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What do you carry on you


Regular Member
Jul 28, 2010
It depends. Cold temps, Glock26, warm or hot weather, 38. 2inch 5 shot, formal event, Walther PPK 380.


Regular Member
Dec 22, 2008
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Yes I did!!! I love doing business with them! I'm more familiar with Sam then I am with Dillon, but I love that place! Very nice guys, and other employee's as well!!! :D

Sams asome I drive up from claremont and do most of my shopping with them. Got my wifes Bersa 380 with laser grips and extra mag from them. I got my streamlight tlr-3/crimson trace laser grips for my M&P, Saber red for me and my wifes key chains,streamlight mirco stream with a CRTK m16 knife, and a Gun Tote'n Mamas handbag for my wife to carry her firearm. They know me well at Hollow.


Regular Member
Jul 21, 2010
Enfield NH
Sams asome I drive up from claremont and do most of my shopping with them. Got my wifes Bersa 380 with laser grips and extra mag from them. I got my streamlight tlr-3/crimson trace laser grips for my M&P, Saber red for me and my wifes key chains,streamlight mirco stream with a CRTK m16 knife, and a Gun Tote'n Mamas handbag for my wife to carry her firearm. They know me well at Hollow.

Did you sell the Bersa 380 back to them? My boyfriend just bought a used Bersa 380 with extra clip and CT laser on it, used but had never been fired. Sam said a guy bought it for his wife but she didn't like it. Heh, small world eh?


Regular Member
Dec 22, 2008
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Did you sell the Bersa 380 back to them? My boyfriend just bought a used Bersa 380 with extra clip and CT laser on it, used but had never been fired. Sam said a guy bought it for his wife but she didn't like it. Heh, small world eh?

Yup that would be hers I sold it back to them because she wants a pink gun. Seeing as how she works at Rugers she wants to get a pink LCP or a Taurus 738 TCP pink 380. Hope he likes it she never shot it still have all the ammo I got from same the day we got it. It's sitting in the gun safe still two boxes lol.


Regular Member
Jul 21, 2010
Enfield NH
Yup that would be hers I sold it back to them because she wants a pink gun. Seeing as how she works at Rugers she wants to get a pink LCP or a Taurus 738 TCP pink 380. Hope he likes it she never shot it still have all the ammo I got from same the day we got it. It's sitting in the gun safe still two boxes lol.

That is so hilarious!!! What a small world!!!! He LOVES that gun, has only had it for about 3 weeks now and has shot over 1000 rounds out of it haha.

Damn man, I'm stunned.

I wanted a pink LCP at first too, but I decided against it. It just looks to toyish and I have two children. I settled with the black LCP with the engraving on the slide. Such a beauty :)


Regular Member
Dec 22, 2008
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That is so hilarious!!! What a small world!!!! He LOVES that gun, has only had it for about 3 weeks now and has shot over 1000 rounds out of it haha.

Damn man, I'm stunned.

I wanted a pink LCP at first too, but I decided against it. It just looks to toyish and I have two children. I settled with the black LCP with the engraving on the slide. Such a beauty :)

LOL yeah the only thing I did with it was clean it and get as much of the packing grease out of the inside of the gun as I could. Yeah we have two kids as well (2 and 4) they know never to touch mommy or daddys guns when we have them on. Other then that they are keep locked in the safe and the ammo locked below in it's own safe. We have only had one problem with our kids and our firearms if you could call it that. My two year old walked into the bedroom one day when me and my wife had our guns out about to put them on. When my little one ask where is my gun daddy i don't have a gun lol could not stop laughing. You pick your LCP up when Sam had that LCP sale on a few months back?


Regular Member
Jul 21, 2010
Enfield NH
LOL yeah the only thing I did with it was clean it and get as much of the packing grease out of the inside of the gun as I could. Yeah we have two kids as well (2 and 4) they know never to touch mommy or daddys guns when we have them on. Other then that they are keep locked in the safe and the ammo locked below in it's own safe. We have only had one problem with our kids and our firearms if you could call it that. My two year old walked into the bedroom one day when me and my wife had our guns out about to put them on. When my little one ask where is my gun daddy i don't have a gun lol could not stop laughing. You pick your LCP up when Sam had that LCP sale on a few months back?

