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"No Guns" signs in stores/motels


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Dec 1, 2008
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While in Kansas a few weeks ago I saw many of these signs while in Wichita and Newton. I wrote to Days Inn about the sign and received this from the property manager in Newton...

"...it was not our decision to post the "No Guns allowed" sign.The City of Newton mandated all businesses to post the "No guns allowed" sign on all entrance doors. Infact, the City of Wichita also has the "no weapons allowed" sign posted on all public and private businesses. I am sorry that you found the sign to be offensive. If you need further clarification about the "No weapons allowed" sign postings feel free to contact the City of Newton..."

Is this accurate? Is there no preemption law in Kansas? Can cities mandate this sort of thing?

Here is a copy of the email I sent to Days Inn, btw...

"Kansas has a law allowing properly licenced individuals to carry self-protection weapons (concealed), the state also offers excellent hunting opportunities. That this property does not allow guests to bring their legally owned hunting and personal protection weapons into their rooms is ridiculous and offensive.

1) No one wants to leave their expensive hunting/self-defense weapons in their vehicle and subject to theft - The sign actually makes hunting vehicles in the parking lot targets for gun theft.

2) The sign is offensive, it does nothing to keep guests safe. In fact, quite the opposite.

3) The sign informs criminals that guests have been disarmed and are easy victims.

While I recognise the right of the property owner to make this policy decision I will exercise my right not to stay at this property again and to inform my friends andbusiness associatesof the situation there."


Regular Member
May 29, 2008
Manhattan, Kansas, USA
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No, Kansas has no preemption of firearms laws. Our governor killed the bill that would have allowed full preemption of all firearm laws. So cities can set their own rules, to a degree. They can restrict carry within buildings, but not on sidewalks, roads, etc. - it must be a building.

As for mandating businesses to put up the signs, I would imagine that depends on the city but it sounds wrong. Private property should not be required to put the signs up if they do not wish to do so, but IANAL so there may be something in Kansas that allows municipalities to regulate private businesses within their borders.


Regular Member
Aug 1, 2007
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Here is the thread:


I've read numerous times after new CCW state laws that local LEO in various cities, counties, etc. went throughout their jurisdictions heavily pushing no-ccw signs. And in some cases they acted like it was required. Nothing surprises me with the deep meat hooks the anti-gun agenda has brainwashed America into.


Regular Member
May 29, 2008
Manhattan, Kansas, USA
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It wouldn't surprise me, given how many idiots are running cities out here in KS. We've got enough idiots running things in this state that it's hard to call KS a midwest state at all.


Regular Member
Mar 6, 2008
Free, Colorado, USA
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No town can tell businesses to post 'no guns' signs. If the business caves and is a chain, contact the home office. It it's local, don't patronize it and let them know why. If the cops say it's required, they're full of shit. And trying to strongarm someone into posting is abuse of process and actionable. Letters to the editor seem like a good forum to make people aware of this in any given town.


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May 19, 2009
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Is there any news on this since December last year? Are the signs still posted all over Wichita and Newton prohibiting firearms inside business establishments?


New member
Jul 1, 2009
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There are many business in Wichita which do not prohibit concealed carry. There was an "assumption" when the law first passed that it was required, most likely a misdirection by anti-gun folks in or out of the administration. But since then, many signs have come down and a lot of places are open to CCW. I have even seen signs that express CCW folks are most welcome and to come on in.

Open carry is dicey here. LEO's are not well versed in jmy opinion and most likely you will be able to count on being stopped and questioned in not more. If you have the time and money to fight it, jump through legal hoops to get your gun back, etc... then the outcome would be interesting and a certain TV news story here in Wichita.


New member
May 19, 2009
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I wish I had that kind of time and money -- but I don't. I'll have to let someone else fight that battle.