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Oakland Press Article


Regular Member
Mar 17, 2010
Pontiac, Michigan, USA
OP article

IM up north in hillman mi and i got my name in paper again lol. It was a good article finally they did something good. TY for your kind words. This is the 2nd article they have done on OC and probally wont be the last.
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The Expert

Regular Member
May 25, 2010
Taylor, Michigan, USA
Good article.

One thing that has finally come clear to me is that I'm completely sick of hearing about Open Carry being compared to the "wild west".

I bet every one of these people that makes said comparison think that they are both "original" and "deep". Like they were the first one to draw a connection and that that the image carried in the minds of the populace concerning the "wild west" is based in at least as much fact as fiction. (which it's not)



Mar 25, 2010
Waterford, Michigan, USA
expert I agree but the liberals get it from somewhere
perhaps it is the name of a gun school for oakland county
wild west academy
ran by the dumbest person to instruct a class!


Michigan Moderator
Jun 20, 2008
Hudsonville , Michigan, USA
Good article.

One thing that has finally come clear to me is that I'm completely sick of hearing about Open Carry being compared to the "wild west".

I bet every one of these people that makes said comparison think that they are both "original" and "deep". Like they were the first one to draw a connection and that that the image carried in the minds of the populace concerning the "wild west" is based in at least as much fact as fiction. (which it's not)


Thinking that by "Wild West" people are referring to indiscriminate shootings and large numbers of people killed by gunfire, the "Wild West" could easily be applied to places where people are barred from being able to adequately defend themselves... like Chicago and Washington D.C. (BTW, the "Wild West" was much safer than the cities listed here)
So, what we are really trying to do is remove the modern-day "Wild West" from society.
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