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"Secrets" - Cypress Point


Regular Member
Sep 5, 2009
Haymarket/Gainesville/Arlington/GMU , Virginia, US
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mrt6812 wrote:
wasn't it a cop who was carrying, drinking, and DRUNK that killed that guy outside of a bar? I think he shot 13 times and hit the man 7.


I highly doubt he had just one drink with a meal...
However, we are talking about the People's Fascist Republic. And I can say that after 20 years there. When I go back, I wonder and keep an eye out for people carrying. I dont care if it is legal or illegal. My old stomping grounds are a hop skip and a jump from the local detention center and Id rather someone not drink in public while carrying, even if it is within the limits of the law.


Regular Member
Jul 28, 2009
Yorktown, Virginia, USA
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zoom6zoom wrote:
I think the issue is that one's judgement and reactions are not diminished to the point of creating a potential for real danger.

I know that, you know that, he knows that. But it's the perceptions of Soccer Mom Sally that will make the papers.
I also remember a group of DEA agents getting wasted in a Hampton bar, kicked out, arguing with people in the parking lot and amongst themselves and then shooting a man in the chest as he was backing out of a parking spot.


Regular Member
Jan 23, 2009
Va Beach, Occupied VA
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nova wrote:
And you just crossed the line.
Wasn't talking to you.

I was talking to the yutz who thinks he can spot a potentially intoxicated patron who might get behind the wheel and confront that person on the grounds that he is carrying a firearm.



Regular Member
Aug 19, 2007
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wylde007 wrote:
nova wrote:
And you just crossed the line.
Wasn't talking to you.

I was talking to the yutz who thinks he can spot a potentially intoxicated patron who might get behind the wheel and confront that person on the grounds that he is carrying a firearm.

Yeah well now I'm talking to you. Lay off the personal attacks please.


Regular Member
Mar 11, 2010
, ,
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I'm not an Leo hater but I agree with the sentiments above. Some SOME Leo believe they are a better/higher cast then the rest of us.

Nova if you try to demand respect you are not going to get it...


Regular Member
Dec 28, 2009
King George, VA
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conhntr wrote:
if you try to demand respect you are not going to get it...
Found this to be particularly enlightening.

@Citizen: I've read posts whose authors say they would refuse to even sit among an OCer with a beer.
Originally Wylde was the only subject in my post and I wouldn't have any objection to buying his beer, so long as he bought mine :D.


Regular Member
Aug 19, 2007
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conhntr wrote:
I'm not an Leo hater but I agree with the sentiments above. Some SOME Leo believe they are a better/higher cast then the rest of us.

Nova if you try to demand respect you are not going to get it...
I said please, what more do you want? I simply said he crossed the line when he called someone he's never even met, a thug with a badge. Where's the respect in that?


ps I recommend everyone here read the rules, paying special attention to #5.






Regular Member
Apr 23, 2009
Newport News, Virginia, USA
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mrt6812 wrote:
wasn't it a cop who was carrying, drinking, and DRUNK that killed that guy outside of a bar? I think he shot 13 times and hit the man 7.


I highly doubt he had just one drink with a meal...

Did the bar even HAVE a food concession? Was the kitchen even OPEN? I can't remember the last time I saw anyone eating in a nightclub in Maryland. Some places serve food until @ 9 or 10 pm... So much for ONE drink per HOUR while eating... HA!

13 rounds expended, 7 hits = lousy shot & needs to go to PRISON. Excessive use of force. Lets not throw the baby out with the bath water. ONE bad cop doesn't mean the whole "kit & kaboodle" is bad. Sheesh...


Regular Member
Jan 23, 2009
Va Beach, Occupied VA
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nova wrote:
Yeah well now I'm talking to you. Lay off the personal attacks please.
It's not a "personal" attack when he evinces the traits of an overzealous, self-righteous member of the enforcer class. It's calling a spade a spade.

Read through his comments and see if you can see where his logic train ran off the tracks.

He said he would take my wearing of a sidearm and drinking a beer as an invitation to confront me about my personal choices and how they would affect him. Then he goes on to say that his admonishment would extend to concern for his own safety when he got in a car to drive home because I had a drink with my meal and rode my motorcycle.

It doesn't strike you as alarmist, interventionist or even pompous for him to criticize someone he doesn't know simply because I am lawfully armed?

He is not worthy of your defense.


Regular Member
Mar 18, 2009
Alexandria, Virginia, USA
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I think novacop that you should not be confronting anyone who is acting legally. I personally have had 1 beer with dinner while open carrying, and see nothing wrong with this. If someone doesn't like it, thats too damn bad. If you feel uncomfortable, you are free to leave. If the management doesn't like it that is within their right.

I have often not agreed with wylde, but here I am with him 100%. A cop confronting people for legal behavior is way over the line. Do that to me and I will be filing a formal complaint against you. If someone is drunk, ok, but otherwise but the hell out.


Founder's Club Member
Nov 15, 2006
Fairfax Co., VA
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wylde007 wrote:
nova wrote:
Yeah well now I'm talking to you. Lay off the personal attacks please.
SNIP...self-righteous member
Not to get between NoVA and Wylde, but this the word I had in mind for LEO229/NovaCop10's verbal attack on the OP.


Founder's Club Member
Nov 15, 2006
Fairfax Co., VA
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Jonesy wrote:
Citizen wrote:
wylde007 wrote:
nova wrote:
Yeah well now I'm talking to you. Lay off the personal attacks please.
SNIP...self-righteous member
Not to get between NoVA and Wylde, but this the word I had in mind for LEO229/NovaCop10's verbal attack on the OP.
Is novacop10 LEO229?
I'm not 100% certain, but I very strongly suspect so.

