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"No Printing"??


Regular Member
Jul 21, 2008
Alexandria, Virginia, United States
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I keep reading about CC-only states where they have more or less strict "no-printing" rules (meaning that your firearm cannot give ANY evidence it is there such as a bulge, etc. ) What if an old lady slips and fallsand you bend to helpher andthe butt of your weapon "prints"? While I do NOT (as yall know) bash LEOs, there are some who just look for an excuse...

Here in Virginia, if I stuff a paddle holster into my waistband and wear a Hay-Waiian shirt over it, and a breeze lifts the @#$%rt and exposes the weapon, all it means is that I am temporarily OCing. Big deal. In Florida I am given to understand that circumstance could land you in very hot water.

Maybe this "no printing" BS is meant to keep gun-totin' males from exhibiting some kinda Miami Vice bravado. But blow-holes whowould goswaggering around with their firearms like the gun makes them King Crap of Poop Mountain only feel that way when they are the only ones going armed. When being armed is nothing "special", this behavior is much less attractive; since they are no different than anybody else then. And of course, they are much less of a threat, and quite a bit more easily neutralized.

The really odd thing is that being worried about a slight bulge in one's clothing can mark a CCer almost as fast as an OCer. Here in Virginia, we don't have to worry about it. Call it "casual carry" ; and that's the way it ought to be, nationwide.

Edit: The boldes censored part read "Shirt"! As in upper-body outer menswear! WTF?


Regular Member
Aug 10, 2008
People's County of Fairfax
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In Texas, the shape of the gun has to be visible. A bulge does not qualify.

I have no idea about other states. Either way, be somewhat proficient in carrying your gun and "concealed means concealed".


Regular Member
Oct 18, 2009
Oklahoma, USA
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In Oklahoma Concealed Carry Training class is where it is discussed in my state. It is not codified in the SDA handbook. But it is one of the state certified training requirements that is discussed. Right now, Drew Edmundsen is driving the policies and not that hardnosed OKC DA.

That said, as it was explained to me, the printing issue is at the LEO's discretion and if they feel that you are allowing the exposurepurposely or as inbrandishing, then you can be charged with 'illegal' carry which is a codified part of the Oklahoma SDA.

As each state is different, no one should take what I have said in this post as gospel, but also discussed by my instructor was the difference between metro and rural and how the attitudes could impact how we could be treated. Basically, ifit is obvious printing/flashing you can be charged, if it is inadvertant printing/flashing, you probably won't get more than an admonition.


Regular Member
Mar 2, 2009
Greensboro, North Carolina, USA
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I am glad that I don't have to worry about it in NC.:celebrate:celebrate

I say if you are in a CC only state, you make sure you know the laws and it is on your side. If you are in VA or NC, don't worry about it. I OC most of the time, but when I CC just put a loose shirt over an IWB holster. Nobody notices. Most people (including one LEO encounter) will not see it or will assume that it is your cell phone.


Regular Member
Aug 28, 2007
Windsor VA, ,
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With all the high tech toys carry around their waist it is a wonder that anyone could discern the bulge if it was a Blackberry or a grip of a pistol.

Jeff Hayes

Regular Member
Mar 10, 2009
Long gone
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ocgso wrote:
I am glad that I don't have to worry about it in NC.:celebrate:celebrate

I say if you are in a CC only state, you make sure you know the laws and it is on your side. If you are in VA or NC, don't worry about it. I OC most of the time, but when I CC just put a loose shirt over an IWB holster. Nobody notices. Most people (including one LEO encounter) will not see it or will assume that it is your cell phone.
Add Wa,ID, UT and a bunch of other states to the no worry list.One moment you can be CCing, the next moment youtakeoff your jacket and be OCingwithout having to worry about it. That is the way it should be everywhere.


Regular Member
Mar 2, 2009
Greensboro, North Carolina, USA
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+1 to that.

It is a shame that the idiots that write state laws don't understand that federal law trumps state law.

It is also a crying shame that so many people don't understand the simple phrase "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED"


Regular Member
Oct 25, 2008
Tinker AFB, ,
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It is a shame that the idiots that write state laws don't understand that federal law trumps state law.
Whoa. Hold on. I take issue with this. Federal law should not trump state law. There are only a small number of powers granted to the federal government, everything else is help by the People and states. 10-to-1 the federal laws on whatever subject is brought up shouldn't even exist.


Regular Member
Mar 2, 2009
Greensboro, North Carolina, USA
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I apologize, I refer to the constitution and the ammendments that follow it as "federal laws"

I will say that there are certain things that I wish were nationalized (like CCW reciprocity through federal government).

My two cents....


Regular Member
Aug 19, 2007
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SouthernBoy wrote:
thnycav wrote:
With all the high tech toys carry around their waist it is a wonder that anyone could discern the bulge if it was a Blackberry or a grip of a pistol.
Ain't that the truth.