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UK mulls over the possibility of new gun control laws after mass shooting


Regular Member
May 24, 2008
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
imported post


I quote,
"And Labour MP Chris Williamson said the government should not "rule out the possibility of the complete prohibition of private ownership of firearms as the best way of preventing fugure atrocities like this"

Right... People don't know how to use other weapons. Stripping people of the tools needed to defend themselves in modern society is a bad idea.


Regular Member
Jun 22, 2008
The south land
imported post

insane.kangaroo wrote:

I quote,
"And Labour MP Chris Williamson said the government should not "rule out the possibility of the complete prohibition of private ownership of firearms as the best way of preventing fugure atrocities like this"

Right... People don't know how to use other weapons. Stripping people of the tools needed to defend themselves in modern society is a bad idea.
can it be that there are no real men left in the United Kingdom? Are they all as spineless as this jellyfish of a politician?

What part of making it illegal for the citizens will not stop the CRIMINALS is he too stupid to understand?


Campaign Veteran
Jan 14, 2010
Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA
insane.kangaroo wrote: can it be that there are no real men left in the United Kingdom? Are they all as spineless as this jellyfish of a politician?

Apparently, or at least enough of them that this spineless jellyfish, er, politician remains in office.

What part of making it illegal for the citizens will not stop the CRIMINALS is he too stupid to understand?

Any and all of it, apparently.


Regular Member
Mar 5, 2010
Wet Side, WA
I come to the UK forum to look and post a little here and there. Lately, coming to the UK forum makes me sick to my stomach. These pothetic and tyrannical goverments (UK and Australia) have to be stopped or more innocent law abiding citizens will be murdered. I don't know were to start and help you guys. The wall is high and so very thick. Sorry for being somewhat discouraging. My own frustration is getting to me.


Campaign Veteran
Jan 14, 2010
Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA
I come to the UK forum to look and post a little here and there. Lately, coming to the UK forum makes me sick to my stomach. These pothetic and tyrannical goverments (UK and Australia) have to be stopped or more innocent law abiding citizens will be murdered. I don't know were to start and help you guys. The wall is high and so very thick. Sorry for being somewhat discouraging. My own frustration is getting to me.

I hear you, and you're right about the wall being thick. It's not nearly as thick as some of the anti-gun idiots running those countries, however.


State Researcher
Feb 20, 2007
Invisible Mode
Having guns available in a society, even where heavily restricted, means that every once in a while a Derrick Bird goes looney and goes on a shooting rampage, killing many innocent and helpless humans.

This is a cost of gun technology and liberty.

But there are many benefits to gun technology and liberty. The benefits probably outweigh the costs.

As for the UK men being spineless.....I think it rather the case that the entire culture is averse to war, brutality, and weapons. Ironic, since at one time the Great Britain was the undisputed superpower of the world--and used brutal force to achieve its imperialistic goals.
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Campaign Veteran
Aug 13, 2007
Fairfax County, Virginia
Having guns available in a society, even where heavily restricted, means that every once in a while a Derrick Bird goes looney and goes on a shooting rampage, killing many innocent and helpless humans.

This is a cost of gun technology and liberty.

But there are many benefits to gun technology and liberty. The benefits probably outweigh the costs.

I appreciate the validity of this intentionally simplistic analysis.

However, it occurs to me that there are a couple of additional notions which skew the analysis unavoidably in favor of liberty.

Simply, firearms are undoubtedly a convenient means of carrying out a rampage or mass murder. However, they are nothing more than just that: a means. They are not a cause for these homicidal actions.

Furthermore, there are other means to carry out these ends, means which are, it is true, significantly less convenient in a society which has access to firearms (the majority on Earth), but also not so significantly inconvenient as to effectually dissuade someone motivated to go to such drastic measures to achieve their psychotic goals. Even furthermore, other such means are even harder to control (bladed weapons, the components to manufacture explosives or certain chemical weapons), and some of them have the potential to be far more deadly than a gun rampage, should their convenience render these means the default choice.

For these reasons, it is doubtful whether even a drastically unfree society could prevent such occurrences, and it is doubtful that many Americans would wish to live under such overt control. Take a look at repeated knife massacres in China for an example of the former, and check out Singapore of an example of what might begin to approach being enough control to achieve these end. Singapore is far scarier than gun rampages, IMO.
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Regular Member
Aug 29, 2010
the cost of a society with no guns is terrible: mobs brutally murder individuals and smaller groups with fists, feet, rocks and sticks. Simply look at Egypt or any other unarmed society.