Some of the attitudes are similar, which is not saying much. But, the argument style is very similar if not identical--evasion, evasion, evasion.

Also, no other cop on the forum has such striking similarities. Even JohnnyLaw, who seemed the next most statist in attitude did not make such obvious evasions when argued against.

Also, ask yourself how manyactive cops are likely to spend so much time on such a gun rights forum. Even very pro-liberty Cato doesn't spend so much time on the forum. This is a forum dedicated toopen carry. Ask yourself why any active cop would frequent such a forum. Then ask yourself, "what are the odds two cops from NoVA would frequent such a forum?" Then add in the argument styles.

Not conclusive, of course. But,I strongly suspect they are one-and-the-same.


Regular Member
Aug 19, 2007
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Citizen wrote:
wylde007 wrote:
nova wrote:
Yeah well now I'm talking to you. Lay off the personal attacks please.
SNIP...self-righteous member
Not to get between NoVA and Wylde, but this the word I had in mind for LEO229/NovaCop10's verbal attack on the OP.
Nah it's ok I'm not taking sides in this matter and don't want to get involved (which is why I deleted my post before which is now just "nevermind") I was just reminding people that this forum has rules that should be followed. I think its good to have a LEO on the site, it gives us a (sometimes) differing opinion, something that you won't get unless you go over to another "LE oriented" site where you'll get responses you might not like from certain members. It also gives us the opportunity to learn how things are done from the LEO's perspective. I won't defend a LEO who crosses the line like the ones at Tony's 7 or any others that harass OCers. But I won't lump all LEOs in with the bad ones. There are more "good" officers than not, just as there are more "good" gun carriers than "bad" (think the TN guy with the AK Pistol looking for an incident).


New member
Jun 12, 2010
Yorktown / Richmond, Virginia, USA
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I couldn't agree more. If you’re going to drink leave the gun at home Image Image. As far as driving having a beer or two ok have a beer or two, just leave the gun at home. I don't drink at all and I would have to agree, I would have approached yousaid I agree with the OC or CC but I do not approve of drinking with the gun on ones hip. Mine would have been on my hip as well and I would have been soper. Not too long ago a few feds got into trouble in Hampton when a brawl went outside and the parties exchanged gun fire. This is only my op and I know everyone has one but I wouldn't mind it at all if they said OC or CC and drinking was a felony. For that matter I wouldn’t mind drinking and driving becoming a felony. Get a cab, ride a bus, I for one have lost too many friends to drunks. Guess that is why I quit drinking 30 years ago. Please don’t give the anti’s any more ammo. They have enough. I wish you the best.


Regular Member
Sep 12, 2007
Newport News, Virginia, USA
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I own a townhouse about six blocks from there. That IS NOT a really safe place for some school teachers to be blowing off steam.

One would definately want to be armed at night in that neighborhood.

As for the beer, who am I to say. Is one beer really worse than three cups of coffee in the impairment game? Probably depends on the person.

If they had been so rude to me, I would have simply left. Let them eat your tab.

Live Free or Die,



Regular Member
Aug 19, 2007
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Might as well add my opinion too. I don't think it projects a good image for OCers. Besides that, I think a better argument against drinking while carrying is the same reason as driving. Even if you're under the legal limit, if you were to ever need to use your firearm for self defense, the alcohol just complicates matters, just as if you got into an accident, and are not at fault, your having consumed alcohol will be recorded and might complicate things if the person at fault decides to make life harder for you.

I won't tell someone they can't drink while OC. All I ask is that they think about it. :)

peter nap

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 16, 2007
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Citizen wrote:
Jonesy wrote:
Citizen wrote:
wylde007 wrote:
nova wrote:
Yeah well now I'm talking to you. Lay off the personal attacks please.
I'm not 100% certain, but I very strongly suspect so.

Some of the attitudes are similar, which is not saying much. But, the argument style is very similar if not identical--evasion, evasion, evasion.

Also, no other cop on the forum has such striking similarities. Even JohnnyLaw, who seemed the next most statist in attitude did not make such obvious evasions when argued against.

Also, ask yourself how manyactive cops are likely to spend so much time on such a gun rights forum. Even very pro-liberty Cato doesn't spend so much time on the forum. This is a forum dedicated toopen carry. Ask yourself why any active cop would frequent such a forum. Then ask yourself, "what are the odds two cops from NoVA would frequent such a forum?" Then add in the argument styles.

Not conclusive, of course. But,I strongly suspect they are one-and-the-same.
I don't think so. I had Novacop lose his temper in PM. I was never able to get 229 to do that.

He is on Safari just like 229 though.
Why does anyone engage him. Just ignore him and he'll go eat some doughnuts or something.

Trolls like attention.


Regular Member
Apr 23, 2009
Newport News, Virginia, USA
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My $.02 worth: I believe every man should know his limitations. Wylde is a big boy and obviously old enough to make big boy decisions. If he is comfortable having a beer with dinner, then more power to him! I am of the Libertarian persuasion with a military background: I decide that I will not drink. I quit drinking in 1995 (by choice, cold turkey). If someone else feels the need to drink, then have at it. its his business and no one elses UNLESS it DOES effect someone else. UNTIL THEN, LEAVE HIM THE HECK ALONE!

I may or may not like your point of view or your habits, but I am willing (and have been for a very long time)to give up my life to defend your rights.

I'm very sorry for you folks that don't have as professional of an LE organization or Sheriff as we have in York County... You poor bastages... :cool:


Regular Member
Mar 18, 2009
Alexandria, Virginia, USA
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I am just amazed at some of you who say they will confront someone for doing what is perfectly legal. Maybe go about your business and leave them the heck alone. And the damn preaching in this makes me wanna barf.