justify] The latest, Falcon IV (renamed Falcon 2007), continues narrowing the focus with regional exercises, such as Operation FALCON-Baltimore (February 2007, arresting 195)and Operation FALCON-Indianapolis (May 2007, arresting 283) as well as 27 other regional exercises (from July 8, 2007 to September 16, 2007), arresting a total 6,406 "fugitives", including "235 for not registering as sex offenders" and "300 documented gang members" making for excellent press. In fact, the main focus of Falcon 2007 was gang members and sex offenders, neither of whom were prepared to match the federal public relations effort, which includes raw video footage (more raw footage) passed to corporate media that shows police raids with positive commentary, no questions asked and no critics heard. What has not changed is the operational profile: federally prepared arrest lists, distributed to local, state, and federal police agencies, who arrest as many as possible within a week's time, usually starting before dawn on Sunday morning. [/align] [align=justify][/align] [align=justify] What can not be found among these data and reports is mention of any legitimate law enforcement purpose uniquely served by these coordinated, mass arrests, where little or no connection exists among the targets. According to the then Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales, “Operation FALCON is an excellent example of President Bush’s direction and the Justice Department’s dedication to deal both with the terrorist threat and traditional violent crime,” but failing to mention that none of the over 30,000 arrests was for a terror-related crime. While some arrested were serious criminals, most were of the non-responding warrantee, technical parole violator, and support payment delinquent sort, soon released. The important element here appears to be getting operational experience and, perhaps most critically, habituating state and local police agencies to conducting mass arrests from lists provided by the federal government. In the eastern regional Falcon III alone, 103 state agencies, 430 county sheriff's offices/departments and 482 police departments did just that according to the U.S. Marshals Service web site. At the current pace, perhaps Falcon 2007 was the last drill and then the real thing: Operation Falcon V (or Falcon 2008). Throughout history mass arrests are solely an instrument of political repression, just as they would be here.[/align]


Regular Member
Oct 10, 2007
Bend, Oregon, USA
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Interesting... There used to be much more detailed articles about both at wiki but one is gone and the other has been edited heavily.

Here is the jist for those unfamiliar:


Operation Cable Splicer

Operation Cable Splicer is a subprogram of the Rex 84 Program, which "was established on the reasoning that if a 'mass exodus' of illegal aliens crossed the Mexican/US border, they would be quickly rounded up and detained in detention centers by FEMA. Rex 84 allowed many military bases to be closed down and to be turned into prisons."

Operation Cable Splicer is "the program for an orderly takeover of the state and local governments by the federal government. FEMA is the executive arm of the coming police state and thus will head up all operations. The Presidential Executive Orders already listed on the Federal Register also are part of the legal framework for this operation."


And Gardenplot.


Operation Garden Plot is "the program to control the population."

"Operation Garden Plot is the code name for the use of coordinated military action in law enforcement at any time during a civil disturbance within the fifty states, District of Columbia, and possessions and territories The operation of the FBI's COINTELPRO Domestic Counter Intelligence Program, FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency, and JTTF Joint Terror Task Force, all give the government the authority to step in and immediately crush any civil disturbance or turmoil which might occur. Civil disturbances are defined as riots, acts of violence, insurrection, unlawful obstruction or assemblage, or other disorders prejudicial to public law and order."


So we're looking at mass roundups of "badguys" with FALCON 1 and 2, detention camps with Cablesplicer and martial law with Gardenplot.

I'm always reading between the lines in this stuff. Re: Cable splicer and, "'mass exodus' of illegal aliens crossed the Mexican/US border"... Do we not pretty much have this circumstance? Have any illegal aliens been rounded up and put in the detention camps that Halliburton has built over the last 8 years here in the US?


Regular Member
Jan 17, 2008
Tucson, Arizona, USA
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No NAU wrote:
I'm always reading between the lines in this stuff. Re: Cable splicer and, "'mass exodus' of illegal aliens crossed the Mexican/US border"... Do we not pretty much have this circumstance? Have any illegal aliens been rounded up and put in the detention camps that Halliburton has built over the last 8 years here in the US?

Unfortunately not.