Aww, yeah we've had multiple convo's with my kids about the guns in the house. My almost 5 year old gets it, my 2 year old ehhh not so sure, but we will keep drilling it. We also have a safe, best way to go really.

No I picked up my LCP the same day my boyfriend bought the Bersa 380. That was 3 weeks ago now.... oh and guess what? Enfield PD FINALLY issued me my pistol license this morning :D


Regular Member
Dec 22, 2008
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Aww, yeah we've had multiple convo's with my kids about the guns in the house. My almost 5 year old gets it, my 2 year old ehhh not so sure, but we will keep drilling it. We also have a safe, best way to go really.

No I picked up my LCP the same day my boyfriend bought the Bersa 380. That was 3 weeks ago now.... oh and guess what? Enfield PD FINALLY issued me my pistol license this morning :D

Vary cool! Yeah Sam had a sale going on a few months ago on the LCP's so that's why I asked. He also has a few S&M J frames 38 specials for around 220( could be more cant remember off the top of my head). Looking to pick one of them up for my BUG ( back up gun) that or a TCP 380.


Regular Member
Jul 21, 2010
Enfield NH
Vary cool! Yeah Sam had a sale going on a few months ago on the LCP's so that's why I asked. He also has a few S&M J frames 38 specials for around 220( could be more cant remember off the top of my head). Looking to pick one of them up for my BUG ( back up gun) that or a TCP 380.

Nice! I'm a huge fan of Ruger tho :p Looking at getting a .22 next, whether pistol of rifle is still undecided. Maybe even the Ruger SR-22 heh.

Saw Sam today @ Hollow Point (buying ammo), told him you and I chatted on this forum lol. He got a kick out of it. I'll be back at Hollow Point on Friday to buy an ankle holster for when I go running.


Regular Member
Dec 22, 2008
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Nice! I'm a huge fan of Ruger tho :p Looking at getting a .22 next, whether pistol of rifle is still undecided. Maybe even the Ruger SR-22 heh.

Saw Sam today @ Hollow Point (buying ammo), told him you and I chatted on this forum lol. He got a kick out of it. I'll be back at Hollow Point on Friday to buy an ankle holster for when I go running.

LOL nice tell Sam I said Hi! I have not been able to get up to see them due to lack of funds. I try and stay away he almost always gets me in trouble I walk and and with out fail end up walking out with something I did not plan on buying leaving the wife none to happy. I may order a few guns from them a few months from now but right now I have been cut off so to speak LOL. I was looking at buying the Ruger SR556 but still thinking about because of the 1k plus price tag it has.


Regular Member
Jul 21, 2010
Enfield NH
LOL nice tell Sam I said Hi! I have not been able to get up to see them due to lack of funds. I try and stay away he almost always gets me in trouble I walk and and with out fail end up walking out with something I did not plan on buying leaving the wife none to happy. I may order a few guns from them a few months from now but right now I have been cut off so to speak LOL. I was looking at buying the Ruger SR556 but still thinking about because of the 1k plus price tag it has.

My boyfriend has the Ruger SR556, its siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick :) I love the new Ruger 10/22 too, might have to get one of those, boyfriend has the tactical version, very nice! I love Ruger!!!


New member
Apr 20, 2010
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Today i'm carrying a Harrington & Richardson, it's a top break five shot 32. My grandfather carried it as a service revolver when he was a police chief up in Maine.


Regular Member
Aug 13, 2010
Seacoast NH
S&W M&P.40c. every day except at work. Ruger LCP in hot weather in a cargo pocket.
Picking up a new Kimber Ultra covert II and hoping to make that my new carry piece after break in.
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Regular Member
May 22, 2010
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i got my eyes on a smith and wesson 40 sigma . a freind of my is getting rid of it so i might take him up on the offerr