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National City Bank near downtown

chris in va

Regular Member
Sep 5, 2008
Louisville KY, ,
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Long story short, the bank actually has a metal detector chamber in the entryway. I almost didn't catch the sign out front stating as such. They have it set up so you go in on a green light, one person at a time. I guess they've had their fair share of robberies. One of the metal frames outside looked like it had a bullet hole in it.

EDIT: Downtown Louisville.


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Apr 6, 2007
, ,
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Bank at Republic Bank. Not a one is posted, even their Ohio branch. I've never had a problem there.


Accomplished Advocate
Aug 17, 2006
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
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chris in va wrote:
Long story short, the bank actually has a metal detector chamber in the entryway. I almost didn't catch the sign out front stating as such...

EDIT: Downtown Louisville.
That metal detector doesn't equal a "no guns" sign - they just want to look over anyonewho sets off the detector.

I OCed into a similarly fittedNational City near my home, with my son (teenager) - was locked in temporarilyuntil theylooked me over. I was thenletin, no problemo.