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Bay Area group advocates open carry guns was ask to put his hand on his head by LEO.


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Jan 18, 2010
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I'm not sure if anyone see this clip. I come across this clip and want to share with everyone here.

Walter Stanley was in the middle of telling an ABC7 News crew about his public effort to exercise his legal right to openly carry an unloaded gun, when Livermore police came calling.


In CA, citizen can only OCing unloaded gun which mean the magazine in his gun must also be empty and no ammo shell in that mag.

Correct me if I'm Wrong, NC we can OC load magazine and load chamber correct?


Founder's Club Member
Nov 17, 2009
Greensboro, North Carolina, USA
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airwolf09 wrote:
I'm not sure if anyone see this clip. I come across this clip and want to share with everyone here.

Walter Stanley was in the middle of telling an ABC7 News crew about his public effort to exercise his legal right to openly carry an unloaded gun, when Livermore police came calling.


In CA, citizen can only OCing unloaded gun which mean the magazine in his gun must also be empty and no ammo shell in that mag.

Correct me if I'm Wrong, NC we can OC load magazine and load chamber correct?

Any time or place your are permitted to carry in North Carolina, openly or concealed, your gun can be ready to rock, meaning loaded and chambered.

California is just a strange land of gun laws and they're in a hell of a pickle over there regarding open carry. Often that is their only option (albeit it must be unloaded) as many of the LEA's refuse to issue concealed carry permits to common people.


Founder's Club Member
Nov 17, 2009
Greensboro, North Carolina, USA
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airwolf09 wrote:
thanks god I'm not live there with that crazy law....
Created because someone wasafraid that the Black Panthers would go on some kind of rampage and slaughter everyone. Obviously that never happened as they were just practicing their rights, especially one that was specifically enumerated in the California Penal Code.


Regular Member
Sep 23, 2009
Grennsboro NC
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airwolf09 wrote:
In CA, citizen can only OCing unloaded gun which mean the magazine in his gun must also be empty and no ammo shell in that mag.
Actually, that's not quite correct...

In CA, you can Open Carry, but the gun must be unloaded. If it's a revolver, that means no rounds in the cylinder. If it's a semiauto, that means no magazine in the gun. You CAN carry fully-loaded magazines on your person while OCing, you just can't have a mag in the gun.

As far as I know, MD and DC are the only jurisductions where a loaded mag constitutes a "loaded firearm".

California has it bad, but nowhere NEAR as bad as MD. They don't even try to play nice in MD--I actually heard an official rep of the MSP say in a General Assembly testimony last week that "the Second Amendment of the US Constitution does not apply in MD"...


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Jul 20, 2008
CONUS ~for now~
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Dreamer wrote:
airwolf09 wrote:
In CA, citizen can only OCing unloaded gun which mean the magazine in his gun must also be empty and no ammo shell in that mag.
Actually, that's not quite correct...

In CA, you can Open Carry, but the gun must be unloaded. If it's a revolver, that means no rounds in the cylinder. If it's a semiauto, that means no magazine in the gun. You CAN carry fully-loaded magazines on your person while OCing, you just can't have a mag in the gun.

As far as I know, MD and DC are the only jurisductions where a loaded mag constitutes a "loaded firearm".

California has it bad, but nowhere NEAR as bad as MD. They don't even try to play nice in MD--I actually heard an official rep of the MSP say in a General Assembly testimony last week that "the Second Amendment of the US Constitution does not apply in MD"...
Hmmmmmmm..after watching the video, it appears you're not quite correct either.....Mag in the gun was unloaded and the popo didn't have a problem with it, otherwise he would've been 'under' the jail, not in it....

Any cites on OC Cali??


Regular Member
Aug 25, 2009
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In California one may Open Carry an Unloaded Firearm while in Public.

Everyone can thank The Black Panthers for that, because; they Openly Carried Loaded Military-Grade Rifles in The State Capitol to protest Discrimination in California back in the 1960's.

Unloaded Open Carry in California is a Jim Crow Law, California-style.

However, California issues Permits for Concealed Loaded Carry in Counties with a Population of more than 200,000 Persons. These Permits, however, are 'may issue' Permits, not 'shall issue' Permits, so they are hard to get. In fact, if you are not wealthy, rich, or famous you probably do not qualify.

In Counties with Populations less than 200,000 Loaded Open Carry is Legal.

InCalifornia they [The Police] preform a 12031(e) Check, sometimes called 'e-checks' by Open Carry advocates. These 'e-checks' allow The Police to preform Searches and Seizures, without Warrants, against Open Carries, in Countieswith more than 200,000 Persons, to determine if the Firearm is Loaded or not. Needless to say, these so called 'e-checks' Violate the Fourth Amendment of The United States Constitution. However, The California Constitution has no equivalent toSecond Amendment to The United States Constitution. Therefore, under 'Bay-Area' Politics noRights have been Violated, because there is no Constitutional Firearm Protection in California.

In California the term 'Loaded' means that the Firearm is attached to its matching Ammunition in any way, shape, form, or fashion. That means: 1. In the Chamber,2. In the Receiver, or 3.Attached to Firearm itself (unless it can not be readily discharged). For example 3, aCase in California ruled that Shotgun Shells attached to the Butt-end of a Shotgun is not 'Loaded', per California Law. Hereagain, though, this Case orginated in a Rural Area (a County with less than 200,000 Persons in Population), not an Urban Area, of California.

Once one obtains a Permit, the flood gates swingopen, so to speak, but, until then, it is hard to Carry in California.

The only other States with no Constitutional Second Amendments are: 1. Iowa, 2. Maryland, 3. Minnesota, 4. New Jersey, 5. New York, and 6. Wisconsin.

Personally, I was surprised by Item 1, above. But for all of the other States named, I could have expected as much.


Regular Member
Jan 23, 2009
Va Beach, Occupied VA
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aadvark wrote:
However, California issues Permits for Concealed Loaded Carry in Counties with a Population of more than 200,000 Persons. These Permits, however, are 'may issue' Permits, not 'shall issue' Permits, so they are hard to get. In fact, if you are not wealthy, rich, or famous you probably do not qualify.

In Counties with Populations less than 200,000 Loaded Open Carry is Legal.
You don't happen to post on Dan Casey's 'blog at The Roanoke Times, do you?

This EXACT SAME ARGUMENT came up some weeks ago where one belligerent little shrew kept pontificating on the subject of conceal carry in Virginia and the California statutes came up, which she vehemently tried to discount.

She had no understanding of "may issue" vs "shall issue". It was quite all right, though. She applied flawed logic to many a topic. A real harpy.


Founder's Club Member
Nov 17, 2009
Greensboro, North Carolina, USA
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aadvark wrote:
Everyone can thank The Black Panthers for that, because; they Openly Carried Loaded Military-Grade Rifles in The State Capitol to protest Discrimination in California back in the 1960's.

Unloaded Open Carry in California is a Jim Crow Law, California-style.

I like to think of it as thanking scared politicians and a scared public for California's gun-law woes.


Jul 22, 2009
San Diego County, CA, California, USA
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tekshogun wrote:
aadvark wrote:
Everyone can thank The Black Panthers for that, because; they Openly Carried Loaded Military-Grade Rifles in The State Capitol to protest Discrimination in California back in the 1960's.

Unloaded Open Carry in California is a Jim Crow Law, California-style.

I like to think of it as thanking scared politicians and a scared public for California's gun-law woes.

Only scared because their violent criminal racism and treasonous war against law-abiding citizens was finally getting defended against.