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offer when buying a new taurus gun


Regular Member
Jul 2, 2009
owensboro, Kentucky, USA
imported post

just bought a new taurus pt 22 taurus, the dealer said he had

a something else for us,seems when you buy a ne taurus gun

any model,you get a free 1 yr membership in the nra,

so we filed out the form and a copy of sales reciept

and sent it in same day, but i have a question,

anyone know how long it takes to get the membership

pack back?


Regular Member
Oct 19, 2008
Fallon, Nevada, USA
imported post

stormchaser wrote:
just bought a new taurus pt 22 taurus, the dealer said he had

a something else for us,seems when you buy a ne taurus gun

any model,you get a free 1 yr membership in the nra,

so we filed out the form and a copy of sales reciept

and sent it in same day, but i have a question,

anyone know how long it takes to get the membership

pack back?
I do not know, but the NRA has had that promotion for a while, and you didn't need to by a taurus to get it.
